Top 12 Sink or Swim


oh i can accuratly predict that Chigs will move to #1 before 6 months in
People who have just played late-game WWs are not always great during startup phase. You can get through WW logging in once or twice a day... that simply doesnt work in a new world's core.


People who have just played late-game WWs are not always great during startup phase. You can get through WW logging in once or twice a day... that simply doesnt work in a new world's core.

say WHAT ,, your just being crazy now.....


People who have just played late-game WWs are not always great during startup phase. You can get through WW logging in once or twice a day... that simply doesnt work in a new world's core.

What does that have to do with the CHIGS? and BTW Slayer is wrong for sure - we will not be #1 after 6 months ... some stupid MRA will be #1 in 6 months ... just like they were on CHI.

#1 in points is a worthless stat the CHIGS will never interest ourselves in.

#1 in ABP - that you might very well see...


#1 ABP will be a race for sure.

Also Rabid guys, you all really aren't making your team look much better. If you're experienced, you should know to avoid making sketchy people leaders.


Okay, so i decided to make one of these, all of this is just speculation based on positioning and numbers.

1: Picnic Bunnies: This is my alliance, we are gonna have fun in O44, not rly gonna say much besides 2nd best average on top12.

2: Rabid: These guys are gonna have a hard time fighting for their piece of O55. My guess is that chigs/nameless ones will eat them throughout O55. It all depends on how many people punish them for being so spread out. Sink? Edit: Its worth noting their recent internal troubles. Not even a week into the world and they are off to a rocky start.

3: VOodoO: These guys are the only people worth noting in O44 besides PB. Decent average, should be interesting if they put up a fight. Float then sink?

4: HYDRA: They basically have O54 to themselves until someone starts to expand. Swim for a while.

5:Empire of Death: These guys can do well. They joined a bit late, but have some decent positioning on the rim of O55. Chigs could be in for a surprise if these guys grow too much. Swim

6: Death from Above: Okay, so the only competition these guys have is the #11 alliance. Should be okay, but who knows. Float

7: SeeD: These guys are so dead its not even funny. They have the second worst positioning on the top12 IMO. They will be eaten by other O55 alliances. Sink

8: Reborn Bastards: These guys are good. But they have by far the worst positioning in the top 12. They are spread all throughout 45/55. I just can't see them surviving, even with their skills b/c of the Unit speed:1. Sink.

9: Nameless ones: These guys actually look okay. Decent core in east O55. I think they will control east O55 until chigs come from the west or EoD comes from the south. Float.

10: Chiguanas: Best average in the top 12. Only 35 members. Its not gonna be easy, but I think they will control west O55 for a while. They might survive later if they can grow fast enough. Swim

11: You mad Bro?: At first i wrote these guys off. They actually have a chance. They are kindof spread out but they have a good cluster in O45. Either them or Death from Above will win this ocean. My money is on DfA. Sink

12: Vikings reborn: So dead, Will be eaten by PB, Voodoo, and Hydra. I give them zero chance. Sink


What do we disagree on? I just like to know others opinions.

Personally I disagree with Chig's struggling with 35 members. They had 11 back in the start of Chi, and everyone kept saying that such a small team would have to fold and merge into others etc etc. However they didn't need to there so I can't see them doing it here.

The small member count, means no dead weight and no easy targts, they only recruit active team players, the low numbers is they reason they are so effective, so only 35 is not a hindrance for them.
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Personally I disagree with Chig's struggling with 35 members. They had 11 back in the start of Chi, and everyone kept saying that such a small team would have to fold and merge into others etc etc. However they didn't need to there so I can't see them doing it here.

The small member count, means no dead weight and no easy targts, they only recruit active team players, the low numbers is they reason they are so effective, so only 35 is not a hindrance for them.
I see. This is my first us world so I dont know much about them. I don't think they will fail or anything, i just see that they are in the toughest ocean, so its not gonna be a walk in the park (HYDRA).


rabid will swim B/C they got coopdagoon :)

#1 ABP will be a race for sure.

