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Belle f*&ked up a bit with her reply here, Debbi needs come for damage control
no i not is f up at all freaking idiot you is f up! total is get feeling i not liked here soooo i is go foreverrrrr! and know i sayed that like 50 time befor or whatever but this time i is 100% going! forever! never reply here again. just is toxic crazy cuckoo idiots that not can playing grepolis at all! because you is sucking at it. like i is so bad and get first in ranks here!! whaaat! haha is not even try do it to! i sim and then it like "oh wtf i first" and you not can time to *except people that killed me in other world* but they not even killed me i vm so they not could haha so sucker to them to! who stupid nooow morons!


byebyeee forever!! jerks! thong thong thong!
no i not is f up at all freaking idiot you is f up! total is get feeling i not liked here soooo i is go foreverrrrr! and know i sayed that like 50 time befor or whatever but this time i is 100% going! forever! never reply here again. just is toxic crazy cuckoo idiots that not can playing grepolis at all! because you is sucking at it. like i is so bad and get first in ranks here!! whaaat! haha is not even try do it to! i sim and then it like "oh wtf i first" and you not can time to *except people that killed me in other world* but they not even killed me i vm so they not could haha so sucker to them to! who stupid nooow morons!


byebyeee forever!! jerks! thong thong thong!
Good night, sweet princess. I hope you’re serious about leaving forever. You may be a sociopath, but even some sociopaths deserve better than 90% of the Grepolis US community. You can and you will do better. Some other lucky online community will inherit the broken English banter and signature gifs, how can we sally forth? This is truly a day that will live in infamy.


no i not is f up at all freaking idiot you is f up! total is get feeling i not liked here soooo i is go foreverrrrr! and know i sayed that like 50 time befor or whatever but this time i is 100% going! forever! never reply here again. just is toxic crazy cuckoo idiots that not can playing grepolis at all! because you is sucking at it. like i is so bad and get first in ranks here!! whaaat! haha is not even try do it to! i sim and then it like "oh wtf i first" and you not can time to *except people that killed me in other world* but they not even killed me i vm so they not could haha so sucker to them to! who stupid nooow morons!


byebyeee forever!! jerks! thong thong thong!
lmfao. See you tomorrow then. Goodnight Belle.

is not even try do it to! i sim and then it like "oh wtf i first"
$?? per sub? Yeah, No "try" just buy...So you f*&ked up. Guessing how the number was very random 136 not 135 or 150 It's accurate. That's all I was getting at. Wasn't an attack. No offense belle but you posted screen shots of you doing 1 million BP boosts and a maxed inventory of BP tokens you admitted to continually buying, also said you run Olympic games 24/7. All in the other thread..Also your gold has been posted in discord chats several times 500-800k on screen shots. So I've not really done or said anything that's not common knowledge or too what you've not admitted yourself. Respect your post in the other thread. What car you drive? (love my cars)

Go sleep it off.

FYI - Thong isn't a bad word lol! love you Taco Belle.

Debbi where you at?
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Good night, sweet princess. I hope you’re serious about leaving forever. You may be a sociopath, but even some sociopaths deserve better than 90% of the Grepolis US community. You can and you will do better. Some other lucky online community will inherit the broken English banter and signature gifs, how can we sally forth? This is truly a day that will live in infamy.
Sociopath is a disorder where people show no regard for others, can't tell the difference in right and wrong, I'm well aware she has/had issues but don't think Sociopath was one lol, She respects the game and members here, she was fighting for them. Telling people to go in their discord chats to post stuff about her and respect the age rating here, asking people to delete posts, trying to keep forums on topic, sharing secrets how to excel in game. If she didn't have any regard for people she would have acted completely different than what she has, she also said several time's she's getting embarrassed, Sociopaths don't get embarrassed. tbf every member that's spoken here show more sign of Sociopathy than belle, another symptom being ignoring or not recognising the rights of others. Everyone's attacked her due to her occupation, that's the only reason she's received this hate. She's the complete opposite to a Sociopath, if anything she "love's" people to much like debbi mentioned lol it's just in both ways lol. does she have issues,, yeah but it's not Sociopathy, Think your diagnosis is incorrect. lol

I don't want her too leave rofl. She's lots of fun. Genuinely did not mean too offend her.
Then why have you constantly acted hot and cold towards her? Got mentioned by another player, one moment you're defending/supporting her the next you're calling her out in a public forum. Imagine for a moment it's your Naked body that's the topic in a forum where children have access, people attacking you for what you do for work and not knowing any history why you do this work, getting baited to try and defend yourself in a Russian speaking community (she's not English) attacked because you're better at the game than a large majority, everything you're trying to speak about game related ends in yet more attacks on a very personal level... The girl's took a beating in here for nearly two months and from sounds of things on her other social media's also. Now she's finally broken and you "don't want her too go" lol Why is that? because you was having fun?

