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    • mogula
      mogula replied to the thread Top 5.
      Ok, let’s pretend they are sim playing, so what? Why can’t two people just want to drop, have a little fun.. take some cities-lose some...
    • mogula
      mogula reacted to Arkitek88's post in the thread Top 5 with Like Like.
      Ok. Let's all see if we can go 5 posts without mentioning someone who hasn't played in years and if she did would crush all of us...
    • mogula
      mogula reacted to \*belle\*'s post in the thread Top 5 with Like Like.
      if i go back game is go kill you ha 100% go die! go spam kill you! like kill you then rebuild you then kill you again! all of you also...
    • mogula
      mogula replied to the thread Top 5.
      Lol. I’m not making the same mistake twice, my lips are now sealed. Like I said it was a life lesson and I learned from it. Me and Nat...
    • mogula
      mogula replied to the thread Top 5.
      It’s all good. Thank you for the life lesson lol But yup that’s on me and I shouldn’t have shared it with you.
    • mogula
      mogula reacted to Zeeker348's post in the thread New World Doriscos feedback thread with Like Like.
      I dislike the world type and settings but totally agree with you Silver. Plus it kinda ensures people are focused on the previous world...
    • mogula
      mogula reacted to Zeeker348's post in the thread Is it finally all over with Like Like.
      Incredible that a group of leakers don’t understand that things like ip addresses and MAC addresses etc exist. And just because you...
    • mogula
      mogula replied to the thread Is it finally all over.
      lol "Mr Toad"
    • mogula
      mogula replied to the thread Is it finally all over.
      Corruption. Lol, yeah right. Charlie said it so must be true.. inno mods are out to get the rule breakers, oh, isn’t that their job? Lol...
    • mogula
      mogula reacted to Arkitek88's post in the thread Is it finally all over with Like Like.
      That last one is Hella Funny!
    • mogula
      mogula reacted to nigol's post in the thread Is it finally all over with Like Like.
      What did hix and the others sing when beast stopped playing..! Single Belle single Belle single all the way What’s the only thing...
    • mogula
      mogula reacted to \*belle\*'s post in the thread Is it finally all over with Like Like.
      No is not playing
    • mogula
      mogula reacted to \*belle\*'s post in the thread Is it finally all over with Like Like.
    • mogula
      mogula reacted to \*belle\*'s post in the thread Is it finally all over with Like Like.
      not is care blah blah byeeee! also is english only in here i not is reply more byebye and i is not even playing is my friends tell me...
    • mogula
      mogula reacted to Binoufle's post in the thread Gold bug with Like Like.
      Exactly!!! I have about 120k gold right now, 90% from the gold market! The issue is not the gold. The issue is that you have to play...
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