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It's really cringe what are you guys saying here.. DD will you stop crying about timing and understand that we were just better? All of you played with wall 25 and 500 transports or you would have lose more cities. You all got farmed in 54 and thats the truth..i don't say we are the best players in the world but definitely we were so much better than you all.. For the info a lot of guys from your alliance gave us the respect and asked us to help them and show them how to do it...they didn't cry about bots or something else, and for that i respect them. Whoever has at least a small brain can understand what and how we were doing it and how legit that was. Also about anchors...we even timed supports with a CS as an anchor..so that guy rjk above is delusional. You all didn't even attacked us per months and you only do it now cause your win is secured..thats cringe.
Anyways i don't want to say more but the point is it was a nice world after all and deep inside you know how farmed you have been.


Total Domination vs the huggers....

Win or lose this world the problem is not who beat up who, or how someone plays. Its the fact that you were overconfident, and that ego made you lazy. You could have easily ended this world 2 weeks ago but no one cared enough to hit Last Stand on time. But I cared, and I made sure to hit it first. Now we are in the situation we are in.

Should the rules be changed to total Dom % vs. just a button? Yes. But here we are.


Senior Citizen
This thread is abundant with fallacies / phalluses / eager to spout illogical statements that need to be cleared up.

So, here's Vind's comprehensive breakdown, bc at the end of the day, we broke you guys down & left you all flying in the wind for our personal enjoyment / B.o.B.'s humiliation. Frankly, some really aren't 'with it', but that's just my perspective.

Disclaimer: I want to say this map, I've lost 2-3 cities, largely attributed to the fact I spawned in S-55, instead of with the crew in S-44, but I wouldn't be doing my due diligence to not include.

1: 55 - 02 Dreadnought (internal from Preatorian II)
- (arch/chariot nuke targeted while support was out in an enemy siege. s/o DivineDream for acting quick, and possibly getting intel from TD)

2: 45 - 01 Berserk
- (I've had 3-6 targets under CQ within first 3-4 days of server open. Relentless attempted to hand off all cities I put at risk, and I received incessive spam from 'taksor' as a result. Recalling CS's routinely, and sending flash spam for est. 3-4 weeks minimum, likely causing this BoB player to receive a ban. As a result, I missed a few alarms due to this aforementioned spam, and recalled my landlocked sling nuke from a quest 5-10 mins late. It happens, but we kept momentum & tee'd up.)

3: 55 - 03 Derelict
- (Hydra nuke I used to lineup on Temporal Distortion in O-45, w/ a nuke out of O-55. Got targeted on backtrack while units were held up in TT. After 2-3 weeks of using hydras to poke for BP's, I'd attracted some attention I guess.)

4/5: Handoff of 55 - 01 Demonic & 55 - 01 Divinity, as means to focus on S-45 front.
- First 48 hours after receiving 55 - 01 Demonic from Ghost67 as a handoff, I took over 55 - 01 Divinity from 'Beer is good'. (Handed off, as BoB monopolized anchors due to playerbase / handoffs w/ pacts, it made it increasingly hard to make it onto new islands when under 10 cities). Since these cities were in Domination ring, and I was being spammed heavily, I decided to give them to local players in 'Coming Soon'.

Had 2-3 BoB under CQ routinely (*Tuff*, Duane Robinsdale, etc) but support was rough, since at the time we didn't receive tons of support from our various networks. No blame on anyone, as SoL & CS were prioritizing their own fronts. Hixr genuinely sent support & I know for a fact took a few big hits for us. Discounting SoL wouldn't be fair to them, as they truly did have skill *as seen by structuring on fronts/snipes/timing)

*Attributed to frequency of attacks, NOT necessarily skill, as I wasn't receiving alerts due to taksor's spam. S/O Taksor for bricking my phone w/ all his spam, genuinely causing me to purchase a new Google PIXL exclusively for Grepolis. This fed into cause-effect spam on the server, mainly due to InnoGames failure to implement fair use rules, or evidently enforcing them shown through taksor.*

If their action was deemed to be 'fair use' retaliating with the same energy, should subjectively be fair use as well. Spam on this server, originated from B.o.B., and their poor adaptation to frequent HC's & attacks. I don't think that I've spammed, unless I was genuinely spammed in retaliation to landing CS in Relentless cities, but even then I keep my chin high so my crown doesn't fall off.

