Chi-an History


I used to be in the core but got conquered, I am an ex-patriot. Restarted on the rim after that. I'm in TTBBE, but not a whole lot of history as far as I know. SOCOM is merging into our academy alliance, and the new alliance name for the rest of SOCOM is burning.
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Yay story time from a new guy (who I'm sure isn't relevant by any means) =D

I started on Chi about a week or 2(?) into it, originally played a bit on EU servers but being in Vegas makes it a little hard to keep up with the time difference. Needless to say Chi was pretty new, had a good feel to it and good settings for someone like myself. (very active, playing daily but still enough time to get comfortable and set to play the game correctly)

First things, as with all new people who start on a new server I thought "I'm gonna makes me a new alliance and it'll be awesome cause a long time ago I played WoW and ran top ranked guilds so this'll be cake!" although after about 2 weeks and only getting 9 members, 3 of which who were actually active I ran outa positiveness on that whole concept. But I am thankful for starting it because it allowed me to talk with some great people one of which who was Emilio when he was fresh on the world and kindly turned down my invite because he was just catching up to go with his buddies in Chig, (I always make it a point to message people and not just invite for stuff) and the others were JMoneyMcc and Timjrocks from Band of Brothers who had made a kind gesture pact with my newly low and wasteful alliance.

Long story short after some talks with J and Tim I decided it was best to try my hand at being led rather than being the big dog and I was thankful I did. Now Band of Brothers wasn't some force to wrecken or tearing up the oceans, but had some great players and honestly one of the best atmospheres in alliance I've seen. Things were good, I was getting some cities built up and learning with great people, had some fun fights with a few other alliances around like Russian Bears and my now brothers and sisters in Legion of Death beating up a city I had just conquered the night before.

Then the news came that things in real life were starting back up for Tim (if you ever read this hope it's going good man and keep truckin!) and JMoney so there started to be talks of us either disbanding, letting the new players gain control of BoB (namely myself and Thoer) or merging; which at the time the prospect was OBLIVION. Quite honestly the idea of merging into OB didn't sit right with me as it felt pretty forced and rushed as within a few hours of the announcement merger invites were sent. At the time Thoer had mentioned he spoke with someone named Bay Hawk earlier on so I decided to shoot him a message myself. Needless to say Bay was probably one of the most polite, respectful and straight shooters I've ever met in an online game outside of those in BoB. After a short talk it was, at least for Thoer and I, decided that we would merge to LoD. Some who jumped the gun ended up over at OB but the majority of BoB soaked in LoD. From then on it's just been a blur and a blast. It really is impossible to even name a handful who are amazing people and players in my alliance, but even so Pixie, Bay H.H. and the gang have made us feel at home and it's been hands down I think the best choice I've made in this game yet.

Since the merge we've been on a few fronts and has been pretty fun in my opinion. as Pixie said we had a touchy NAP with OB that they backed out on so the fights on there, we were going after after a couple others that ended fairly fast, and have gained some great new members. I don't know much of the history behind LoD or such (again I'm new), but I think I can agree in confidence that with Bay's lead his is a brand new LoD and one to watch out for. As for the Pacts, most of them were already in effect when BoB joined in (December I believe we merged in) but why hate?

From what I can see there hasn't been anything to say negatively about the pact, it's not a matter of "quick send us all your support so we can win and then that's that". Hell what I saw of the war, outside of the original LoD core the vast majority of us weren't even really able to send anything of substance so can you really say that these pacts were the deciding factor in Chig wins? This isn't some one sided thing and I fully expect it to last to the end. There isn't a single person as of yet that I've talked to or seen in Chigs that hasn't been respectful and completely helpful, even with our newer and smaller members. And that goes for anyone we have pacts with, diplomacy is more than just 'give give give' and Bay is like the Grepo version of Corey Booker. (if you don't know him he's the now New Jersey senator and has charm/commitment spewing from him)

I'm sure I forgot stuff, but that's just my measily perspective on behalf of the 'new guys' =D

And to clear a few things up that could be misconstrued:

Blah Blah all you do is kiss ass to LoD leaders and Chig...

