War Updates


Yeah yeah Al. You're right. Please have exit post the messages or tell me the subject line so I can post it myself. I turned down his offer to join you all and he goes off telling people I'm leaving LOL

Last thing about this.. This was the first time I saw so many fake accounts spam/flash bots in one place. Duck and the guys up north, it shouldn't be a surprise that we go in assuming cheats are being used in other areas as well.

I'll continue to stand by what I said. I'm out. I'll see you guys in the next world
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You Guys crack me up . You should be embarrassed at yourselves . We straight dominated this server in every statistic , and the Numbers do not Lie, People do . Find me one metric that your team out performed our team ? I will wait ... You see we did more than beat you down, We completely broke your team . We shined a light a light on Your lack of Strategy and Leadership . Now nobody wants to play with you any more . Solid guys Like Celtic and Aggi , Arch and Sin and even KV. Dont forget about Lethal and stifen and them , because they are all of our Friends now.

Here is a Great metric to measure overall team harmony . How many players quit or went IA for us during the last 60 days of the server ? I will answer that for you -0-


I am waiting for stats that aren't skewed ...

I also do not wall up every frontline city.....
I walled up two in 54, and thats recent. Ask your friends if I use walls on the front lines Al haha. Check my city locations, check how long I've had those cities.


And Exit... Lie LOL This world was MRA of course most of the good players left.

Alright alright, I'm done... no winning against you guys outside of clicking LS :rolleyes:


Someone here needs to apologize for accusing me of spying. Other than that, Pegasae is a skid mark on the underpants that is a Grepolis Server.

So funny


First time was playing Dom world and to be honest Im not sure what Im doing on new one. Game is cra*. Congrats for being quicker.
Congrats for using spam bots, attack planner scripts, spies, and still losing. Truly a remarkable accomplishment. You all did definitely “dominate” in cheating. Well done. Be proud.
Its funny that I see Joker and other Jcoo cronies and himself think they won . Final award says winner but if you are true to yourself its a big no. What else is funny is jcoo talking about spam considering he does it more then anyone currently on US worlds. As far as spies Pella mike was no spy we didn't want him either, Laarchangel hated your alliance and was going to quit..... If you Hug as an alliance dont you think there might be loose lips in your 200 player alliance and still with all that got your azz kicked in every stat.
Dream even went to exit crying and saying he was leaving bc of how things were.
As far as the end you guys contacted any alliance in the world for cities on dom isles bc 1 you cant take any and 2 we were taking 8 a day and you begged vmers to come out i know bc i know 1 of them.
Coming Soon might have taken the L on paper but it was a no contest in every way just a loop hole which i hope closes in the future.


Latebloomer was a planted spy who handed over full information until going back to CS. That was a strategy by your leader, congrats it worked. LAArchangel got pissed and went to CS after spying as well, then he wanted back in at the end. Allegiance to no one, great. You all either wanted Pella or lied to him that you did to get his cities, that didn't work out.

We couldn't take many cities on Dom islands because at that point we had maybe 30 fully active players. But we did take some, enough to keep the percentage up and mitigate losses to some extent. I think you took 8 one day, 4 on others. Its wasn't 8 a day.

We all knew the rules of Dom when we entered the world (or the alliance leaders should have). An alliance with 40% can hit the Domination button and must hold it for 2 weeks.

We can talk as much crap as we all want but leaving out or neglecting simple facts gets us no where.