Man who needs Netflix when I can read this for hours lol.
Yep, was interesting for sure, Could have gone different and just had game related fun with belle, But the US represented! and like normal made ourselves out to be complete childlike, Incel delinquents. Boothead I've played with her and again she's got issues but my god she is fun, crazy, but very caring for people. Like debbi said regarding mega- belle attacked him, felt bad then tried to help him! lol who does that. The way the US community has acted here is just embarrassing. Guess we just sit in silence now and wait for the next person who's real life we don't agree with.. Think the comments of "people don't speak to defend her" isn't a sign the majority are in agreement with what you have done, I think the reason people aren't speaking is due to fact their like myself embarrassed in the way the US has acted in full view of every other server in the Grepolis community. Well done peeps.

Look after yourself Belle.


Dude I've said all along I like her but will speak my mind. I've agreed with her and disagreed with her, when she's tried too get threads back on topic I've helped. Never made allegations only pointed out what's been confirmed or admitted too by Belle herself. So not sure what your chatting on about if honest dude. Sorry too see her go but facts are some wont like her due too occupation which like mega said "sure she's used too that" she's a sex worker speaking too thousands trust me she's not offended by what's said in a child's forum.. Do agree attacking her personally is wrong, and noted she kept it PG13 in here, respect to her.. Then will be some that hate how she plays due too it not being fair, people can't compete with her in growth and who the f*$k else can make 1 million BP a day lmao.. they cant dude. her Gold and "simps" are what bring her the hate in here not her pu$$y. If she played like everyone else I'm sure she'd be fine. She chooses too play how she does no one forces her. But like she keeps pointing out she does not need simps to rescue her! So go back in the closet. Belles a big girl doesn't need mom and dad too save her.



i is surrounded by freaking morons

go has to negotiate more pay with inno for this poop!
And if she come's back here this is no joke!
I'm starting too believe mega lmao She has been sponsored or has some agreement with Innogames. She speaks and threads boom. Starting too get suspicious. My first allegation!


What a daft statement! Threads “boom” because she’s an adult entertainer surrounded by kids plenty here gold big not just Belle. The entire thread is sexual attacks, nothing to do with gold.
Sociopath is a disorder where people show no regard for others, can't tell the difference in right and wrong, I'm well aware she has/had issues but don't think Sociopath was one lol, She respects the game and members here, she was fighting for them. Telling people to go in their discord chats to post stuff about her and respect the age rating here, asking people to delete posts, trying to keep forums on topic, sharing secrets how to excel in game. If she didn't have any regard for people she would have acted completely different than what she has, she also said several time's she's getting embarrassed, Sociopaths don't get embarrassed. tbf every member that's spoken here show more sign of Sociopathy than belle, another symptom being ignoring or not recognising the rights of others. Everyone's attacked her due to her occupation, that's the only reason she's received this hate. She's the complete opposite to a Sociopath, if anything she "love's" people to much like debbi mentioned lol it's just in both ways lol. does she have issues,, yeah but it's not Sociopathy, Think your diagnosis is incorrect. lol

I respect your right to an opinion and I am not a doctor. But honestly I read what you write here and elsewhere and can’t help but think that a sucker is truly born every minute. It’s unbelievable how easily some people are played. This take on Natalia is cluelessly clueless, the intellectual equivalent of Bambi.

To quote the White Lotus, you are not going to get very far in life if you’re such an easy mark.

Idk, maybe giving you the benefit of the doubt, you, like many who casually behave badly on the internet, are subjecting others to a poorly informed and/or conceived opinion after joining the proverbial conversation midway. Or you have an agenda/bias.

But whatever it is, you and some others here still have not captured the essence of Natalia. Yes, people are complex and Natalia is no different. She cannot be put completely in a box. To constantly cast her as the victim is a significant - and dangerous - underestimation of her. On balance, she is a predator in this world, not prey. She is the wolf in sheep’s clothing. To reference another terrific TV show, she is the one who knocks. To those of you who get taken, you have my pity but not my sympathy. By now, you have been warned countless times.
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I respect your right to an opinion and I am not a doctor. But honestly I read what you write here and elsewhere and can’t help but think that a sucker is truly born every minute. It’s unbelievable how easily some people are played. This take on Natalia is cluelessly clueless, the intellectual equivalent of Bambi.

To quote the White Lotus, you are not going to get very far in life if you’re such an easy mark.

Idk, maybe giving you the benefit of the doubt, you, like many who casually behave badly on the internet, are subjecting others to a poorly informed and/or conceived opinion after joining the proverbial conversation midway. Or you have an agenda/bias.

