Rate your MRA!



He's being to nice too her, personally think he's a full on simp. lmao.. him and debbi should hook up
Irony is funny
Did I miss something or didn’t we already establish that you are utterly humorless? You’re as funny as a pedophile teaching Sunday school. You’re not a horse, but the bartender still asks why the long face when you walk into a bar. You’re the comedic equivalent of Eeyore. CJH stands for Cat Jokes in Hell.

Oh yeah, and you’re an unscrupulous frontrunner, of course.

How long are you going to hang from my nuts like a stubborn dingleberry?
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Same simp. Multiple accounts.
Excuse me? Because I find this hilarious that makes me a simp? Was an amazing insult but lacking in originality. For a start I’m a straight female with no interest to simp for Belle. I’m just loving the power she has here and find it entertaining how men like yourself, dimak, boothead and all the others struggle with it. You will adjust to modern day I’m sure.
Excuse me? Because I find this hilarious that makes me a simp? Was an amazing insult but lacking in originality. For a start I’m a straight female with no interest to simp for Belle. I’m just loving the power she has here and find it entertaining how men like yourself, dimak, boothead and all the others struggle with it. You will adjust to modern day I’m sure.

No, you come across as a simp for several reasons, chief among them your reductionist view of the objections concerning Natalia expressed in this discussion.

I am certainly not “threatened” by Natalia or women generally, and no reasonable interpretation of my comments in this discussion would suggest that. While a minority of other posters’ comments might be construed to be about the “power” of her sexuality, off the top of my head and without going back to review the posting history, I can think of at least 3 or 4 other legitimate issues posters expressed about Natalia that cannot be fairly characterized as being related to her wielding sexual “power” over men.

If you weren’t stupid, a lazy thinker, uneducated, irresponsible, bigoted, biased, and/or a troll, you would recognize the complexity of the discussion.

Instead, you are likely guilty of at least one of the above regrettable negative qualities and personality flaws, and you’re shooting your metaphorical mouth off making silly assumptions that are, to put it politely, non-responsive to the discussion, and betraying if nothing else your own personal problems and hang ups with the male gender, and likely a self-destructive preoccupation with chauvinism, too.

Hence, a simp.
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No, you come across as a simp for several reasons, chief among them your reductionist view of the objections concerning Natalia expressed in this discussion.

I am certainly not “threatened” by Natalia or women generally, and no reasonable interpretation of my comments in this discussion would suggest that. While a minority of other posters’ comments might be construed to be about the “power” of her sexuality, off the top of my head and without going back to review the posting history, I can think of at least 3 or 4 other legitimate issues posters expressed about Natalia that cannot be fairly characterized as being related to her wielding sexual “power” over men.

If you weren’t stupid, a lazy thinker, uneducated, irresponsible, bigoted, biased, and/or a troll, you would recognize the complexity of the discussion.

Instead, you are likely guilty of at least one of the above regrettable negative qualities and personality flaws, and you’re shooting your metaphorical mouth off making silly assumptions that are, to put it politely, non-responsive to the discussion, and betraying if nothing else your own personal problems and hang ups with the male gender, and likely a self-destructive preoccupation with chauvinism, too.

Hence, a simp.
Again hilarious lol I’m really finding this situation fun you’re so clearly threatened by her.


Again hilarious lol I’m really finding this situation fun you’re so clearly threatened by her.
So basically you’re saying Belle has no intelligence or skill regarding Grepolis and her power is only due too her exposing herself? You’re actually insulting females rofl obviously she’s got power in that regard because she’s hot as f*$k! 90% of females wouldn’t do what she does due too the fact they don’t have the looks too darling, it’s nothing too do with confidence it’s just genetics lmao I’m all for women embracing the freedom too get kinky but not in a game like this, it’s not fair too men or women! It’s not a battle of the sex’s so stop trying too take it down that path, if men pay too play with her in external sites and she’s making money from that “power too her” but you trying to justify it in a game is messed up! Where’s it end? Soon women will be swiping there p***y too pay for their shopping, not a very empowering picture more degrading too women tbh. She’s got her website for the sexual power let women use things like this game for their intellectual power? I’m also a big supporter of free the nip! Rofl
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Senior Citizen
Did I miss something or didn’t we already establish that you are utterly humorless? You’re as funny as a pedophile teaching Sunday school. You’re not a horse, but the bartender still asks why the long face when you walk into a bar. You’re the comedic equivalent of Eeyore. CJH stands for Cat Jokes in Hell.