Now, since we've aired out our own dirty laundry, let's address some of this erroneous behavior making me laugh frankly & raise my pimphand instinctively.

PellaMike, a player I've never encountered, discounts Pete's leadership in hopes of padding his ego. Player has net LOSS, and is renowned for losing cities to my understanding. Turns to poor mud-slinging.

You might get get the crown here, but everyone will know it was because of the Greeks you took in, not your stellar leadership and extreme gold usage.


..Do you think I care?..
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Aha, yeah, -Exit Strategy- truly is a badass. The shear amount of dedication this man has, is truly admirable to say the least. Paired with strategy, ability to time in, and ability to connect supply chain? That man is a true force to be reckoned with! You're coming off as awfully dense, and immature. No doubt the neck beard, isn't simply a profile picture choice.

Did you guys hear something? No? I guess neither did I.

Its the fact that you were overconfident, and that ego made you lazy.

You frankly have no authority, coming from your standings, calling us 'lazy'. You lads dropped into the server with 120 players, we jumped in with 32-36. Those are simply facts. We put in WORK, and are currently leading Domination position. Your end has simply initiated VM jumps to protect your behinds. Poor stalk of character if you ask me, as VM players with Dom. affiliation should be targetable.

DivineDream doesn't know one of Coming Soon's leaders? 'Al the Conqueror' has been key in organizing/communicating during ops & via Discord, and has been clearly in public eye. Discounting his involvement, would be shallow sighted to say the least. Though I'm sure your attention has been on your own roster, Al is a chill dude who really puts in work.

You play on this server? Who is this guy? Swear I never saw him once in 45/55/54...

This game has frankly brought me thorough enjoyment since I was age 14 on US2, but as I mature it's truly unfortunate to see the issues facing not only the Domination End Game, but frankly the player base. At this stage, in it's current setting Grepolis is incredibly unmanaged in the US sector. Frankly, I'm not certain if it's worth my energy.

- (largely due to MRA's, no pact limit, monopolization of playerbases, causing smaller cut-throat players to move to EN).

I'm not even heated, we're simply in a position that we have facts on our side, not ego @JokermakingmeLAUGH.

Edit: too many parentheses


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“”We put in WORK, and are currently leading Domination position””.

Too bad you didn’t WORK enough to click Last Stand.


Haven’t you been treated yet for your medical Issues? Probably a lengthy endeavor. You are quite the button masher from everything I’ve seen.


Senior Citizen
Haven’t you been treated yet for your medical Issues? Probably a lengthy endeavor. You are quite the button masher from everything I’ve seen.
Going a bit far here bud, is that really in your grounds to discuss another player's mental health treatment? I seem to have struck a nerve.

(Just putting it out there, I've been sober 2 years and don't take any medication. Just seems like quite a low blow, especially while not knowing the person he's talking to. #MSUNeuroscience)

Frequency of hc's and offensive hits doesn't correlate to 'button mashing'. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
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Always important to take care of yourself Vind. Glad you received help you needed. Congrats on two years of sobriety.
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Thanks for breaking it down vind. I respect your opinion much more than als since I've actually seen you play. and it's not bad outside of the rage spam attacks lol. But please, guys, tell me which core player of ours was destroyed/farmed in 45? we spawned in with 120 people, I need some help figuring out which of our noobs was getting bullied. I really really wanna know.

We all agree that our MRA was trash. first time seeing one potentially win. But farming noobs for 3 months is just that. If I wasn't conned into playing with BoB and soon after fletch, I woulda dropped in fresh to US97... So, congrats CS, everyone of you are the best grepo players around. You put in work on an MRA with no motivation and infight, that can barely let each other know when a cs is 5 minutes away.