Response: You could say that...I guess, but I only speak on what I see. It's my job (literally) to be the bad guy and call **** out, so I have no problem doing so. But I also give credit where it's due and everyone I mentioned deserves it in my opinion.

Blah Blah so you admit that Chigs came running to LoD for help!

Response: No, I wasn't here during the start of things so again I can only speak on what I see. However, pacts and such are as much a part of this game as they are in real life (hence the existence of the UN). The whole point of a war is to gain allies and crush you enemy so if a mutually beneficial offer is put on the table, why would you be dumb enough to decline it? We're in the same ocean(s), everyone has been friendly and respectful to each other and each side helps the other....kinda self explanatory.

Blah Blah so all you're saying is you were in a nobody alliance and ran to a bigger one...

Response: Again I guess you could say that... and again, the whole point of this game is to form an alliance of like-minded players to fight the good fight. Our alliance was done since our primary leaders were leaving for an extended time, one merge didn't sound like a good choice so we went with who we felt best fit our ideals of play style and leadership. LoD happened to fit the bill.

And Duh...New player, I don't have so much pride that I'm going to take on the world by myself or join a 3 man alliance expecting to last more than a week...

Blah Blah who cares, you're a noob and nobody knows you or cares what you have to say..

Response: Cool, don't particularly care. With a wife that barely listens to me I'm used to talking to myself so all good on that front ;)


Thanks for the info truebear, I was interested to hear what SOCOM had been upto.

Twysted, I'm really glad that you joined us and not OB.


History of OB:

OBLIVION --- cyclon2 founded an alliance called The Underdogs.. He had a respectful amount of decent players all in southern ocean 64. He wasn't ready to run an entire alliance so he scouted for some experience. he found herc67 and I on a northern island. he messaged us and asked us if we were interested to be leaders. we agreed and started reformatting and building immediately. we almost became marons army but the leaders didn't like this name so I proposed OBLIVION and everyone loved it.. We grew up the ranks slowly but surely, fortifying ocean 64 as best we could. took on some new members and some nice pacts including The Purge. We were getting some attacks from purge members and we declared war. they had some members quit and they disbanded so we took in most of their strong players. one of our best pacts at the time was boondock saints. We weren't too worried about chiguanas or Apoc at this time frame.

CHIg --- a few players like ms.kass, victoriousceaser, and genesisR were old purge members i think. we had offered them to join us but they were hesitant. after a week of no alliance for these players, they joined chig.. This posed an issue for us because we wanted 0-64. We tried to have them leave peacefully and formed a NAP with CHIg. They were slow to leave because who wants to give up their cities right? But it was too slow so we began attacks. then a week or two passes and chig plans an 8PM OP on 13 OB cities. 7 of the 13 we were un-aware of because of inactive players. but the 6 we were aware of and did defend we killed their cs's.. But chig landed 7 cs's and pulled them as a statement to let us know their potential.. after this there were attacks and small fronts but nothing large.

LOD ---- We had a NAP with LoD by contacting Bay Hawk himself.. There is a large front on the 64/54 border. so we receive attacks from LoD members during our so called NAP.. After a few days were fed up and declare war on them. At this time OB is struggling with losing members because of our appeasement attitude. We lost baaboo, reign of chaos, fuzzy fetus, and master adonis.. this hurt us mentally but we recovered. meanwhile in this state of chaos we lost mutiple cities to LoD. but we are now reversing this again.


I will slightly disagree with your history re LoD, OB and OBs acad kept attacking us during the NAP. After Crimson flame landed a CS in one of our cities, we painted you red and started attacking you. However I do like hearing the other side of the argument.

