Top 12 Alliances


I mean if they're getting rid of some players and replacing them with better players that wouldn't really make them an MRA. Don't MRA's just recruit whoever? I don't see how improving your alliance makes you an MRA.


Most of the top alliances are groups from other worlds. & most are previous winners in those worlds.

Interesting. I'll checkout Intel and see if any of my old comrades are here and grouped up.


Do you read before you speak ? I didn't call you guys and MRA you halfwit.
From the Forum Rules:
Personal insults are not allowed anywhere in this forum, including reputation and private messages.
Merriam-Webster-half–wit: a foolish or stupid person. Personal Attack?


Nah I call Ovo an idiot, personal attack is more a joke about messing around with someone's daughter (sorry Dub) or being prejudiced against gays (some people are just rude Smilo, it's ok buddy).


Nah I call Ovo an idiot, personal attack is more a joke about messing around with someone's daughter (sorry Dub) or being prejudiced against gays (some people are just rude Smilo, it's ok buddy).

Ya, IK, I'm just looking for something to get him off the forums


I love this. There's people who sportingly trash talk. And then there's Ovoking who has some sort of grudge/inferiority complex related to us and just spews out lies and hatred for no really good reason.

Mofo: We will get Charl back for denying our love. ;)

Disclaimer: Charl isn't actually prejudiced just an inside joke.


15 Dont Taze Me Bro --> Sink

Ouch! And Mr. Pants thinks so too!


I love this. There's people who sportingly trash talk. And then there's Ovoking who has some sort of grudge/inferiority complex related to us and just spews out lies and hatred for no really good reason.

He is just always completely obsessed with the #1 alliance on the world... Envenom on Taras, Triad on Zancle, and you guys here...


Keep em coming. Bond, you're flat out garbage, I'm not.obsessed with Envenom and haven't even talked about them so your knowledge on that subject is at 0. I was in Triad and of course I'm going to want to be with them even after they rimmed me for trading gold. Yet they rimmed you first so you can't talk about that either. As for Inked Up, I'm not obsessed with them. I'm not at all worried about them, I just have Intel on them and this is the Top 12 thread so you can go bother someone else with your stupidity. Mofo, you're a complete insult to any alliance you join and I hope you get the help you need. TSF, I dont have a grudge against you guys, besides maybe 1 player which I will rim. I'm not spewing lies either, I just know what goes on. Jacksegs1, it isn't a personal insult, its a fact. PW14, your post just shows that its too complicated for you to understand.

Goodbye now, noobs..


Yeah I'm garbage, which is probably why I get offers from the best alliances on almost each world I go in to join them o.o And a lot of people respect me, unlike you, who nearly everyone hates, because of your attitude and huge ego.

Atleast I am not afraid of a challenge, I am still waiting for you to accept the one I gave you on the Taras forums, but you are to chicken to do so.

As for obsession with Top alliances...

EN82 Taras Forums
EN83 Zancle

Almost each and every post by you is about Envenom or Triad respectively (and dont bother denying anything, everyone knows you are in fact Goldlemur).

Edit: Really? Get a life? I am not the one with 100+ posts within a week of joining these forums.


You challenged me ? Lol, I could've sworn I remember directly saying. "Come to o54 and stop hiding behind Envenom" where you responded with " I dont have time to come over there".

FYi, a lot of people respect me, I'm just a troll on the forums, simple as that. If people didn't respect me then I wouldn't have an alliance. You only get invited because you're a forum warrior, ingame your a noob. Plus you became friends with Charl when you first joined, in which at the time he had his own alliance where you got to meet all these other players who also made alliances and invited you. None of which has to do with your skill level.

Its easy to get strong off of inactives and internals.
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Very star studded, lets just see how long Inked Up lasts. Btw, where's your alliance at ? I could've sworn you didn't join because nobody wanted to pick you up, yet all the top alliances want you though huh.


I didn't bother applying for a Top alliance since I am not gonna play this world seriously. I am here mainly for the gold trading.

Oh and I am in the #8 alliance, Ocean 54.


You just made a claim that we were an MRA while claiming that you never claimed we were an MRA. I'm not even sure you know what's going on in your head, let alone our leadership's.

Why are you insulting people?

There's nothing complicated about this. You're acting like a tool and apparently have an issue with one player you feel is bad. Which in your mind = all of us are bad or something. If you want my advice, just let it go man. You're not making any friends and your alliance doesn't look like its up to the task of fending off every single team attacking it. Just don't make them suffer because you can't stop picking fights.

Edit: How did we even get roped up into an arguing point against Bond? LOL.

I get it now! Lemur is actually contractually obligated to mention us. You see, Whitey pays him big money to name drop us in every argument. We're like the New York Jets. Any publicity is good publicity.
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If people didn't respect me then I wouldn't have an alliance.


You have an alliance? Ooohhh... my bad... didn't see you guys way... way... way down there in the rankings. Usually I just look at the alliances that have a shot at effecting the world in the beginning :p

Mofo, you're a complete insult to any alliance you join and I hope you get the help you need.

And how do you figure that? You're always running your mouth. I can tell you why you suck at Grep, you don't know when to shut up, you lose cities constantly, you've been rimmed multiple times, no one likes you, you don't have good stats on any world you've played, and you're just a noob in general.

Come on nub, let's hear your reasoning on why I'm so bad.


You challenged me ? Lol, I could've sworn I remember directly saying. "Come to o54 and stop hiding behind Envenom" where you responded with " I dont have time to come over there".

FYi, a lot of people respect me, I'm just a troll on the forums, simple as that. If people didn't respect me then I wouldn't have an alliance. You only get invited because you're a forum warrior, ingame your a noob. Plus you became friends with Charl when you first joined, in which at the time he had his own alliance where you got to meet all these other players who also made alliances and invited you. None of which has to do with your skill level.

Its easy to get strong off of inactives and internals.

Just FYI - I originally joined your alliance with the intention of ruining it, but after being there for 20 minutes I realized it didn't need my helped being ruined. The sad thing is that you actually seem eager enough to be able to learn some beneficial things about this game if you ever were willing to admit that 1) you just aren't a good player 2) you just aren't a good leader and 3) there are much better players and/or leaders that would be willing to teach you if you stopped thinking you were 1 and 2. You're a mouth, that's all.