Senior Citizen
It's funny that I see Joker and other Jcoo cronies and himself think they won. Final award says winner but if you are true to yourself it's a big no. What else is funny is jcoo talking about spam considering he does it more than anyone currently on US worlds. As far as spies Pella mike was no spy we didn't want him either, Laarchangel hated your alliance and was going to quit..... If you Hug as an alliance don't you think there might be loose lips in your 200 player alliance and still with all that got your azz kicked in every stat.
Dream even went to exit crying and saying he was leaving bc of how things were.
As far as the end you guys contacted any alliance in the world for cities on dom isles bc 1 you cant take any and 2 we were taking 8 a day and you begged vmers to come out I know bc I know 1 of them.
Coming Soon might have taken the L on paper but it was a no-contest in every way just a loophole which I hope closes in the future.
First off I'm not a croony lol. I may not be 1 to be in the frontlines, I like to do my part for my alliance (whichever 1 I'm in), I do consider myself a winner as I did my best to hold onto my cities & only lost 2 to the Greeks. I never yelled bots though I do admit I found it highly questionable on timing so many attacks, as well as they, did continuously. I was being a good sport & said congrats to the other peeps on my team & thank you to others on the server for a good game. But if you all wish to be bad sports & act like babies, that reflects poorly on you, not us. We may not have it in the stats but we fought hard & were down to a few that were active. So yes I am very proud of my team & that win. I'll fight with my team as long as they wish for me to. For those who were spies -they can kiss where the sun doesn't shine. For those that bailed & tried to come back, sorry that trust died. I'll remember who stayed through thick or thin & who jumped like a scurvy rat.


Its funny that I see Joker and other Jcoo cronies and himself think they won . Final award says winner but if you are true to yourself its a big no. What else is funny is jcoo talking about spam considering he does it more then anyone currently on US worlds. As far as spies Pella mike was no spy we didn't want him either, Laarchangel hated your alliance and was going to quit..... If you Hug as an alliance dont you think there might be loose lips in your 200 player alliance and still with all that got your azz kicked in every stat.
Dream even went to exit crying and saying he was leaving bc of how things were.
As far as the end you guys contacted any alliance in the world for cities on dom isles bc 1 you cant take any and 2 we were taking 8 a day and you begged vmers to come out i know bc i know 1 of them.
Coming Soon might have taken the L on paper but it was a no contest in every way just a loop hole which i hope closes in the future.
If anybody deserves to get an award for the biggest forum warrior, it’s you Al. You all cheated, you lost. Prove you played fair. Seriously, prove you didn’t use spam bots (but darn...you all did), prove you didn’t spam (oh darn, Vind is the biggest spammer you have besides Ecodull, Greetza and Pete) and finally, prove your Greeks didn’t use scripts. We have messages and screenshots proving all the above. Do you have any messages or screenshots to prove your assertions? You all cheated to the absolute best of your abilities, and lost. Your continued drivel regarding “look at our stats” is the largest amount of BS ever. You all cheated to take cities, and yea, well done. Your spamming nonsense combined with the Greeks scripts resulted in dozens of players quitting. Again, well done.
If anybody deserves to get an award for the biggest forum warrior, it’s you Al. You all cheated, you lost. Prove you played fair. Seriously, prove you didn’t use spam bots (but darn...you all did), prove you didn’t spam (oh darn, Vind is the biggest spammer you have besides Ecodull, Greetza and Pete) and finally, prove your Greeks didn’t use scripts. We have messages and screenshots proving all the above. Do you have any messages or screenshots to prove your assertions? You all cheated to the absolute best of your abilities, and lost. Your continued drivel regarding “look at our stats” is the largest amount of BS ever. You all cheated to take cities, and yea, well done. Your spamming nonsense combined with the Greeks scripts resulted in dozens of players quitting. Again, well done.
Where is the screens that proves scripts? You clown....i have screens that at least 5-6 persons or more from your alliance know and admitted that there was no bots..stop this now and accept your victory... Move on pal..Im sad for some guys that played with you ( Darkoo, Selectron and some others) Jokerlaugh invited us over at least 2-3 times..I don't think he would do that that if he believed that we used scripts..Dont make me post screenshots that members from your alliance congrats us for our gameplay
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And as conclusion this is the last time you Will ever referred to our names again...Dont dare to talk about us again in forums or somewhere else... this s ending here. If you want to learn how to time its ok i can show you..But if you dont know to play grepo and cause of that you accuse us..then shut up and move on. I still can find a lot more screenshots but i will stop this here. And just to know jcoo your opinion about us doesnt find agreement to a lot people from your team.. so i would recosinder and ask sorry if i was in your potition. CLOWN.


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