As you said for a while, you did stop attacking when you lost a few good players. Fuzzy in particular did earn a lot of respect from our players while he was with you and when he went we did take advantage of the situation. However over the last week/fortnight you guys have started getting stuck in again and it's good to see. Looking forward to the upcoming battle, should be good BP for both sides.


yes our academy did also break the NAP, but you guys could have at least spoken out and said something. we talked to you once. that was it. the rest of the time was silence. that ****** us off.

but anyways, it will be a bloody war. one of us will bleed slightly more


my story:

hmmm where to start, i mainly played the EN servers and wanted to start moving into the US server. i was hoping to find a world that recently opened and by my luck a world opened that very day. i was around the 20th person to join the world. i was in ocean 55 right smack in the middle ( thats where i do the best ;) and all the alliances around me proved to be horrible. then, i received a message from kid cudi. he seemed to not see any other "good" alliances in our area and wanted to make one. i joined and was promoted to leader a few days later. me and kid quickly grew the alliance into what was known as an early Angry Penguins.

once most of us were conquest ready we were ready to claim our ocean. we set out and destroyed all other alliances in ocean 55/45. me and stephen leading the charge in 55. kid/tone/khennick leading the charge into 45. we quickly destroyed all alliances in 55 and were the superior alliance in 45. in the coming days we started to notice NAF. the ocean leaders started trying to beef up the south to prepare for an all out war, with chiguanas backing us up with LTS. me and my ocean group were ready for the war when we recieved a merge offer from the leader of NAF. in the end, every council member voted for the merge ( tone, khennick, gorben, kid, kick ) except for me. i thought that we could easily destroy NAF ( and still do ). my cities in the south were packed with LTS and were all ready when we merged with them..... i was unhappy. we then declared war on our allies to the north chiguanas. this made me even more unhappy. i had to switch up all my cities once agian to have the front be in the north. i was not for the merge, the merge made alot of original players leave. a week or so after the merge the old AP leaders could see that it wasnt working out. the NAF guys were too busy with albatross and we were busy with chiguanas. without LTS from the core we were getting hammered by chiguanas. it was soon after this that the old AP leaders, tone,kid,khennick and myself went to chiguanas. we quickly fit in their.

and that is the history through my eyes.


The history of Order of the Albatross in my eyes.

I joined this world after it opened and ended up out in OC75. I joined CHI because I was getting bored in my first world I started, Pi (a speed 1 world). I played CHI only about half the time and quickly saw that double the speed makes this game much more fun. I was invited to join the order of albatross by a first time player LivPoolSCR, I had no reason to not join at the time due to his recruitment of only players in OC75. Over time we took out all the smaller alliances in OC75, and it was really easy. Our first war was not until we traveled down to OC76 where we started and finished a war with Death of Diamonds in ~48 hours. Death of Diamonds had some players get completely conquered but some when to Rapture. One of the only two relevant OC76 alliances at the time, the other one being Gentleman’s club. When looking for the next target is when OoA made a few almost fatal flaws.

First flaw, we took in 6 Rapture members before an all out war on Rapture started. These players include Timdawg, Pwnn, Arkitek88, Small head Dino, and VonTuck. Taking a small step back we completely merged with Gentleman’s club and formed an academy before taking in these 6 Rapture players. We planned and started an all out war on the remaining members of Rapture.

The second and largest flaw I have seen us make as an alliance was when we halted and started the war 2 or 3 times against Rapture allowing time for them to rebuild and or join AN. I am not sure if many will admit it now, but we could of easily taken out many of the midsize AN players such as Stuff Potatoes and Dick. But because of poor planning we were in the middle of the biggest Diplomacy madness I could of even imagined.

During this diplomacy madness our leader Livpool stepped out due to real life issues and did not say when he would be back. One day I notice leadership status with no message to follow with the new privileges. This is where the water got even murkier. We were waiting and waiting on who to attack and who not to attack from Rapture and the alliance was falling apart a bit.

We now have an academy with around 150 players at this time and we were not better than an MRA. We did not see what was wrong with an MRA until the next few weeks unfolded.

