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Did I or did I not post in the forums my intended departure?

Did I or did I not attempt to coordinate a timed ghosting so that Our Mob and Old and New players could secure my cities without risk of losing any they wanted to secure?

Did I or did I not post explicit instructions about the hand off?

Did I or did I not identify 3 players out of 70 in the combined group who I wouldn’t hand cities off to?

Did I or did I not spell out the consequences if one of those 3 players attempted to take one of the cities?

And in fact didn’t one of those 3 players make a move on one of the cities, despite knowing the consequences to his 69 teammates who could actually respecting a departing players wishes and follow instructions?

The game is full of dirtbags like DeadHair. The game is full of adults acting like children. The game is full of people who take pleasure in causing chaos and misery. I am sorry you suffered because of my utter lack of patience for it, but at the end of the day, you have a choice whether or not you wish to play with those kinds of players. I made a choice not to play with them. You have made a different choice.

The irony is that you and others will rage and direct the blame at me for this temporary inconvenience, yet day after day you will play with the guy who ruined yesterday for you, and you will put your heads in the sand and refuse to recognize how his selfishness and disregard will continue to hurt you long after me and my cities are gone.

And anyways, who cares at all? Why the forum tears? The world is over and completely non-competitive. Want some free advice? Get out while you can. SURELY you have better things to do with your life than play 116? Right? Your life doesn’t suck that bad that 116 is actually worthy of your time? Oh god, really sorry for you if it is.
As an adult it is crazy one can act like a child... naming your cities for the red was low... you know that... grow a pair. I agree as a old player TBD is stupid as a premade (ruins the game) but quitting is cowardness. Play the game (without golding im looking at you TBD) and dont rename your cities for the enemy. I will keep in mind the kind of player u are.


@ anyone in TBD i say this, after quite a few drinks I may add, is dominating fun? In all seriousnesss. Reminds me of cheating videe games as a kid, takes the point out of it. We can all agree yall win probs win world, but is it worth it. As a returning player it is sad to see the game run by credit cards and premades. Just my 2 cents, would love an opposite opionion for yall reasoning


As a returning player it is sad to see the game run by credit cards and premades. Just my 2 cents, would love an opposite opionion for yall reasoning
Premades are fine, don't see why it's an issue. People are more inclined to play with those they're familiar with and can depend on. Especially in a game where it's easy to find someone off at 3am that doesn't respond to alarms or messages. Why bother dealing with that when you have a team you know you can communicate with? Have never played revolt and never will but can recognize names in TBD that are solid.

As for the credit cards you're talking about, welcome to Grep in 2023. Either you're actually good at the game and can time, which in itself is an issue it seems these days because people who are garbage will just accuse you for botting or you're using your lack of skill by golding which when you're faced with a legitimate team, can only take you so far.


Senior Citizen
This aged poorly lol. Riddle me this though... what's worse than quitting....
Did I or did I not post in the forums my intended departure?

Did I or did I not attempt to coordinate a timed ghosting so that Our Mob and Old and New players could secure my cities without risk of losing any they wanted to secure?

Did I or did I not post explicit instructions about the hand off?

Did I or did I not identify 3 players out of 70 in the combined group who I wouldn’t hand cities off to?

Did I or did I not spell out the consequences if one of those 3 players attempted to take one of the cities?

And in fact didn’t one of those 3 players make a move on one of the cities, despite knowing the consequences to his 69 teammates who could actually respecting a departing players wishes and follow instructions?

The game is full of dirtbags like DeadHair. The game is full of adults acting like children. The game is full of people who take pleasure in causing chaos and misery. I am sorry you suffered because of my utter lack of patience for it, but at the end of the day, you have a choice whether or not you wish to play with those kinds of players. I made a choice not to play with them. You have made a different choice.

The irony is that you and others will rage and direct the blame at me for this temporary inconvenience, yet day after day you will play with the guy who ruined yesterday for you, and you will put your heads in the sand and refuse to recognize how his selfishness and disregard will continue to hurt you long after me and my cities are gone.

And anyways, who cares at all? Why the forum tears? The world is over and completely non-competitive. Want some free advice? Get out while you can. SURELY you have better things to do with your life than play 116? Right? Your life doesn’t suck that bad that 116 is actually worthy of your time? Oh god, really sorry for you if it is.


Premades are fine, don't see why it's an issue. People are more inclined to play with those they're familiar with and can depend on. Especially in a game where it's easy to find someone off at 3am that doesn't respond to alarms or messages. Why bother dealing with that when you have a team you know you can communicate with? Have never played revolt and never will but can recognize names in TBD that are solid.

As for the credit cards you're talking about, welcome to Grep in 2023. Either you're actually good at the game and can time, which in itself is an issue it seems these days because people who are garbage will just accuse you for botting or you're using your lack of skill by golding which when you're faced with a legitimate team, can only take you so far.
At what point does the game lose its enjoyment when a team dominates? I get everyone wants to play with who they are familar with but there really are not enough active players to stir up competition. Seems to me its very onesided.


My team always ends #3 or 4 rank but #1 in D and 2 in over all fighter. We don't consider that being Dominated. Teo 3/4 our cities were barely out side Dom circle. I won't complain about Gold as I use it but say how other then if you gold land locked cat nukes...... LOL