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Poor baby girl, guess you feel pretty stupid right about now thinking dreadnaught was into you. loving the giddy gif hiding face thinking a guy liked you then to a shrug. don't care my a$$

Still LMFAO!!!!!
Just joking around mate lol wouldn't date her for real. Called fun


Poor baby girl, guess you feel pretty stupid right about now thinking dreadnaught was into you. loving the giddy gif hiding face thinking a guy liked you then to a shrug. don't care my a$$

Still LMFAO!!!!!

LOL, Bless her. He flattered the socks off her while everyone was hating on her! Was bound to hurt if it turned out he's just been playing her. dreadnaught you wan't to join a Discord chat?

I'm in love with that chick. She's fun bubbly strong and just a flame. Not sure if she saw my post about how I described her eyes. I do think she's pretty awesome though...would for real take her out on a date wine and dine her, Seen her address I'm not to far, some nice romantic parks there nice little picnic spot strawberry's and wine..

Just joking around mate lol wouldn't date her for real. Called fun

i not care whatever ha blah blah
that's how you needed lay it out rocking. lol


lmao!! she's thirsty for romance. little romance and she's anyone's. tbf.. dreadnaught has been at that since the start so boom that's a blow. dreadnaught share her DMs ? she thirsty?
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Senior Citizen
You muppets need to shut up, Don't associate me with your sick actions. Natalia I would one hundred percent date the pants off you, you're fit AF,,Total Gucci.. live an hours drive from me and don't care what people think (similar to myself lol) We even got photos of us in the same bar pmsl... fate! simply said "wouldn't date her for real" because you're out my league. You saw me in the pics lol not a pretty boy..You're just really really attractive body and personality..DGAF what you do for work. my lady if you wanna hook up I'm seriously down! single and ready to mingle!! and anything in my DM will never be shown to anyone I don't do that childish stuff so don't stress over these fools, all that kinky dirty stuff you sent me is locked down! bad joke.. I've been on maneuvers today so had no way to get in. But I've not played you at all and hope you're ok. like I said forget these fools come run away with me. To much? cringe is my super power lol. Can you add me back to DMs now goof... I'm back home at the weekend just thought would slip that in.. Will send you my number. Is Exit go kill me or something? I mean he got his wife, I should be allowed to have a shot at getting mine. Also don't care about the personal stuff. you're perfect.

And debbi what the hell! it's me! not go hurt her lol. ;)


You muppets need to shut up, Don't associate me with your sick actions. Natalia I would one hundred percent date the pants off you, you're fit AF,,Total Gucci.. live an hours drive from me and don't care what people think (similar to myself lol) We even got photos of us in the same bar pmsl... fate! simply said "wouldn't date her for real" because you're out my league. You saw me in the pics lol not a pretty boy..You're just really really attractive body and personality..DGAF what you do for work. my lady if you wanna hook up I'm seriously down! single and ready to mingle!! and anything in my DM will never be shown to anyone I don't do that childish stuff so don't stress over these fools, all that kinky dirty stuff you sent me is locked down! bad joke.. I've been on maneuvers today so had no way to get in. But I've not played you at all and hope you're ok. like I said forget these fools come run away with me. To much? cringe is my super power lol. Can you add me back to DMs now goof... I'm back home at the weekend just thought would slip that in.. Will send you my number. Is Exit go kill me or something? I mean he got his wife, I should be allowed to have a shot at getting mine. Also don't care about the personal stuff. you're perfect.

