I am doing a top 10, do to the fact that 11-15 alliances are particularly embarrassing at this time.
1 Dulce et Decorum 169289 69 2453- SWIM
Lead in every POSSIBLE category. To name a few- Best alliance average, highest ranked player, best attacking alliance, best attacker, best defender, best defending alliance, best fighter, best fighting alliance, best ocean alliance (55), best ocean-player (55 and 65), and points-per-city, average bp per player (Ok, fine that was all of them), my alliance, so I won't go into too much more detail lol sorry, but another thing to add is that we have more than a few enemies
OK OK FINE! Keltset, of The Hive, just conquered another city, so they have the Number 1 player, pointswise OK ALRIGHT? IM SORRY >_<
2 Knights Of Templar 135649 90 1507- SINK
Chinga Tu Putt, don't think that we can't see through that costume. This is an MRA that has tried to hide their noobism behind a new name. They have the most players in any alliance by far (90) along with Black Listed (83). This alliance, however, is very spread out. In their main ocean, they have... oh wait. They don't have a main ocean. They have Ocean Leaders for Oceans 65 (7), 44 (28 ), 46 (2), 56 (3), and 55 (8 ). The rank that they are in for each ocean is in parenthesis.
* Note: It took me a minute to find them on the Ocean 44 listngs. Then I realized that their only player in that ocean was their Ocean Leader.
3 Black Listed 134490 83 1620- SINK
MRA based in Ocean 55, where they have about half of their cities (48 ). They have the second most players in any alliance, second only to Knights of Templar. They are a very passive alliance and do not attack, as I inferred from their 9505 battle points, good for 7th. I could have said the same for the Knights of Templar, but I had already said enough about them already.
4 S.P.Q.R 129721 78 1663- FLOAT then SINK
They always look good right after the end of bp, but in each world, they seem to fail based on lack of leadership from their founders. Interesting story about one of them (I heard this from one of my friends who plays Nu). Matrix Agent, after playing on about 10 different worlds, had no idea that you didn't need to revolt a ghost city in order to conquer it. He said, and I quote, "I have sent my revolt attack to the ghost, and will send my cs tomorrow." This is just one example of their noobism. I predict their best players merge into a stronger alliance in less than a week. This time, though, their abp is good enough for third, which is something new for S.P.Q.R. alliances. Maybe they have a slightly different future here in Upsilon
5 Slightly Mean 125366 76 1650- SWIM
A decently sized alliance based in oceans 65 and 66, where they are ranked the number 2 (O 65) ocean alliance, and the number 1 (O 66) alliance. Although they are not in any core ocean, they seem to be in a good position to dominate the near-rim (at least as of now, its the near-rim). Their abp, 10633, is ranked fourth, which is good due to the fact that they are ranked fifth.
6 Immortal 111739 70 1596- SWIM for now
Ranked number one by far in Ocean 56, where they have 0 competition whatsoever. This alliance's only problem will be expanding, as the surrounding oceans seem to be locked into a top 5 (in skill) alliance already.
7 The Lacedaemonians 100551 61 1648- SUNK already by EnyoIII
MRA that lost some of its punch after EnyoIII kicked everyone out. They have a good core in O 55, 49/61 members, but O 55 is not the place for them, as it is the home of big-bad EnyoIII's Dulce et Decorum. It's not gonna work out. thisisgrepolis
8 The Hive 95220 42 2267- SWIM
Great alliance, old #1 player, Keltset. The Hive recently picked up Ride or Die's strongest members after they were destroyed. The Hive is ranked 8, with the 2nd most abp in the world. That is GOOD. O 54 seems to be a rap for The Hive. WHy do I say that? They are barely in first in that ocean in terms of points, do you say? Well, check out this stat: as I was writing this, The Hive's best player just conquered Sparta 54's best player. Sparta 54 players are abandoning ship rapidly, including one of their founders. Another stat: S.P.Q.R. will not be a problem for them.
9 LORNA BLOCK 90125 59 1528- SINK
Look at their profile
Laugh because they don't even have 2,000 points defending as an alliance,
Look at their abp and laugh
Do you honestly think they'll swim? That's what I thought.
10 WarGasm 89270 66 1353- SINK
No idea where they came from. Maybe a name-change? What the heck is their main ocean?
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