Top 2 Sink or Swim


How'd you like that op? Sit down coltin lol. Also kgreat you are a terrible player, legit one of the worse players I've ever seen. You have no place, at least coltin is a legit player who I can respect for his game. You on the other hand are a joke.


Senior Citizen
I actually havent played olympus before so that would be a correct statement. Didnt help i joined this world right when small temples opened.

For the op, game respects game, it looked pretty decent!

Back to trash talk tho (cant have it all be respect amirite?) - yall got a myth type on your team, dont ride Zroes coattails too much.


Haha I've spent more then roe, I think at least, it's kind of a don't ask, don't tell.. he just builds faster then I do by a lot . And he got here like a month late, good dude. I'm not gonna lie, im sitting on many slots lol.

Maybe y'all will rethink your 100% offensive approach because theres more to come!

O for sure man, doesn't help at all, I saw when your first came in and figured you were golding. Since Dom opened in neopoils.


Senior Citizen
He definitely exploded.

We shall see, looks like it has been a fun day today as well.

Oh I RARELY gold. Dont need to spend money on this dogwater game.