I got this rather thoughtful message from my founder today.. and thought I would share it with you... it explains the recent disbandment of LTEI from a unique perspective...
At approximately 16:00 today I will be disbanding Libera Te Ex Inferis.
I've thought about it long and hard (that's what she said), and in light of the events of this morning's departures of people whom I formerly trusted, I don't see another option.
My goal was and still is to be an honorable leader and do what is best for the people I recruited. The best I can do is hope that each of you will find himself in an alliance that's actually worth playing for.
I want to thank each and every one of you who has stood here and wanted to help this alliance stay on top of the world. Unfortunately, that didn't actually happen. Please know that when you are in an alliance you are part of a TEAM. YOU have to contribute and help make things better. YOU have to communicate in the good times and the bad, and YOU are responsible for helping the alliance sink or swim. If there's a problem, don't run away. Voice your opinions and help make things better! Please remember this when you join your next alliances.
If you choose to leave before I disband the alliance, there will be no hard feelings and I wish you all the best! Hopefully, in time, you will all belong to alliances that are able to stand up to The Evil Empire and it's cronies.
true to Juggs word - i find myself alone and alliance-less
other than the cofounder and leader who defected from LTEI (which I see as a betrayl of trust and dishonor) and triggered this collapse - I can understand and accept this.