That is when AN came into town, well back then it was AP still. It was the first time an enemy was bigger than us. This is where our mistakes listed above came to haunt us. About 3/4ths of the players that we recruited from Gentleman’s Club and Rapture were now jumping ship to join yet again a bigger alliance. So instead of simply attacking these alliances one at a time we found out that the people we helped were now turning their backs on us.

I would like to add here that AN did offer to have OoA to merge with them and create a 3rd academy and fight side by side with them and move on to attack OBLIVION. Talked it over with council and we all decided against the offer.

OoA is now back to the original crew plus a select few loyal players that remained in after the merge such as Timdawg, Small head, and MTNlion64. We currently have ~62 members but are running better than ever. This world was quite boring until AN came into town, so that is a relief.

Side note we always had a Pact with the Boondock Saints, but they continue to be worthless. We have taken in a few of their active members and they all have been great additions to the team such as GriffonRider, Empanda (before she quit) and Stranger001.

In the end OoA had 4 main leaders. LivPool, Wheaties, Wyvern, and Myself. With only myself having a little experience in a revolt world before this. We don’t come from a rich and deep history or gaming background, but we learn from our mistakes and every week we get stronger and smarter. This world continues to be fun and look forward to the months to follow.
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I will slightly disagree with your history re LoD, OB and OBs acad kept attacking us during the NAP. After Crimson flame landed a CS in one of our cities, we painted you red and started attacking you. However I do like hearing the other side of the argument.

As you said for a while, you did stop attacking when you lost a few good players. Fuzzy in particular did earn a lot of respect from our players while he was with you and when he went we did take advantage of the situation. However over the last week/fortnight you guys have started getting stuck in again and it's good to see. Looking forward to the upcoming battle, should be good BP for both sides.

The Crimson Flame-Oblivion member that landed that cs was told to recall it because we had a NAP with LoD. The funny thing is that same player that started this whole thing is now a member of LoD...


The Crimson Flame-Oblivion member that landed that cs was told to recall it because we had a NAP with LoD. The funny thing is that same player that started this whole thing is now a member of LoD...

Personally I'm not for the whole drop and switch myself (since I agree with you that he did in fact start it), and I had no idea he even joined until I saw a support request from him lol. Guessing he got spooked when we took two of his cities in one night and thought he would be safer hiding in our numbers. Although that turned out to be a bit wrong as he was rimmed a couple days ago.


Personally I'm not for the whole drop and switch myself (since I agree with you that he did in fact start it), and I had no idea he even joined until I saw a support request from him lol. Guessing he got spooked when we took two of his cities in one night and thought he would be safer hiding in our numbers. Although that turned out to be a bit wrong as he was rimmed a couple days ago.

Haha yeah that kinda back fired on him :D


Everything said about SOCOM is completely and unequivocally FALSE. We are secretly mining for lithium in UTE territory. From what I have been reading, we will get rich putting that junk into a capsule. We are the Big Pharma of Chi, pandering to everyone with grepomania.


i agree, stxk did start this whole thing. but he was never very communicative anyways. It could have worked out better for LoD and OB but i'm fine with war. Spread the BP's around right!!!


Masculus, that's brilliant. It just so happens, I've been looking for some lithium, I maybe interested in buying some.

Mposeidon, I agree with you, things could have panned out differently. However this game is so tedious with nobody to fight, so this should hopefully make things fun for both sides. As you point out, it'll be good BP, so war isn't such a bad thing.
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This thread is for all who wish to give their own accounts to the history of Chi as they see them. Readers should take each account with a grain of salt, as these are only the memories of players and not necessarily what actually happened.

So anyway starting this record in the account of someone who was actually on this server since day 1 I will start :)

Once upon a time in a land not far away, 3 core alliances came into existence which would rule the land. 1.) The Patriots... the only pre-made at the time in externals. 2.) Angry Penguins, and 3.) Chiajuana.

