Chi-an History


Ocean 58 - The Southern Rim

I am going to talk a bit about how I came to be where I am now.

I started the world very late, and was seeded into the border of O57/O58. I played under protection for a few days, growing my city and learning the game. I was not an experienced player, coming from another server. I had played similar games in the past tho, and took those skills, while learning the new, to help me with this new game.

I knew if I remained unaligned, I was not going to last long in this world.

I did receive invites, to various alliances, as I grew to over 2k points in 3 days, just from over enthusiastic playing.

I really liked the name of the one, I actually had to look at my old messages to find the original name, haha. It was an alliance called The Darkside based out of Ocean 33/34. They were the 9th alliance at the time. I can't rightly remember who their main enemy was. King Joseph sent me an invite, and I still to this day have no clue why. I was the only person he every personally recruited in any ocean below 34. After I came out of BP, he game me rights to recruit players around me. He also changed the name of the alliance to Carpe Noctum.

Meanwhile, up in 33, there was a big falling out, one member turned out to be a spy, was helping Dominati take cities. After hitting our founder, taking all 7 of his cities, King Joseph one day just deleted his account. Dominati continued to take cities, unraveling the alliance, all while I am down in the south, freaking out that I'm going to get creamed.

I only later found out that King Joseph never passed on the founder rights. I had been recruiting and building a good little team down in 57/58. I had ten people, and we were slowly moving to the east along the border.

The thing I didn't have was rights to the forums, so I coordinated all I could in a thread. I also was looking for homes for the survivors of the alliance up north. Some of them went to the Boondock Saints, others, I couldn't even tell you. We did have a few pacts, so I know some of them dispersed.

While I was organizing that, I was also constantly farming one player of The Almighty Elite. I would let him build up for a day, then attack him, let him build, attack him again. He would try to hide his troops, but I was farming all the other stagnant cities anyways, so I would kill those too.

Eventually the Diplomacy Officer(Shaddow), for his alliance contacted me, asking me for a cease fire, while they asked for a NAP. It came out that I had no one in my alliance with rights to even accept a nap. At this point, Shaddow asked if we would like to merge with them. I asked everyone's opinion, I got 7 responses back, and said we would merge in. I was offered a leadership role, but not founder, which was understandable. Another Stipulation was that me and a few of my people had to take cities on their main clusters of islands. I shacked up right in between Shaddow and Lord Marq.

I moved my people over. We had a few issues with reservations. Seems their other Founder, Lord Marq, liked to reserve everything big in the area, then had select what he would eventually take. He had 11 reserves when we moved over. It left me with a lot of people unable to CS anything, thus stunting their growth for a wee bit, while I tried to sort some of that out.

I also started helping with the forums, which quickly became one of my favorite tasks, as well as communicating with the alliance as a whole. Due to this, I still have many players, no longer in my own current alliance, contact me on an almost daily basis. Communication and a bit of formal civility does go a long way, just saying.

I wasn't fully up on all of what was going on yet, when an alliance called Virus asked us to merge. I hadn't even settled my people into a routine yet, and there was talks of another merge. WE chatted with them for a good while, in council chambers, until we decided we would in fact merge over.

During this time, Lord Marq and I had a falling out. Still to this day I do not know the real reason, tho it did happen right after he found out I was a female. Lord Marq chose to downgrade himself to a regular player, and later when the merge did happen, he just didn't join us. He joined N&F 2.0, saying I had booted him out. Luckily Shaddow had a friend, xGhost, who he explained everything to. I also lost one of my favorite members, in the Virus merge, Calvin. Man that had hurt. I understand being a sellout, wanting to survive and just go with the biggest alliance around, but it still hurt. We kept a little peace, he would not attack any of my original 10, as long as we didn't attack him. He did however end up taking 2 cities from some of my fav students later on. Just more pokes in my side =(

Councils decided to rename the new alliance, keeping a bit of both, and Almighty Virus was born. We decided not to pick "The Purple Granny Panties". Probably a good thing.

I didn't know any of the Virus history, at the time of the merge, nor who they were at war with. They had neglected to tell us that their council had all but left, and then started attacking them.

While we were merging, Angry Penguins and Numbers and Figures were merging. So I essentially brought my people into a war, which I knew nothing about.

Also, the forums were horrid! I sat there for a day, just staring at them going, ***, where the h3ll do I start?