And debbi what the hell! it's me! not go hurt her lol. ;)


Senior Citizen
You are going to die when she see's this. lol
Yeh imagine she go be doing her "wtf" at me

Go one hundred percent get a date with her! lol Basically neighbors

Don't care what people think of her, she's really cool and doesn't deserve the hate she gets in here and now she thinks because of idiots I was involved. If I have to make a prat out myself to show I'm not involved and that I'm "into her" I dgaf lol 99% in here are divs. Rather it be me making a fool out myself trying chase her and getting some digs, than these toxic idiots abusing her so fu$k it. Don't know any here so doesn't mean that much what people think of me and at the end I could be taking a smoking hot Russian goddess to McDonald's so win win :cool:
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Senior Citizen
You muppets need to shut up, Don't associate me with your sick actions. Natalia I would one hundred percent date the pants off you, you're fit AF,,Total Gucci.. live an hours drive from me and don't care what people think (similar to myself lol) We even got photos of us in the same bar pmsl... fate! simply said "wouldn't date her for real" because you're out my league. You saw me in the pics lol not a pretty boy..You're just really really attractive body and personality..DGAF what you do for work. my lady if you wanna hook up I'm seriously down! single and ready to mingle!! and anything in my DM will never be shown to anyone I don't do that childish stuff so don't stress over these fools, all that kinky dirty stuff you sent me is locked down! bad joke.. I've been on maneuvers today so had no way to get in. But I've not played you at all and hope you're ok. like I said forget these fools come run away with me. To much? cringe is my super power lol. Can you add me back to DMs now goof... I'm back home at the weekend just thought would slip that in.. Will send you my number. Is Exit go kill me or something? I mean he got his wife, I should be allowed to have a shot at getting mine. Also don't care about the personal stuff. you're perfect.

And debbi what the hell! it's me! not go hurt her lol. ;)
what did i just read?


Senior Citizen

#thankyouthough #nowstfu
Good morning gorgeous. You're most welcome sweet cheeks...Thanks for adding me back, So work out what you fancy doing this weekend and send me a text. Don't over think it. TBH think I embarrass you because you're not used to someone been open about how they feel towards you, probably most like to keep it secret and only takers, You don't seem to get much love, which a lady like you really deserves. Don't wiggle against it just relax and accept it. You don't have to give love out and not receive it back. I'm willing to show you that this weekend if you choose to accept. As you say "wink wink" lol

what did i just read?
That's me smashing down her defences. Might be bad ass in game but behind that she's just a fantastic lady that needs some love. Wont lie all the hate she get's in here and probably some due to RL has made her defensive and uncomfortable if someone's showing her positive attention, but I will get there. Go have some cool weekends with this woman. :cool:



So what would happen if I told him you think "he's cute" Nat? Your both very close together in locations and know your both Messaging each other, Summers on it's way forget this game, Go have some fun.


Dreadnaught we thought you was OG before but you're a complete pus! why TF you want go out with a hoe!? Good luck with the Infections you go catch. Think I'm gunna go look her nudes or something like hundreds of other guys. back laterz

rocking sort this guy out needs head checking total simp

nat- got hashtag for you #dirtyingamedirtyinlife

Still this ripped her lol dread you went from hero to 0 in 2 posts
he's subbed to her onlyfans.. sadly he's a lost cause now. Just another sparrow simp! we've lost our hero, sad times

But yeh he destroyed her for a short time with that post, If he meant to or not it's immaterial still hit her at the time, could tell how she stopped replying, swapped to liking the posts lmao, She was hurting bad real bad!, thought he played her and was go leaking some more personal sh!t when she liked him,,, is he cute Natalia? lmao you'll need find us a new hero now. RIP dreadgenought simp


i is 17 has fun


hashtag back at youuuu #fastestdeletingofcontentever #jailbait :oops:

No way 17 look mid - late 20s for start and loads know you and your age, loads sub you ffs! ya sit there chatting em dumb b!tch, know one is go fall for that so try again. but A for effort. probably making your next vid right now #buzzzzzzz #tingletime #squirt
go taste yourself!!
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No way 17 look mid - late 20s for start and loads know you and your age, loads sub you ffs! ya sit there chatting em dumb b!tch, know one is go fall for that so try again. but A for effort. probably making your next vid right now #buzzzzzzz #tingletime #squirt
go taste yourself!!

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