Many alliances perished either merging into 1 of the top 3 or dying altogether. The Patriots Unfortunately became an MRA on day 1 of the server, and because of the loose recruitment the Angry Penguins declared war on day 1. Being an MRA it was tough for these Patriots to respond to the call of war, and members which should have never been recruited in the 1st place began getting owned. Supporting the cities of other players getting owned was tough for an MRA to accept, and The Patriots began tearing at the Seams. The experienced players in the MRA who understood it was to early to be supporting other players started leaving. Eventually A couple leaders such as Ace-wolf decided they joined the wrong alliance and talked to other leaders about their concerns. After most other leaders agreed they all decided they would leave Patriots, and the debate among leaders already planning a mutiny had begun. Ace-wolf tried to convince lady-kelz, hermes trysmegistus(exit strategy), and bacchus to leave to Chiajuana with him, but at the same time they were trying to convince him to go to Legion of Death.
So at that very moment in time Chiajuana was reported by someone because of their alliance name and given 24 hours to change it by mods. No leader in patriots could agree to follow the other so it was agreed that leadership would split up and seek out pacts with each other. Ace, and Lady went to the newly named Chiguanas, and Bacchus and hermes(exit) went to Legion of Doom. The story behind Legion of Doom is quite simple. Hermes(exit) invited them in this world, and automatically assumed that because they were his friends and he was a patriot that we could pact. I warned council as soon as hermes invited another alliance into our ocean that there was no way we could become friends, but my warnings were ignored and LOD pacted with the Patriots.
Too late unfortunately because once the top players left; Monnyn, and khennick to penguins, Ace, and Lady to Chiguanas, Hermes(exit strategy), bacchus to LoD, Patriots collapsed. The remainder of patriots tried to do their own thing but all eventually merged into LoD.
Many of the remaining leaders seeked refuge in Angry penguins and Chiguanas but were denied leaving them almost no where to go but LoD who were quickly becoming an MRA after the Patriots own heart.
After losing all respect for LoD at the time, the promises of seeking pacts between Chig's and LoD was broken. The Chig's commiting the 1st act of war by conquering an entire island of LoD's at the same time. The blow was so heavy in fact that you could say the war between chiguana and LoD ended with that 1st blow. All morale was lost, most older LoD players quit and went inactive including the great hermes who was bested time and time again. He finally gave up and went on VM when his precious 8K city was taken from him. From that point on LoD was headless because all leaders officially went on Vm.
Before I continue about LoD I must talk about the black company because their paths collide at this point. The Black Company was a great alliance made of the Victors of some other world I 4get. They fought a valiant, and respectable fight. From the moment Bp ended the Chiajuanas rushed them and they held their own. Eventually though the Chiajuanas overpowered them, and they began losing city after city. Soon later they all stopped supporting each other, and soon after that they were slaughtered. Players who had brains fled sending Cs's far away and eventually joining other alliances. Player's who had hopes of revenge respawned at the rim as close as possible. Eventually they gave up hope tho, and went inactive. The majority left to newer servers, leaving the rest to fend for themselves. This left a gap in The black Company at the same time there was a gap in LoD, Hence the merger of both. Leaving the greatest of TBC who were still active "BayHawk, and Ms.Pixie" positions in the new LoD. Bayhawk quickly proved his worth and helped carry LoD to a point where they are an alliance again, no longer on life support and capable of holding their own. You could say with all the inactives of older players and activity of newer players like Bayhawk and Ms.Pixie that the LoD today is an entirely new alliance than what it was before. I even believe a name change is in order to rid itself of the shame of the real LoD which was left in ruins by quitting management.
So From Patriots, and TBC to LoD, that is the history of ocean 54, and half of 44.
Some would include the purge which was another pre-made which because it was a pre-made u may have expected to do well but I strongly believe they were all confused over the concepts of grepolis from the start. Their cities were easy to take, and Chiguanas, and Penguins showed them no quarter. They founded cities in a very spread out direction, and by the end of their days were so spread out that by the time they disbanded they merged into 4 separate alliances. RIP Purge.
The Chiguanas and Penguins which 1 could say were the great powers of the North had a good thing going with borders and a pact. Until 1 fateful day in which the Penguins merged into a rim alliance N&F and indirectly declared war on Chiguanas which proved to be more than they could handle. crumbling the new angry Penguins, and forcing a split. The smartest of leaders came to Chiguanas. It might seem weird but you gotta understand we were pacted and friends at 1 point so it wasn't hard to re-accept them as brothers once again. Once they left the merger was undone hence The Angry Chipmunks who are on life-support at the moment, and Apocalypse now.