Also Rabid guys, you all really aren't making your team look much better. If you're experienced, you should know to avoid making sketchy people leaders.

we did not have a vote for a council, the problem is gone now and the alliances is back to normal
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Chirp, Chirp! What's that U say little bird? I'm causing an up roar? Some aren't happy, that I'm out there fish in their waters? I thought I put in a permit to troll every where. What's this? A couple more pigeons on my window sill? I must be trending. Really? I'm to be Rimmed, but who & why? I just want to be your Daddy! Well, take this message back. I'm over here. Molon Labe!


Might as well right? I play here, and I'll keep it short.

1) Picnic Bunnies: Seen a lot of these players before. From past worlds. Heavy gold users, among other things. They will certainly swim, as long as they don't get banned for breakin rules.

2) Rabid: Don't much much about these fellas. Seem to be a premade, with good grouping. I see em swimmin.

3) VooDoo: I don't see them beating out PB for o44. Sink.

4) Hydra: Not really sure how to feel about them, but they should certainly win o54 against the competition. swimmers

5) Empire of Death: Such a boring generic name. sink

6) Death from above: not impressive on sparta, doubt they will be here. sink

7) SeeD: "our sister alliance is" blah blah. family alliance SINK HARD

:cool: The nameless ones: "If you would like to join in O55, O45,or O54...., " pick an ocean or lose. sink

9) Reborn Basterds: world winners, decent locations. float, maybe. we'll see.

10) you mad BRO? my boissss. our positioning is fairly terrible, and people still playing other worlds. But, let's float about, or maybe sink.

11) Chiguanas 36 memebrs? 11th? I'm jelly swim.

12) Vikings Reborn *yawn* what another exciting name. sink


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Might as well right? I play here, and I'll keep it short.

1) Picnic Bunnies: Seen a lot of these players before. From past worlds. Heavy gold users, among other things. They will certainly swim, as long as they don't get banned for breakin rules.

2) Rabid: Don't much much about these fellas. Seem to be a premade, with good grouping. I see em swimmin.

3) VooDoo: I don't see them beating out PB for o44. Sink.

4) Hydra: Not really sure how to feel about them, but they should certainly win o54 against the competition. swimmers

5) Empire of Death: Such a boring generic name. sink

6) Death from above: not impressive on sparta, doubt they will be here. sink

7) SeeD: "our sister alliance is" blah blah. family alliance SINK HARD

:cool: The nameless ones: "If you would like to join in O55, O45,or O54...., " pick an ocean or lose. sink

9) Reborn Basterds: world winners, decent locations. float, maybe. we'll see.

10) you mad BRO? my boissss. our positioning is fairly terrible, and people still playing other worlds. But, let's float about, or maybe sink.

11) Chiguanas 36 memebrs? 11th? I'm jelly swim.

12) Vikings Reborn *yawn* what another exciting name. sink

1: Heavy gold users? First of all, i would say only about 1/3 to 1/2 of us use gold, and even if we did all use gold, whats so wrong with that?

2: Their grouping is not good.

5: Look at their past results and positioning, who cares if its generic.

8: ?

9: They have the worst location on this list. by far. have you even looked at a map?.....

10: Your positioning isnt actually that bad :p

Sorry, just had to respond....


1: Heavy gold users? First of all, i would say only about 1/3 to 1/2 of us use gold, and even if we did all use gold, whats so wrong with that?

This is a lie. Everyone in our alliance uses copious amounts of gold. I know I had to sell my car just to reach 2000 points. I heard Fear and Loathing had to kill his wife to collect life insurance to afford his gold.


Curious as to what you mean by breaking the rules.

I think Rabid has some pretty bad positioning and their leadership seems to already have problems.

Reborn might have won a world last time, I don't see them making it far here.

This world is going to belong to a handful of alliances in the early game PB and Chigs will be leading the way, followed by another O55 alliance, a dark horse O45 team, and Hydra.