But newsflash mega at this point in the game a city ain't nothing. Your such a noob here's a screenshot from a guide that really does say it all:
so go ahead and keep saying we don't know, and be happy with the cities you take. Your playing like this is still early game when it's not so obviously you are the one who doesn't know. Glad to see you don't know when you are getting the short end of the stick, and glad to see you are more than willing to keep doing these unfair trades as well. Thank you, it's definitely true ignorance is bliss, now run along go play in the mud, and be blissful.
I'll give you the edge on experience, can't argue that. And hey, maybe you'll even prove to be the first person in the universe that's both simultaneously arrogant and wise.
But I doubt it.
You can go around claiming that it's just a flesh wound, but only a fool straight up ignores it.
Do the words pot and kettle mean anything to you? How about the word hypocrisy?
This is a thread for players to give their accounts of history. A thread which says at the top,
Hmmm. Who are you again? Are you relevant?
Are you that person who made that outrageous post in the cutter discussion? Y'know, that one where the poster exploited the tragic circumstances that befell a friend as a means to browbeat a total stranger on a public internet forum? If you missed it, count yourself lucky. Some friend she is, right!? I've never read anything so repulsive and tasteless in my life. And that's saying something in the age of the internets.
Anyways, I see now that you're a member of LoD. So I guess you are somewhat relevant.
I only quoted part of your comments because, quite frankly, that's where I stopped reading. I could already tell that the rest of it was going to be unbearably pedantic. Normally, I'd go with the truism that then enemy of my enemy is my friend... but in your personal case, I'm making an exception.
Short bus jokes? Damn man, I've been hearing those since 2nd grade. They weren't funny as a kid and they aren't funny now.
Your saying we play this game too much? You have just as many as cities as me and your on the forums more than I am. But I'm the one that needs to go outside? I don't understand why you even put this in. Its obvious your trying to be clever and we can all tell you're trying a little too hard. You probably play this game as much as me or even more but I'm the one that needs to get a life? Its just another example of the hypocrisy that I've seen in other posts from you and your mates.
You even spent the time to think of names for us. Your doing the most but thats not a surprise
Man, you can always count on The-Lesser-Known-Brother-of-Charlie-Sheen to bring absolutely nothing redeeming to the table. Your posts make me miss Sim the Coocher -- and that's no joke right there.
And I'm not sure if I should be flattered or astounded that you seem to think that the variations on your names I'm using actually required, like, a lot of time or thought.
Alright, sorry for hijacking the history of chi / quasi-chiguana propaganda thread.