For a long time the Rim alliance N&F who soon became Apocalypse now has believed this server is theirs. They believed it before their merge with Angry Penguins, and they believe it even now more than ever as apocalypse now. Chiguanas strongly believe Apocalypse now is another MRA being held together by a few strong players. Are there enough strong players in AN to deal with Chiguanas? Are Chiguanas good enough to deal with An? These are all questions which are coming closer and closer to being answered everyday.

What can be said is N&F were wrong the 1st time they thought the server was theirs hence the merge into Penguins. They were wrong again believing a merge was the answer hence the new alliance Apocalypse Now. Can they be wrong a 3rd time believing Apocalypse now are the Undisputed Champions of a world estimated 17 months from world wonders?

Chiguanas? What can you say about them? They have destroyed every alliance who has come into direct contact with them, including unmentioned alliances unworthy of being mentioned. They are truly Undefeated, and getting closer and closer everyday to Apocalypse now, rolling thru the already defeated ChIpmunks.

The battle of the Server is coming soon, and it could erupt to an all out world war. As said in a newspaper it would be wise for each alliance in the server to choose a side because the outcome of the war will change the server Chi in ways we can't even imagine until it happens.

Chiguanas Vs. Apocalypse Now? Chigs' working their way South, AN working their Way North, Only 1 will survive.

Anyone 1 else with their own version of history feel free to lay it down, I'd specially like to hear rim alliances histories.

When hermes and ace left the patriots . We made an agreement to try and create a relationship between the 2 alliance s ( chiuaguana and patriots ) but at the time I was not aware of a traitor (deadshck/shockwave or sim the builder) .. When I found out that sim was dead shock I had to ask him his intentions ( I know how he likes to play the infiltration game as I seen it in tau ) he said his intentions were honorable......So diplomacy was being discussed between jham and myself. He said it sounded good but days later he said that we would nap instead he just had some real life issues. That night between 1 and 200 server time. Chi struck . They did not take he whole island the first night... The following day sim showed his true colors and became a chiuaguana.(he was plotting the whole time)As soon as he became a chiuaguana he asked me and stone-age (zero -sum) to join chihuahuas . But only if we could take 4 other players with us. Their answer was war. And we were overwhelmed easly. ( we sucked) Despite their backstabbing ways they are a great alliance model and have taken something's from them... Skype being mandatory. And using gold is a plus. (Gold is my favorite color).. So at that time I was playing 4 worlds at one time got fed up gave my account away and took a month off. Now I only play one world. And as my buddy hoseo says playing 2 worlds at the same time is like trying to hunt 2 rabbits at the same time... So this our side of the events


When hermes and ace left the patriots . We made an agreement to try and create a relationship between the 2 alliance s ( chiuaguana and patriots ) but at the time I was not aware of a traitor (deadshck/shockwave or sim the builder) .. When I found out that sim was dead shock I had to ask him his intentions ( I know how he likes to play the infiltration game as I seen it in tau ) he said his intentions were honorable......So diplomacy was being discussed between jham and myself. He said it sounded good but days later he said that we would nap instead he just had some real life issues. That night between 1 and 200 server time. Chi struck . They did not take he whole island the first night... The following day sim showed his true colors and became a chiuaguana.(he was plotting the whole time)As soon as he became a chiuaguana he asked me and stone-age (zero -sum) to join chihuahuas . But only if we could take 4 other players with us. Their answer was war. And we were overwhelmed easly. ( we sucked) Despite their backstabbing ways they are a great alliance model and have taken something's from them... Skype being mandatory. And using gold is a plus. (Gold is my favorite color).. So at that time I was playing 4 worlds at one time got fed up gave my account away and took a month off. Now I only play one world. And as my buddy hoseo says playing 2 worlds at the same time is like trying to hunt 2 rabbits at the same time... So this our side of the events