But whatever it is, you and some others here still have not captured the essence of Natalia. Yes, people are complex and Natalia is no different. She cannot be put completely in a box. To constantly cast her as the victim is a significant - and dangerous - underestimation of her. On balance, she is a predator in this world, not prey. She is the wolf in sheep’s clothing. To reference another terrific TV show, she is the one who knocks. To those of you who get taken, you have my pity but not my sympathy. By now, you have been warned countless times.
100% agree
I Like her but she’s a woman that knows her power and uses that. Not just for game but for real life. Fair play too her but Grepolis isn’t the place for it. Go miss her but this community is not the right one for her. You dudes are getting angry with me and mega but check the posts we have not actually done anything or said anything that’s not either confirmed by Belle or highly suspicious. Don’t know mega never played with him but he speaks sense. She knows guys are go flock too protect her, she knows she’s attractive and manipulates you people so easily it’s comical too watch her doing it. Like I said fair play too her! Not insulting Belle here, insulting you guys she plays lmao you think you’re flocking too rescue her! Trust me she’s not needing rescuing she’s recruiting simps!
Will say it again - sex worker in a child’s forum is not needing a rescue lmfao she will be exposed too serious trolling and used too it, this forum is nothing!! If you can’t see that you’re in need of help.
Back too the closet with you now, your princess has left. Belle not attacking you darling hitting at these fools that are so desperate too get in your thongs it’s pathetic. Lmao


You’re both into this game way to much lol
If she is playing people!
You honestly think the guys she “plays” don’t know she’s playing them? Of course they know! Bottom line is this is a dead game she’s a super hot woman who’s “an online sex worker” fact is they know but dgaf! To most here she’s out their league! they won’t ever get an opportunity with a female like her, facts! But in here she shares, again played 90% of a world with her and never saw her do anything sexual in game. She’s flirtatious but that’s who she is it’s her job her personality. What happens out of game or in discord or external sites is her business. But seriously you need a reality check! Super hot girl that’s not shy or a dead game full of sad losers like you two. If I got the choice I’m doing Belle until she chews me up and spits me out.

You guys need get over yourselves, she would beat most players in this game, no “pu$$y” needed. If you’re getting it then it’s s more likely for her entertainment as much as yours so enjoy it while you’ve got it. If she wants your cities trust she will just take them regardless. Get back in my closet lol give over! Coming at me with your dumb a** comments. You have seen her right ? Only like 50000 photos/videos of her floating around, ask her nicely mega pretty sure she will cam with you too, or has she turned you down hence the prude attacks lol go back to watching your little man run in and out the cave while I’m watching sparrow Belle do her job. Yeah I’m male and like hot women go figure


Senior Citizen
Lost for words reading this forum. No wonder that girl left. women are allowed to do what they wish with their own body, if she wants to show it off and get paid for it at the same time that's her choice. what right have you got to judge her. She's not doing it in here and being trying to shut the topic down every time its brought up. If men want to impress her by helping her in a computer game because shes attractive *power to her! If she baits them in by shaking her butt and they follow, *power to her, blame the men not the woman. you're blaming her for male weakness. Shes just being female!! News flash women have played men since the dawn of time! all this is nothing more than insecure men that hate the truth women hold that power, they cant handle that fact so want to attack her. nothing more sinister than that really. entertaining to see her put so many into complete melt down due to the fact she embraces modern day and makes money from her body online. You go girl.
You’re both into this game way to much lol
If she is playing people!
You honestly think the guys she “plays” don’t know she’s playing them? Of course they know! Bottom line is this is a dead game she’s a super hot woman who’s “an online sex worker” fact is they know but dgaf! To most here she’s out their league! they won’t ever get an opportunity with a female like her, facts! But in here she shares, again played 90% of a world with her and never saw her do anything sexual in game. She’s flirtatious but that’s who she is it’s her job her personality. What happens out of game or in discord or external sites is her business. But seriously you need a reality check! Super hot girl that’s not shy or a dead game full of sad losers like you two. If I got the choice I’m doing Belle until she chews me up and spits me out.

You guys need get over yourselves, she would beat most players in this game, no “pu$$y” needed. If you’re getting it then it’s s more likely for her entertainment as much as yours so enjoy it while you’ve got it. If she wants your cities trust she will just take them regardless. Get back in my closet lol give over! Coming at me with your dumb a** comments. You have seen her right ? Only like 50000 photos/videos of her floating around, ask her nicely mega pretty sure she will cam with you too, or has she turned you down hence the prude attacks lol go back to watching your little man run in and out the cave while I’m watching sparrow Belle do her job. Yeah I’m male and like hot women go figure
Just going to close the loop on this one quickly, and then hopefully this conversation about Natalia will be put to bed, never to return.