Oh yeah, and you’re an unscrupulous frontrunner, of course.

How long are you going to hang from my nuts like a stubborn dingleberry?
resorting to name calling. further proof that I am right.


So basically you’re saying Belle has no intelligence or skill regarding Grepolis and her power is only due too her exposing herself? You’re actually insulting females rofl obviously she’s got power in that regard because she’s hot as f*$k! 90% of females wouldn’t do what she does due too the fact they don’t have the looks too darling, it’s nothing too do with confidence it’s just genetics lmao I’m all for women embracing the freedom too get kinky but not in a game like this, it’s not fair too men or women! It’s not a battle of the sex’s so stop trying too take it down that path, if men pay too play with her in external sites and she’s making money from that “power too her” but you trying to justify it in a game is messed up! Where’s it end? Soon women will be swiping there p***y too pay for their shopping, not a very empowering picture more degrading too women tbh. She’s got her website for the sexual power let women use things like this game for their intellectual power? I’m also a big supporter of free the nip! Rofl
Sorry but where did I mention getting kinky in game? That’s the whole point! She’s tried quite a few times if you wasn’t lazy “as megal calls it” and look back through the threads! She’s constantly tried to avoid sexual comments, and as for been played the only person I’ve seen getting played was Belle. Yet again hilarious, that weak little men are terrified of her and trying absolutely anything to slander her name as nothing more than “she’s a whore” based only on what she does in real life. Also believe I read from someone who played with her they witnessed no sexual activity with her. Clear as day you’re remarks are fuelled by hate of what she is in rl. Grow up


What are you chatting on about woman! Like you said go bk and read the posts. I’ve not dis Belles real life at all I’ve supported it! “News flash” too you men like too see hot girls why tf would I be dissing her lmao. If a hot woman walks past me on a beach in a bikini I’m checking that a** out. Would I sub no because there’s free sites and I’m low on funds lol. I do not dis belles real life I thank her for sharing with people tbf half the population now rely on these girls just too know what a woman looks like due too the internet era and games like this keeping them indoors and away from actual rl social activity. Some people might be horribly disabled can’t get a girl too look at them but pretty sure girls like Belle won’t discriminate and runs a strict pay too play policy, probably offers the girlfriend experience rofl
So don’t start doing too me what you’re accusing others doing too Belle when we’re not. My dis is if she is doing this in game too take advantage nothing else! My evidence is show me a man that can get near 1 million bp per day. I understand her gold and yeah how she buys it whether from her coochie or brain or both is no one’s business, that’s just on inno letting the rich buy wins, but the men and women she turns into simps using her “power” is bad play? Said from the start too belle herself if I disagree I will speak up.


What are you chatting on about woman! Like you said go bk and read the posts. I’ve not dis Belles real life at all I’ve supported it! “News flash” too you men like too see hot girls why tf would I be dissing her lmao. If a hot woman walks past me on a beach in a bikini I’m checking that a** out. Would I sub no because there’s free sites and I’m low on funds lol. I do not dis belles real life I thank her for sharing with people tbf half the population now rely on these girls just too know what a woman looks like due too the internet era and games like this keeping them indoors and away from actual rl social activity. Some people might be horribly disabled can’t get a girl too look at them but pretty sure girls like Belle won’t discriminate and runs a strict pay too play policy, probably offers the girlfriend experience rofl
So don’t start doing too me what you’re accusing others doing too Belle when we’re not. My dis is if she is doing this in game too take advantage nothing else! My evidence is show me a man that can get near 1 million bp per day. I understand her gold and yeah how she buys it whether from her coochie or brain or both is no one’s business, that’s just on inno letting the rich buy wins, but the men and women she turns into simps using her “power” is bad play? Said from the start too belle herself if I disagree I will speak up.
Lol sparrow and the kids


Don’t get your knickers in a twist. Nobody is saying anyone has beat anyone yet. The world is months away from the end game and I haven’t heard any fat lady singing yet.

My point is that there’s very little upside for the heavy favorite to publicly show up the underdog, and lots of potential for embarrassment. The premade is supposed to beat up on a world full of “MRAs”, right? Nobody remembers all the Olympic gold medals the Soviets won in hockey, but the Miracle on Ice team is legendary.

