Ah yes. If the MRA is doing it, then it must be worth doing.
Did I say the cities were taken because "an MRA is doing it"?
so an enemy alliance can join our core islands freely?
Nope. Nice try though.
I'd point you to times when that has failed, but I dont want you to get all huffed up over going off topic..
I believe we all appreciate your concern. Staying on topic is, after all, to the benefit of all external goers in general.
Like I said.. I was just pointing out your actions.. not really condoning it.. though I'd think it would get quite boring after a while.
Did I say you condoned our actions?
Are you implying..... Because, if you are, I would love to hear why. Please elaborate on this.
Nope. I literally asked if you were, and if so, "why"? A question which I still feel you have not
entirely answered.
Do you condone our actions in this matter? If so, why?
If not, then I sincerely appreciate your concern for our levels of boredom.
Didnt say that would be the reason you guys would sink. All I said, was that it must be nice to be able to float along. Because lets face it, that is what you guys are doing.
Nor did I say that you said it was. Again, I was simply asking if you thought we should disregard those cities and why.
Though, now I am concerned that you know of some reason that we will, in fact, sink.
If so, why?
If not, then you should check your definition of "float" because our ABP doesn't exactly represent a "just" floating alliance in my opinion but, I could be wrong....
Though I do find it odd that you guys would be tops in DBP and not really retaliating against anyone in particular.
On the other hand, perhaps not.
Just because we aren't Nap'd with all our neighbors but a single alliance allowing us to retaliate against "...one in particular" can be interpreted many ways. Including "odd". Though, I personally feel that choice is a bit more honorable than "odd". Once again, I could be wrong. I am human after all. Just like you were "wrong" to put words in my mouth instead of quoting me. But on a good note, at least you managed to get on topic again at the end of your post. Two in a row, Ollie. You're on a roll!
Edit: Just trying to make that popcorn worth the cook time. Pass it this way will ya?