ya know hermes... im sorry you have such a negative take on this situation, but i can understand why. you think it was all backstabbing and sabotage or whatever, but there are always 2 sides to a story. the truth is i followed you from Pats to LoD because i knew you from tau and you seemed like a good guy. i then left LoD a few days later when i realized they were a straight up MRA (because of zero-sum's open recruitment policy/lack of forum moderation/lack of alliance communication as a whole) and i decided that i would rather not stick around there and regret my time in Chi (its a game... whats the point if youre not enjoying your stay). so after originally turning down an offer from jham to join chiguanas, i reconsidered and went over there. as soon as i got over there i started trying to talk jham and the rest of the chiguana crew into recruiting you since, despite what you think, i do respect you and enjoyed fighting alongside you. right off the bat they were interested in recruiting you, however your terms were that zero-sum(stone-age) be invited along with you. at the time they(we) were not looking to recruit more then 1 person, however because of your reputation they decided to open a chat with both of you guys and see how things went. at this point zero-sum demanded that we also invite 3-4 other people or else you guys would not join us.... and that was pretty much the end of that discussion.

after that it came down to the fact that you had multiple cities on our core islands and we couldnt continue to let those grow if you refused to join us... and thats just the way things go.

im sorry you took it all so personally and that we will most likely never be allied again, but if you cant understand/handle grepo diplomacy then you really shouldnt be trying to lead an alliance.

regardless, best of luck to you in your new world Exit.
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Ds you left the patriots... You stayed LOD until after the first attack.. This is a fact. And I have been running number one alliances ever since.. I am not mad at you DS I just can't be ally again.. It is only a game my friend. Good luck to you as well.


i did leave pats because i knew they were going no where, then joined LoD after you because of your advice that they were full of quality players (yes there were a few but the structure and leadership was just not there at the time), and yes i did leave LoD after the attacks began... thats because when they began i was sleeping. i had been planning to leave before that, just hadn't clicked the button yet. the truth whether you choose to accept it or not was that i never harbored any ill will towards you, stone or any of the LoD members. and i did indeed fight to get you into chiguanas, and still to this day wish that you had accepted the invitation. but at the same time i was not going to sit around and get rimmed simply so i could say i "stayed loyal" to a sub-par alliance that i had only been part of for a few days (not to mention the majority of the players in LoD were half an ocean or more away from me while i was in the chiguana core). call me a traitor or disloyal if that helps you understand why i did what i did. but the way i see it is i gave LoD a chance, and being completely unimpressed with the alliance decided to find a new one. and honestly, i dont think there is anything else to say about this situation unless you want to continue with your assumptions about my motives.
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i did leave pats because i knew they were going no where, then joined LoD after you because of your advice that they were full of quality players (yes there were a few but the structure and leadership was just not there at the time), and yes i did leave LoD after the attacks began... thats because when they began i was sleeping. i had been planning to leave before that, just hadn't clicked the button yet. the truth whether you choose to accept it or not was that i never harbored any ill will towards you, stone or any of the LoD members. and i did indeed fight to get you into chiguanas, and still to this day wish that you had accepted the invitation. but at the same time i was not going to sit around and get rimmed simply so i could say i "stayed loyal" to a sub-par alliance that i had only been part of for a few days (not to mention the majority of the players in LoD were half an ocean or more away from me while i was in the chiguana core). call me a traitor or disloyal if that helps you understand why i did what i did. but the way i see it is i gave LoD a chance, and being completely unimpressed with the alliance decided to find a new one. and honestly, i dont think there is anything else to say about this situation unless you want to continue with your assumptions about my motives.

You did your best to negotiate us into chi..... You made your choice even though I disagree with it.. It is your choice . I made mine the rest is chi history.. I'm sure we will meet again