Rate your MRA!


I can see your online! Photoshop wouldn't really cut it. You have sent so many photos and videos of your everyday life everyone knows you, knows what you look like from every possible point of view. Now everyone knows what you also do for work, If a video leaked everyone will know that's really you. So keep playing with me!
i invisable so how hell can seeing me you is lie again! is real log off now byebye cuckoo person


Senior Citizen

i is try so hard not send that but is just like sit her giggle so bad think myself do it do it do it so meh i did it let see what you got! only it you looking sad by do it though because wrong place
lmfao. belle your bad ass. Stand your ground girl.

Dux Vox


Can we get some reviews from actual players rating their alliances? This will be invaluable for newcomers to the world. Think of the children!


Senior Citizen
Morning guys and gals, Jolly good one for me, Just won £1500 on a scratch card lmao....Never won anything on the lottery before. That's my gold sorted for the next world I play.

Natalia Sparrow Belle?
I Have the full screen shots of every one that was posted, Including your filthy work ones. Do you still want me to "Do it" ? The one below this with the vibrator.. you look like your ready to squirt with your facial expressions? Natalia?

The Photo's I've seen, her eyes are amazing! So crystal blue, look like they could light up a room in the dark. This photo doesn't do her justice. Debbi remember she doesn't want to be contacted about this stuff lol.

Also not sure Nudes effect her mate lol it's what see does. Carry on.


Your weak and pathetic. I won't be posting explicit filth of you in here due to younger members. That's the only reason! Every one has already seen them.
She is far from weak and pathetic. She has been completely humiliated physically and mentally, been threatened with violence! had several groups of individuals getting together a collection of personal messages, Photos, Contact details, then posting them in-front of hundreds and thousands of strangers and friends alike. You have tried and tried relentlessly to break her in ways most would have surrendered. But She has gotten back up after every blow you have hit her with. I saw a post saying something about what her parents must think, Well as a parent with daughters I would be extremely proud of her and say... That's how you raise your daughter. For her occupation - Her body her choice. Deal with it.
She has posted she has no more interest in replying to bait, Move on.


No, Only want to give Natalia / sparrow / belle a taste of what it feels like to be humiliated. No interest in posting filth in view of children thanks.

i is get over things super fast it like i humiliate for short moment then is just meh i fine again is crazy how fast i fixing

try harder


Very clear sweatheart that you don't work right, I mean your abused in real life, In love with a man who's married and prostitute yourself online for money. The reason you "get over things fast" is because your used to it all, it's just another normal day in the life of an abused beaten dirty whore. Your not in love that's just you trying to escape and building a fantasy you want that you know your never going to actually ever get..your dirty used goods and eventually going to lose your looks and figure then what? Just a beaten broken dirty whore that no one will ever want. I don't have high hopes for a long life expectancy for you, we all know how this ends including yourself. I have to go out with my family now. Enjoy your beatings and loneliness after streaming yourself squirting for your clients while picturing your imaginary fantasy life with Exit.

Have a lovely day sweatheart :hugs:
total is regret say it try harder was drunk


live fast die young meh enjoy it you family time x


Natalia? No arrogant reply?

You must be busy making your content for your fans. All the hate and insults you have given out, the remarks you made to the LGBT members in the deleted threads and here you are,,, laid naked physically and emotionally picked apart for the world to see. Your secret occupation you tried to hide - exposed, your real life beatings - exposed, , how you cheat in game - exposed. everyone in this global community is laughing at you right now.

how is it i is be expose cheat? like wtf is find that insulting!

#tocarefultogetcatched #totallyfreakingjokingsupport
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you is like freaking stalking me in worlds or something to coward is telling me you in them i know you friend was i speak at her you is a coward though you is sayed nothing to me when i in dion soon i ghost you is act it super big mouth in world chat now attack me here in you same little gang. after summer i back in grepolis and yes with exit then i is tell you world and go there i will beating the F out you and you friends

and i not is ghost us110 i vm haha so is proof you facts is wrong and if this wrong it show kinda everythings just sayed is probably wrong to!

sooooo cheating NOT expose ha! freaking like little cuckoo snitch stalking crazy person

just is try has more fun is a game if is can hate someone like you is show hate at me you not should playing you needing more love i not is hate you xox but is saturday and i drunk! tomorrow i is probably 100% hate you but now i is just like give you snuggle say is ok xoxoxoxox is hugs and kisses at you byebye


Senior Citizen

you is like freaking stalking me in worlds or something to coward is telling me you in them i know you friend was i speak at her you is a coward though you is sayed nothing to me when i in dion soon i ghost you is act it super big mouth in world chat now attack me here in you same little gang. after summer i back in grepolis and yes with exit then i is tell you world and go there i will beating the F out you and you friends

and i not is ghost us110 i vm haha so is proof you facts is wrong and if this wrong it show kinda everythings just sayed is probably wrong to!

sooooo cheating NOT expose ha! freaking like little cuckoo snitch stalking crazy person

just is try has more fun is a game if is can hate someone like you is show hate at me you not should playing you needing more love i not is hate you xox but is saturday and i drunk! tomorrow i is probably 100% hate you but now i is just like give you snuggle say is ok xoxoxoxox is hugs and kisses at you byebye
hey respect to you, i would have given him the same answer minus the kiss and hugs lol


is 3 people i know who they is so do megablahwtfever but some is just needing hug and kiss ha i not care
Dear Belle,

Do disagree with the hate you have received in these forums, this is no place for that type of behavior. There is one topic that has been brought forward however that I'm struggling to understand and which I personally feel should be further explained by either yourself or support?

The topic of why Raevonwolff and partner Darkfyre remain banned ? The disagreement that started in Amphipolis was deleted, everyone it appears received bans except you? Was you not the prime instigator in that terrible fold of events by making endless shocking attacks on transgender people in general, while also making fun of where people lived? Some of the comments you posted was unbelievable and extremely ignorant to transgender and homosexual men. You constantly attacked Raevon about her anatomy which in this day and age is down right pig ignorant and hurtful, as anatomy does not define gender young lady. You also threatened violence towards Raevon by continually stating you would taser her in the testicles, as soon as the transgender members started to defend themselves they were banned and threads deleted all trace vanished that it ever happened. But your not banned? please can you or support explain why?

Can it truly be because you are protected here? please give explanation to satisfy this question so as a community we can move forwards.
If you chose not to give explanation I feel it's only fair the others involved be released from their bans?

Thank you Belle.


Senior Citizen

So there you go, She has no idea what she is actually talking about in regards to LGBT and do agree with her it's not a topic for the forums. I think in belles own special way she has tried to show (I think) she treats everyone as equals by tasering them,, regardless.
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