You may be right that to most guys in this community, Natalia is a “super hot woman” who is “out of their league.” What you seem to fail to recognize is how embarrassing an admission that is.

There is a thick irony to you calling someone else a loser after writing that post.

Unless you’re a teenager with raging hormones, your appearance-based approach to Natalia in game and in these forums is pathetic. If you are in fact a kid, I do hope you have the opportunity to gain some perspective, and to have healthy, real relationships with women.
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Just going to close the loop on this one quickly, and then hopefully this conversation about Natalia will be put to bed, never to return.

You may be right that to most guys in this community, Natalia is a “super hot woman” who is “out of their league.” What you seem to fail to recognize is how embarrassing an admission that is.

The irony of you calling someone a loser is thick.

Unless you’re a teenager with raging hormones, the way you describe your approach to Natalia in game and in these forums is pathetic. If you are in fact a kid, I do hope you have the opportunity to gain some perspective, and to have healthy, real relationships.
Yeah she’s out my league lol how’s that embarrassing it’s just the reality! The internet is full of smoking hot women doing porn and only fan's, You know you’re never going to actually be with them because hundreds of thousands want them! It’s how they make their money! Relying on the millions of men and also women that want them in that way. If they’re not out the league of most then they’re not go be making money in their onlyfans, common sense really. Just one of the millions of women that do onlyfans is in here or was here, so obviously she can apply the same system she does in her real life to this game. If she’s not out the league of people then she wouldn’t be able to do what she does. What’s pathetic is people attacking her because their clearly jealous or insecure. Like I said msg her be polite and see if she can help you out.


Yeah she’s out my league lol how’s that embarrassing it’s just the reality! The internet is full of smoking hot women doing porn and only fan's, You know you’re never going to actually be with them because hundreds of thousands want them! It’s how they make their money! Relying on the millions of men and also women that want them in that way. If they’re not out the league of most then they’re not go be making money in their onlyfans, common sense really. Just one of the millions of women that do onlyfans is in here or was here, so obviously she can apply the same system she does in her real life to this game. If she’s not out the league of people then she wouldn’t be able to do what she does. What’s pathetic is people attacking her because their clearly jealous or insecure. Like I said msg her be polite and see if she can help you out.
So guess your screens all sticky then from playing with Belle. Not interested in your fantasy with sparrow thanks.

We should stop speaking of her work, like most she probably cums here too relax after a hard day working and doesn’t want too be reading or speaking about her work, why she probably keeps it separate or tried too hide it in the first place. Sore and achy after her graft then pops in game and has too get right back at it for her boosts! She works hard for what she’s got never stops and I respect that work ethic! Let’s give it a rest let her have a break in here

I do agree though she’s hot and out the “league” of most which she’s aware of, have you ever seen her playing with a nobody!? Co founding with Charlie in EN then got bored with him and jumped too Exit in US not a daft girl is she, tbf exits managed too get her loyal too him though, what’s your take on that dim? I mean being a nobody and chasing sparrow? Think when you first spoke she didn’t even remember who you were/are
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This forum is pathetic, grow up. Sad to see what happens to people when they make a game their personality and whole life...


what’s your take on that dim? I mean being a nobody and chasing sparrow? Think when you first spoke she didn’t even remember who you were/are
Yeah, like I said lots want her so why wouldn’t she pick the ones that offer her the most. Mega is transparent in his hate for Belle it’s clearly a sexual related hate either jealousy or want but can’t have, maybe an underlying hate for females in general or females that have power over males. You’re only trying to bait people for entertainment. Why you wanted her to stay but mega wanted her to leave. The behaviour and comments of you both are interesting to read. Don’t have to chase sparrow just pay the fee.


Yeah, like I said lots want her so why wouldn’t she pick the ones that offer her the most.
You're missing the point of what mega's saying dude, basically in here she takes what she wants then finishes with you. He's not referring to her rl which is probably the same lol Give up with you dude.
But whatever it is, you and some others here still have not captured the essence of Natalia. Yes, people are complex and Natalia is no different. She cannot be put completely in a box. To constantly cast her as the victim is a significant - and dangerous - underestimation of her. On balance, she is a predator in this world, not prey. She is the wolf in sheep’s clothing. To reference another terrific TV show, she is the one who knocks. To those of you who get taken, you have my pity but not my sympathy. By now, you have been warned countless times.

Perfect song/video too explain it too you. This was made for Sparrow belle, she actually looks like Megan Fox lmao.. go look! rofl

I love belle and hope she comes back just because shes fun, but not go be falling into any of her traps. Just love her posts they're sic lol
what dread did too her was low and f*&ked up, But in the game she will play the life out you if you allow it.
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