Top 8: Sink or Swim


1) VIVA ITALIA - By far the worst alliance on the server, who are half of these fools??? - Immediate Sink

2) Sea Whatsup - Probably the second best group on the server so they earned their rank for now. They are in a terrible position at the moment smooshed between VIVA and TMNT. If they cannot consolidate quickly, their lives will get hard fast - Swim for now

3) TMNT - Probably the only other group I can see sticking around longer term. They have some decent players and some horrible players. Very similar assessment to number 2, if they don't shore up some islands fast, they are in trouble - Swim for now

4) Demon Fleet - They tried but they are basically just food. Most players seems unalarmed and are just feeding the bigger alliances. They seem to be grouping in the north but they have to remember this is Dom and the further they move out the less likely they will have % control - Sink

5) The Republic - I know very little about this group and have seen very little - Sink

6) -The Show- - Their best players left them for dead and they are being eaten up - Sink

7) Bang Bang - Already lost 12 cities to Viva, their founder lost his main 10 seconds after BP dropped - Sink

8) PixelTherapy - Food - Sink


Well times change very fast. No sooner had I posted this I received news that 2 and 3 are pacted. That would explain all the shared islands.

This will at least make the world a bit more interesting!


Where are the decent ones? Their top player is almost not even top 25
Almost only counts in horse shoes and handgranades. In fact i am in the top 25. But im sure you already knew that. That's what turns me on about you shock. Your attention to detail. Alrighty then!


Alright I will do a post event update - Down to 7

1) VIVA ITALIA - They lost like half the players in their alliance, seems like a "family" shakeup - Sinking Fast

2) Sea Whatsup - Not really much to say here. They haven't done anything since my last post except lose some cities and have sieges broken by solo players. They did PACT with TMNT and god knows who else. On one hand this helps them, on the other it limits their growth - Swim for now

3) Demon Fleet - Merged with a couple of groups to stay afloat but losing multiple cities a day to Viva. Surprisingly no one else seems to be enjoying the free food - Slowly Sinking

4) TMNT - Dropped in rank since last post. Very similar position to #2 as I had said in my last post. Limited growth and losing cities - Floating

5) The Republic - I still know very little about this group and have seen very little - Sink

6) PixelTherapy - Sister alliance to #3 and basically just a buffer to the beating - Sink

7) Bang Bang - Dying group with no relevance - Sink

Stats Per Grepodata on 4/2 (TMNT lost four to Viva on 4/1 but it hasn't updated)

This seems bias since I am only posting the conquests for Viva and I intended to do the same for the other groups I marked floating/swimming but they legitimately don't have any :/


Senior Citizen
Alright I will do a post event update - Down to 7

1) VIVA ITALIA - They lost like half the players in their alliance, seems like a "family" shakeup - Sinking Fast

2) Sea Whatsup - Not really much to say here. They haven't done anything since my last post except lose some cities and have sieges broken by solo players. They did PACT with TMNT and god knows who else. On one hand this helps them, on the other it limits their growth - Swim for now

3) Demon Fleet - Merged with a couple of groups to stay afloat but losing multiple cities a day to Viva. Surprisingly no one else seems to be enjoying the free food - Slowly Sinking

4) TMNT - Dropped in rank since last post. Very similar position to #2 as I had said in my last post. Limited growth and losing cities - Floating

5) The Republic - I still know very little about this group and have seen very little - Sink

6) PixelTherapy - Sister alliance to #3 and basically just a buffer to the beating - Sink

7) Bang Bang - Dying group with no relevance - Sink

Stats Per Grepodata on 4/2 (TMNT lost four to Viva on 4/1 but it hasn't updated)
View attachment 3694

This seems bias since I am only posting the conquests for Viva and I intended to do the same for the other groups I marked floating/swimming but they legitimately don't have any :/
You're so cringe


Or you might fly a myth nuke into a stacked seige with 14 wall and tower.

Says the peeps that Fly there Myth nukes into a stacked siege behind a 14 wall with tower. Brilliant. Might want to un smash that like button Zeek. ; )
I won't smash that like button simply because I was straffing all players blindly with an event token flyer. I blindly ran into that wall and shed several tears for those poor birds, then I popped another token and continued on my way