I quickly got to it, and within a week had the forums sorted out and everything up to date. I added new things, started learning how to make maps, look at stats, get patterns from the data.

AN and N&F renamed themselves to Apocalypse Now. Their first big op against us really taught me a lot. I was not as knowledgeable as the other council members. I dove into tutorials, making myself a better leader, making sure I knew how to answer questions for my now increased number of members. I made sure I was around, at least every few hours. I started switching my cities to defense, to help support our more northern players. I started taking lessons, on timings and other things.

AN was hitting us hard, trying to take our northern cities, competing for all the big juicy ghost towns of quitting players. I was also battling 2 of the bigger alliances in ocean 58, Polar Kingdom and Ocean 58. So there were days I'd have defense going out for the north, offense going out for the south, from all my cities. Multiple times a day. I was non stop making Ships and Troops. It really stunted my growth for my cities, but it sure did gain me a lot of BP.

Hope you enjoy learning about some of the lesser known alliances/oceans.
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Very enjoyable read.

Will say I'm a little disappointed that you decided not to go for The Purple Granny Panties, it's a great name and made me chuckle.


Chiguanas Vs. Apocalypse Now? Chigs' working their way South, AN working their Way North, Only 1 will survive.

How did i miss this Gem of a thread... WOW .. some fiction some fact but the above sentence is were its at.

i have to admit at first and thru out the merger with the penguins i was not happy. BUT .. during that time i gave direction to my team in ocean 46 to be supportive and good team mates to our new friends . i and my team sent support to the northern front as asked by the penguin leadership .

i challenge any one !! ( since ya all love those copy pastes ) to prove that inaccurate .

But now i am happy that merger happened. it solidified our strongest members into a stronger unit. it grew our complete trust in each other in ways without the merger would have taken longer. it strengthened our council and our entire leadership team. it has improved our collective game play and experience.

and most importantly !!!!! if the merger didn't happen this fantastic thread wouldn't exist ... this is great stuff !! :)


How did i miss this Gem of a thread... WOW .. some fiction some fact but the above sentence is were its at.

i have to admit at first and thru out the merger with the penguins i was not happy. BUT .. during that time i gave direction to my team in ocean 46 to be supportive and good team mates to our new friends . i and my team sent support to the northern front as asked by the penguin leadership .

i challenge any one !! ( since ya all love those copy pastes ) to prove that inaccurate .

But now i am happy that merger happened. it solidified our strongest members into a stronger unit. it grew our complete trust in each other in ways without the merger would have taken longer. it strengthened our council and our entire leadership team. it has improved our collective game play and experience.

and most importantly !!!!! if the merger didn't happen this fantastic thread wouldn't exist ... this is great stuff !! :)


This is my history of Chi until I was rimmed :D

There was a premade named Patriots lead by Decky66. Ace-Wolf was also a leader.
They asked me to join so being a loyal friend I joined :). I was invited to an island that was mostly made up of Patriots. The recruitment soon became a little too loose, inviting noobs like Davey Jones II. I was accepted into the council. Patriots then went to war with Angry Penguins. Meanwhile there was a small alliance named CHIjuana (later had to change their name to CHIguanas), that had a high point average and tons and tons of BP. They were Ruling 044, Patriots 054, Angry Penguins 045 and 055. Now I am not going to get into all the other MRAs because they aren't worth my time.
For some weird reason the diplomat of Patriots, Bacchus23, made a deal with Kid Cudi (leader of AP) that basically said AP can attack all our members in 045 and 055, not 054 though, and no Patriots could attack AP.
Basically the whole council in Patriots was against this so we broke the deal.
One thing we did decide to do, in order to save our members in 045 and 055, was to make Battle Groups.
Battle Group1: Consisted of people in northern 054. Goal was to make all Defense. Each person was assigned someone in 045/055 (BG 3) to protect.
Battle Group2: Consisted of people in southern 054. Goal was to make all offense, and attack AP
Battle Group3: Consisted of people in 045/055. They were basically sitting ducks. Protected by BG1. Goal was to build a high wall, defense, and offense for counter attacks.
As it was mine and Ace-wolf's job to put together the Battle Groups, I sent out a mass mail to BG1 asking how much defense they had so we could put them with the correct person based off who needed the most help. Only 4 people out of 12 responded
So I had to assign people at random.
The council also needed another leader for the alliance so we picked Hermes/Exit.
Hermes decided to invite an alliance full of people who were his friends to our area in 054 for some reason. They created Legion of Death and Patriots pacted with them.

