Top 12 Alliances


I already knew your intentions poopking, it was too obvious. I could've sworn you said the reasoning you left was because you said we didn't have a lot of points. For someone who pretended to be a noob, you sure could've fooled me.


Its useless trying to reason with External Posers

Yeah I noticed, people have been trying with you for awhile now.

If you already knew this, why did he get to join in the first place? Jesus dude, you raise more questions for every answer you give. This isn't a damn episode of Lost.


I was planning to use him, to attract other players on his island to join. As soon as BP hit I was going to kick him.


....You do know that is the stupidest idea ever in this day and age right?


I already knew your intentions poopking, it was too obvious. I could've sworn you said the reasoning you left was because you said we didn't have a lot of points. For someone who pretended to be a noob, you sure could've fooled me.

So... I'm so good that I couldn't convince you I was bad? I think that might be the closest thing to a compliment Lemur has ever paid anyone on these forums.


I knew this would come in handy.



What else could I do with him ? He kept bugging me with, "How can I ever learn if nobody will give me a chance" .. Like he was really making progress. Also, the fact that Inked Up had denied using spies. Yet sent a spy to my alliance, just goes to show what type of alliance is being run. Also TSF, you kept accusing me of calling your players bad and the alliance itself. Its not that at all, its just certain players :)

I knew this would come in handy.


Anybody else catch the stupidity in this comment.
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To be fair, Inked Up didn't send me anywhere. I did that one on my own because I think you're an irrationally arrogant dimwit who needed to be put in his place. Upon being in your alliance and seeing how you actually function as a leader, I quickly realized that nature will put you in your place far better then I ever could - so I may as well just play with my friends instead (really? "recruit good players using grepointel" was one of his "plans").

Most people with big egos can at least stand up against some stats. You sir, are simply an anomaly of Grepolis. I would have loved to have seen you try to rim me. I still would love to see it. My guess is the closest you'll ever get is a bunch of spam and some minus rep on the externals.


Honestly poopking, what is it that you could've done. You weren't getting any rights and you definitely weren't going to stay for long after I get tired of you. How were you going to destroy the alliance ? Through pep talk ?


Also TSF, you kept accusing me of calling your players bad and the alliance itself. Its not that at all, its just certain players :)

You do realize this is a contradiction right? "Nah I don't call players bad! Just certain ones"

As for sending spies, the guys went where he wanted and joined us after. Why would we send a guy nobody trusted to spy on you? I think we could do better. But keep telling yourself what you want.
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Your changing my words and.. Nobody trusts him, yet you invited him. I smell an MRA


Your changing my words and.. Nobody trusts him, yet you invited him. I smell an MRA

LOL. Yup, we just recruit everybody. I mean, it's not like we rejected 20 applications before the world even opened, right?


I know this is none of my buisness but OVOKING messaged me wanting to merge into his alliance...


Your changing my words and.. Nobody trusts him, yet you invited him. I smell an MRA

I think you're confused, that's what you're doing. I'm just quoting what you're saying. Well we know him, we just can't control where he was going. He told us he was going to you guys. I don't think the words "don't do that" really matter much when someone wants to do something. :)


You didn't quote me, you changed my words. One word can make a whole difference. Hannibal, I offered you guys a merge because it looked like you were incapable of leading. Seeing at the time on Day 2 of the world you were still under 10k points. Even when your alliance was a premade. My bad.


You didn't quote me, you changed my words. One word can make a whole difference. Hannibal, I offered you guys a merge because it looked like you were incapable of leading. Seeing at the time on Day 2 of the world you were still under 10k points. Even when your alliance was a premade. My bad.

Well you can take a look at us now and before you say it we are not an MRA...also the reason we are spread out is because I never really expected to last in an ocean like 55 so we decided to move south. But your right me and my alliance have no idea on what we are doing.


I never said that.

You guys should be the "Masters of Word Changing"


What else could I do with him ? He kept bugging me with, "How can I ever learn if nobody will give me a chance" .. Like he was really making progress. Also, the fact that Inked Up had denied using spies. Yet sent a spy to my alliance, just goes to show what type of alliance is being run. Also TSF, you kept accusing me of calling your players bad and the alliance itself. Its not that at all, its just certain players :)

Anybody else catch the stupidity in this comment.

The complete quote untouched just like when I quoted and replied last time. I even bolded and underlined what you said. What you basically said is that you aren't calling our players bad, just certain players in our alliance bad. Hannibal, merge into anyone BUT this guy. He will get you all rimmed.