Top 12 Sink or Swim


Yeah we got a feeder, ill announce it and make it official. Wont be here forever though.



1. Noobies:Swim then Sink:

I've had some good players rave about several of the players in here. If they're as good as people say, then this group will swim...but later on sink. I know one player in here who can kill morale in an alliance and a few others who can be exploited. I could be wrong, but my gut tells me they'll end up imploding when things do not go their way.

2. Hairy Hotties: Swim:
Good leader with good players in an ideal location. I think we can beat them, BUT we aren't exactly neighbors and Idk that the alliances around them can.

3. Molon Labe: Sink:
I like Thorr and Prenk. They're great people and solid players. But they got beat by a much smaller coalition in Gela, and they will only be dealing with stronger competition in a faster world here. I don't see this group surviving without merging/pacting.

4. T.Rex: Sink:
They have a couple of guys I recognize who are decent, but definitely vulnerable at times. I also know several others that will be picked apart by any active/aggressive enemy. I just don't see them lasting long in this world. Also noticed Ritz left them for Noobies, sooooooooo wondering if Noobies is pacting even though they said they wouldn't? Not a good look for an alliance who hyped themselves up so much.

5. Snipers Inc.: Float then Sink:
Word is they have pacted with Noobies. I do not recognize any players here, but if I had to guess, I'd say an alliance who is this spread out and pacted with another alliance that I'm thinking will peak and then collapse is only going to survive as long as their pact mate does and then collapse shortly after.

6. Legends of Valhalla: Swim then Sink:
Another alliance I know little about. They look to have a good core with some vulnerable cities laying around, though losing those should not devastate their alliance. They should do well, except that they are not too far from BoB. Maybe I'm arrogant (I am), but I think we will be the reason they fall should our borders meetl. We will be the reason they do not continue to swim.

7. The Core: Float then Sink:
They have some solid players, but they also have some people I have seen betray good alliances they played with for over a year. They will survive for a bit, but I expect the Hotties to end them.

8. Devil's Own: Sink:
I only recognize a couple of players, who are not impressive by any means. Unfortunately, they are he highest ranked in their alliance. Couple that with them being in the territory or Noobies, sniper, and Rex (who may or may not be pacted, I don't believe they will survive long here unless those three alliances collapse quick.

9. Demons: Sink:
Too spread out in a bad area. The only players I recognize are not really that great. I would be shocked if they made it another couple of weeks.

10. Bring Own Booze: Swim:
My alliance.

11. Olympus 2: Sink:
They're in a horrible position in this world and look like an MRA. They should sink quick IMO.

12. Soldiers of Honor: Sink:
The only players I recognize are food for their enemies. They also look to be caught between alliances I expect to do much better than they will, so I might get them 3-4 weeks at best before they fall.
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Look above your top 12 (good effort by the way) you'll see where I wrote snipers is our feeder alliance

They will sink when we disband them.

As for your remarks on noobies, everyone hears many stories about many things.

I could tell you many about hotties but none of it counts because when we started this world we started on ground 0

Let this world do the talking and not idle rumour from other worlds


Ok, then I will disregard the praise some past allies have thrown your way and guess you'll just sink based on the weaknesses and destructive personalities I do know of.
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Ok lol ask my guys if I have a destructive personality you'll prob find I don't.

But thanks all the same


Didn't say you did. Maybe you do, but Idk. Others def do though. I expect you to ghost when you run into a challenge however. But prove me wrong.


Lmao you sound like you know me but all you know is what you've heard

I never ghosted because of hard game, it was things outside the game

You epitomise the guy who copies the bigger boys to try and be popular.

I don't know you or your game play so I can't comment on that but I do know your mouth has its own motor
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I'll look forward to seeing if you're any good or if you're just another forum junkie. Do not ghost before we meet


Pahahahah haha this is just comedy gold

I've had bigger and harder craps. .. woah aha hahaha pmsl

Mate there's a Q in my fan club and your spot is at the end
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Let's have another Top 12. Mine stirred the pot just a bit I guess. Someone else needs to keep it going


My top 12 - Ditto of Toast.
Except the part where he thinks they can beat Hotties, but I do think Bring Own Booze is probably the second best alliance here. The reason I think we are better is because Nori supplies us with whiskey. Sorry. That's better than bringing your own.
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1.Show us your noobies- nothing but a bunch of scrubs. probably will ghost in less than 2 months. someone embarrassed both head hunter and supafletch in the world chat at the same time.

2.Hairy hotties- more colonizing ghosting scrubs. they think colonizing and popping event tokens is an actual strategy. they build nice cities though...

3.Molon Labe- just more scrubs. their leaders are horrible and got beat in another server in less than 2 months.

4.T.Rex- lol scrubs. their number one player has awesome sleepy times and builds nice cities.

5.L.O.V- i only recognize a couple of players, but yes they are scrubs. hopefully they dont hug it out and prove me wrong.

6.Assasinators- recognize a couple of players that played in us41, scrubs. but i do not know the majority of the players so they have an opportunity to prove their worth.

7.B.O.B- they better pact or merge with you know who or stay far away from us

8. AD- winners of this world

9.Devils own- recognize a few that played in us41. ghosting scrubs.

10.Demons- i dont know anyone in this alliance so they have an opportunity to make a name for themselves

11.Olympus 2-turtles

12.The Gang- a few played in us41 and they really suck but a lot of members i dont know so they might have a chance.
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Guess someone is still butt hurt B.O.B turned them down a few times when asked to join AD's coalition in actium.

I didnt play in actium, if i did we would have won it pretty easily. but all i know is the scrubs in actium played in us51 and they suck pretty bad.....


1.Show us your noobies- nothing but a bunch of scrubs. probably will ghost in less than 2 months. someone embarrassed both head hunter and supafletch in the world chat at the same time.

Everyday occurrence that, jeez get up to speed.


seems like this post was drafted in crayon

any micro alliances people see breaking into the top 12 as the world progresses?

We will end in the top 12 that is for sure


Does anyone else find it ironic that ADs Nasty Foot calls everyone a scrub, yet a good scrub is exactly what ADs Nasty Foot needs? I recommend a loofah.

Looks like someone, ADs Nasty Foot (aka UMadUTrash), has a crush on Bring Own Booze.
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Does anyone else find it ironic that ADs Nasty Foot calls everyone a scrub, yet a good scrub is exactly what ADs Nasty Foot needs? I recommend a loofah.

go loofah! use to be a wash cloth person myself but after sampling strangers loofahs, abandoned in public showers and truck stops, i became a fan

oh top 12 reference... hmmm... everyones a scrub and a nuuub, 2-12 will all sinks
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