Soon members of Patriots became unhappy with the Battle Groups. They was also a small rebellion going on lead by Kaus1, Sim the Builder and I forget the rest. So people started leaving. Patriots was going downhill.
Then Ace-Wolf left to CHIguanas and I knew it was pretty much over.
So I left and created a temp alliance called Warriors of Poseidon. we had like 3 members lol. Charl, nflfan, and stanJ.
Hermes became a leader of LoD
I applied to CHIgaunas and AP to be a member. CHIguanas told me to wait a week awhile they disscussed and AP told me the same.
What I didn't know was there a member in CHIguanas named Misto (aka Primitive) who was begging them not to invite me, probably the reason they didn't.
I finally decided to join Legion of Death, as it was my only option. I found out in their forums that apparently my 3 man alliance was a "major threat in 054"
Also I saw that LoD was back to BGs.
Then CHIguanas landed a cs in my city, I asked for help from my alliance, sent out a mm. I got zero help. Nothing.
So my city was conquered, I posted in the forums "Thanks everyone for your help"
That ended my Chi experience


Here's my incredibly biased history of Chi...

So I decided to try and create my first premade alliance, the Patriots. Ace-Wolf became my 2nd in command and things were looking good heading into the world. He was the one that actually founded the alliance because he got on the new world before I did but once I joined I got promoted to founder and he was still a leader.

There was another alliance that I saw as a threat called Angry Penguins. We were both growing similarly, us in O54 and them in O55/45. Now we had 2 or 3 guys in O45 near AP so hostilities started growing between us. We decided to ask for an NAP and they basically said no. Well what they really said was that they could attack us but we couldn't attack the but we obviously rejected.

Our downfall really had barely anything to do with our "war" with AP, it had to do with these 2 wimps; Sim the Builder, and Khennick (and kind of Kaus1). They were all in out area so we recruited them and as soon as we started telling our members to get ready for war they jumped ship to AP to be saved instead of fighting. Well after that everyone else thought that would be a good idea so about 70% of our alliance left, however most went to Legion of Death, not AP. After that I just quit the world but I still update these milestones.

And just to show how spineless Khennick and Sim are, after they started losing to CHIguanas they jumped ship to join them too.

And I just want to let all former members of AP to know that we had a spy there that sent us every issue of The Daily Penguin.


Here's my incredibly biased history of Chi...

So I decided to try and create my first premade alliance, the Patriots. Ace-Wolf became my 2nd in command and things were looking good heading into the world. He was the one that actually founded the alliance because he got on the new world before I did but once I joined I got promoted to founder and he was still a leader.

There was another alliance that I saw as a threat called Angry Penguins. We were both growing similarly, us in O54 and them in O55/45. Now we had 2 or 3 guys in O45 near AP so hostilities started growing between us. We decided to ask for an NAP and they basically said no. Well what they really said was that they could attack us but we couldn't attack the but we obviously rejected.

Our downfall really had barely anything to do with our "war" with AP, it had to do with these 2 wimps; Sim the Builder, and Khennick (and kind of Kaus1). They were all in out area so we recruited them and as soon as we started telling our members to get ready for war they jumped ship to AP to be saved instead of fighting. Well after that everyone else thought that would be a good idea so about 70% of our alliance left, however most went to Legion of Death, not AP. After that I just quit the world but I still update these milestones.

And just to show how spineless Khennick and Sim are, after they started losing to CHIguanas they jumped ship to join them too.

And I just want to let all former members of AP to know that we had a spy there that sent us every issue of The Daily Penguin.

too be fair no body jumped ship AP was no were close to losing to CHIG. sim didn't stay in AP long at all if he was there to begin with. khennick and the rest of the leaders of AP left for what they felt were good reasons AP just burned down around us from the inside not anything that CHIG did


since i left i cant fill in all the gaps so was wondering if someone could update the history ace started begining with the APOC and CHIG war with Angry chipmunks and LoD in there as well up to the huge war with chig and TTBBE and abla


I've actually been playing in Chi for a while as a member of KTTE, but with the end nearing in Chi, pretty much all the top alliances seem to have fallen apart...
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The only history now is written by the victors !!!!! LOL

Thats us ALBA