Duck, you guys up north are the real winners. I never said you guys were botting here just that it's sketchy that you guys were so good compared to everyone else. I swatted 100% of the cs that came my way elsewhere. and bounced a few of your attempts. Especially griftos, I think pella gave me all his handoff times lol
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It's really cringe what are you guys saying here.. DD will you stop crying about timing and understand that we were just better? All of you played with wall 25 and 500 transports or you would have lose more cities. You all got farmed in 54 and thats the truth..i don't say we are the best players in the world but definitely we were so much better than you all.. For the info a lot of guys from your alliance gave us the respect and asked us to help them and show them how to do it...they didn't cry about bots or something else, and for that i respect them. Whoever has at least a small brain can understand what and how we were doing it and how legit that was. Also about anchors...we even timed supports with a CS as an anchor..so that guy rjk above is delusional. You all didn't even attacked us per months and you only do it now cause your win is secured..thats cringe.
Anyways i don't want to say more but the point is it was a nice world after all and deep inside you know how farmed you have been.

I wouldn't say I'm delusional by any means. I've fought with and against some very good timers. The few attempts made on me contained no anchors and one of the people timing well did receive a 2 day ban, which often is for scripting. With that set of information its easy to make an assumption of botting/scripting.

As I got to see more and more reports from our players I did start to see the abundance of anchors that I would expect. So it seems a lot more plausible to me now and if so, well done.


if I see one more of those comparison charts im gunna lose it LOL

How many quitters, barely IAs, noobs and flips are included in them... Don't lump us in with an alliances that I've barely even heard of(al)... I know you guys are salty and all because of the BS circumstances but I worked my ass off here and fought on all fronts. Again, tell me which noobs you destroyed so bad that you have to discredit everything we did.


Senior Citizen
^^ I apologies for that. It can overgeneralize behavior showing overall alliance stats. Here are a few that I've encountered personally, but I don't want to put tons of players on blast lol. One of the downsides of being an MRA, is that you get a lot of new players. Some might've been genuinely trying, but on the battlefield it was a lost cause to some extent.

Sir Kronos Warbringer,
a few solid hits on kiroo (admittedly, he caught me w/ a bricked phone *s/o taksor again)
Lord Corny (is getting better at dodging admittedly. he nabbed a few of my looker CS :p )
Duane Robitaille
(*to some extent, for the shear amount of recall spam)
Saint Antony
(was op'd & within 24-48 hours handed off almost entirely)

- I might be forgetting a few, but that's at least a solid start.
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Please put some guys on blast lol! That's why everyone is in this forum.

Vind, you only named one core member kdog. and kiroo came from relentless(newer players), the rest couldn't hang which is why they aren't with us now.

Lets break it all down so everyone can see how well you destroyed us. I'll wait for all the CS guys to show their stat. we can verify their conquest through grepolife.
Yea no need to be salty its just a game..i don't like though my hard work getting degraded..We were on disc and timing 24/7 these two weeks...we put in a lot of hard work. I don't demand or want your recognization for our game abilities, i just hate delusional and bad players judge us and be ironic while their were doing nothing the whole server.. That's all..Peace out from me. It was generally a good fight..good luck to the next ones.


Yea no need to be salty its just a game..i don't like though my hard work getting degraded..We were on disc and timing 24/7 these two weeks...we put in a lot of hard work. I don't demand or want your recognization for our game abilities, i just hate delusional and bad players judge us and be ironic while their were doing nothing the whole server.. That's all..Peace out from me. It was generally a good fight..good luck to the next ones.

Good game duck. Just let me know what ever world your crew plays so I can back out asap. I don't wanna have to "cry" and get farmed again. my 1 rock and 2 dom cities meant a lot to me.
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Not sure how you can refute a message you sent but hey i am all for hearing a good story.. Far as me personally i do not operate like that its the team that matters do what's best, Jcoo and his cronies like you only operate as me me me.. If you want personal stats in my last 4 worlds ( might be longer then 4) i lost 0 cities and have been on the front on all.
Hiding LOL i been dead center and 1 isle from you and unlike you i do not write to the enemy things like leaving and this team i am on stinks etc.
Skewed stats please in the last 14 days when we applied pressure how many did you lose ? Lets go back further 2 months ago even, when do your stats you like so much come in..
Here is something else


#1 attacker #1 defender #1 fighter #1 points #1 cities #1 dom island cities (no hugging)