Ace of Hearts
Total points: 29,090,875
Average Points: 232,727
Members: 125
AABP: 8,097,618
ADBP: 8,325,188
Total BP: 16,423,580 #1
A large alliance..... but very concentrated. Almost leading Epsilon by double the points of second place.... but not by double the BP of second place......
AOH is a long time alliance that will be around for a lot longer. Some allies (current and past) DKBT, S.C.P.A..
A good alliance and unless there is a merger or something will be around til the world dies
2) Exiled Ritchies
Total points: 16,237,887
Average Points: 238,792
Members: 68
AABP: 4,363,313
ADBP: 6,747,076
Total BP: 11,110,389 #2
ER has a long history (I know most about this one... I'm sure other alliance's have history too but.....
TRB (The Ritchie Boys) was the original group. Plagued by quitters TRB merged with exiled, another group who shared the same no nonsense ideals. TRB and Exiled became ER (Exiled Ritchies)..... Once again DG (DemiGods) were turned upon by some former allies (look up one rank for one) and ER accepted them in. They also have good ideals and fairly good play style.
A good alliance and will stick around
3) Colossus NWS
Total points: 11,895,403
Average Points: 125,215
Members: 95
AABP: 3,198,064
ADBP: 2,931,142
Total BP: 6,129,206 #4
I am not doing every Colossus alliance..... doing them all together at the bottom.
4) Colossus DB
Total points: 8,191,757
Average Points: 80,311
Members: 102
AABP: 2,386,037
ADBP: 1,362,246
Total BP: 3,748,283 #7
I am not doing every Colossus alliance..... doing them all together at the bottom.
Total points: 8,117,123
Average Points: 165,656
Members: 49
AABP: 3,454,589
ADBP: 2,801,880
Total BP: 6,256,469 #3
DKBT is another one of the top notch Epsilon groups. Primarily focused on offense (as exemplified by herszen) DKBT loves to stir up revolts
. One of the down falls I think is the fact that some of their players have no defense is a bit weird... it never hurts to keep a city or two to snipe CS's, but there is power in Nukes, and a thanks to this group for keep this world fun
(Little Request from me..... Last revolted city: 3 months ago........ Plz change this. Boring over here in SimCity)
A good alliance and i think they will stick around for a long time.
6) Colossus TCD
Total points: 5,242,613
Average Points: 97,085
Members: 54
AABP: 1,161,837
ADBP: 784,943
Total BP: 1,946,780 #9
I am not doing every Colossus alliance..... doing them all together at the bottom.
7) J of Hearts
Total points: 4,879,734
Average Points: 40,328
Members: 121
AABP: 485,561
ADBP: 606,866
Total BP: 1,092,427 #11 (New alliance)
A feeder to AOH and a good one at that to be #7 as a feeder. JOH is new so the BP is kind of irrelevant when compared to alliance's that have been around for months. I think with good AOH leadership JOH could really do some work
8) Death Before Dishonor
Total points: 3,401,746
Average Points: 36,189
Members: 94
AABP: 454,372
ADBP: 284,550
Total BP: 738,922 #13 (Ouch)
I can't say that I know much about you guys..... I have not had dealing that much defensively and you are too far out offensively. I think the BP shows though that there could be some improvement. (less than 10,000 a member)
9) Colossus WP VvV
Total points: 978,578
Average Points: 25,092
Members: 39
AABP: 166,170
ADBP: 419,462
Total BP: 585,632 #14 (Top 12 points wise..... SimCity here
I am not doing every Colossus alliance..... doing them all together at the bottom.
10) Colossus OW VvV
Total points: 747,861
Average Points: 31,161
Members: 24
AABP: 851,089
ADBP: 1,626,470
Total BP: 2,477,559 #8
I am not doing every Colossus alliance..... doing them all together at the bottom.
11) Colossus NWS II
Total points: 620,002
Average Points: 11,923
Members: 52
AABP: 113,608
ADBP: 176,917
Total BP: 290,525 #16....
Sorry if they following review of your guy's
6 alliances are not that nice.... but the fact that the points of all 6 don't add up to AOH or the BP just tells me it's Farmville out there. And please.... combine the danged alliances! NO NEED FOR 6! It confuses things too much with diplomacy (in my opinion) and communication. The top two alliances of this system are ok, but the rest (again in my opinion) do not need to exist
12) Exiled
All members here are a part of exiled ritchies an are just in VM