A piece of advice - act like you’ve been there before. A veteran champ knows how fast the tables can turn in this game, and they know better than to shoot their mouths off prematurely. A player that’s been there before also has nothing to prove and certainly has no need to make players feel bad about being a part of an “MRA.” You and a couple of others in here from TBD seem like this is the first time you guys have ever been on a successful team before. Don’t blow it!

Oh, but you’re going to respond that you’re a real pro and you’ve won worlds before and you are just trying to Make the Forums Fun Again, yada yada yada. Fine. Then do it. Please be actually entertaining.

Characterizing someone’s alliance as an “MRA” is the most tired put down in all of Grepolis. It’s also a relic of a version of the game that doesn’t really exist anymore, an antiquated notion that has little application in US servers where the community is so small that everyone knows everyone and have all played together at one time or another. Be better!

But again, gloating in the forums about beating up on the underdogs tends not to age well. Proceed with caution. TBD has lost to “MRAs” before… I should know. I led one of them.
This aged poorly lol. Riddle me this though... what's worse than quitting....


I think ghosting without telling your alliance could be worse. At least you guys got some of his cities
This convo is so off topic. I'm obnoxious and even I think it's gone too far. I'll enjoy my summer VM and see ya'll on the battle field in the future.
This aged poorly lol. Riddle me this though... what's worse than quitting....

Did I or did I not post in the forums my intended departure?

Did I or did I not attempt to coordinate a timed ghosting so that Our Mob and Old and New players could secure my cities without risk of losing any they wanted to secure?

Did I or did I not post explicit instructions about the hand off?

Did I or did I not identify 3 players out of 70 in the combined group who I wouldn’t hand cities off to?

Did I or did I not spell out the consequences if one of those 3 players attempted to take one of the cities?

And in fact didn’t one of those 3 players make a move on one of the cities, despite knowing the consequences to his 69 teammates who could actually respecting a departing players wishes and follow instructions?

The game is full of dirtbags like DeadHair. The game is full of adults acting like children. The game is full of people who take pleasure in causing chaos and misery. I am sorry you suffered because of my utter lack of patience for it, but at the end of the day, you have a choice whether or not you wish to play with those kinds of players. I made a choice not to play with them. You have made a different choice.

The irony is that you and others will rage and direct the blame at me for this temporary inconvenience, yet day after day you will play with the guy who ruined yesterday for you, and you will put your heads in the sand and refuse to recognize how his selfishness and disregard will continue to hurt you long after me and my cities are gone.

And anyways, who cares at all? Why the forum tears? The world is over and completely non-competitive. Want some free advice? Get out while you can. SURELY you have better things to do with your life than play 116? Right? Your life doesn’t suck that bad that 116 is actually worthy of your time? Oh god, really sorry for you if it is.
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Meg TheBeagle

Did I or did I not post in the forums my intended departure?

Did I or did I not attempt to coordinate a timed ghosting so that Our Mob and Old and New players could secure my cities without risk of losing any they wanted to secure?

Did I or did I not post explicit instructions about the hand off?

Did I or did I not identify 3 players out of 70 in the combined group who I wouldn’t hand cities off to?

Did I or did I not spell out the consequences if one of those 3 players attempted to take one of the cities?

And in fact didn’t one of those 3 players make a move on one of the cities, despite knowing the consequences to his 69 teammates who could actually respecting a departing players wishes and follow instructions?

The game is full of dirtbags like DeadHair. The game is full of adults acting like children. The game is full of people who take pleasure in causing chaos and misery. I am sorry you suffered because of my utter lack of patience for it, but at the end of the day, you have a choice whether or not you wish to play with those kinds of players. I made a choice not to play with them. You have made a different choice.

The irony is that you and others will rage and direct the blame at me for this temporary inconvenience, yet day after day you will play with the guy who ruined yesterday for you, and you will put your heads in the sand and refuse to recognize how his selfishness and disregard will continue to hurt you long after me and my cities are gone.

And anyways, who cares at all? Why the forum tears? The world is over and completely non-competitive. Want some free advice? Get out while you can. SURELY you have better things to do with your life than play 116? Right? Your life doesn’t suck that bad that 116 is actually worthy of your time? Oh god, really sorry for you if it is.
Bye Bye