The Oceans of ETA


Thank you Malas, as the saying goes the victors write the history books, so conquer and destroy the Night Empire and you can write the history about your alliance's success. :D I don't understand how someone can stand there so boastful as his alliance all around him falls apart. I wouldn't be so prideful as your alliance has lost 34 cities from both WayMakers and Makers of Mischief to our one but hey I enjoy reading your comments, especially being nobody else seems to want to comment.


I must agree with Ceru's sentiment...

TU will write the history of this server /poke Ceru


lol Exactly, their is a pecking order to all things. You guys get to write the "best" history book :p


Excellent write up Ceru. Makes fighting alongside you that much better. We are coming for 76 soon enough!!



Bahahahaha! I have to say that everything that Cerulias has said was 100% true. If anything he has been more humble about it than I would have expected. Which is very commendable. Well Malas if you are wondering when we will be moving into your ocean of 076 you must have seen that a couple already have. But I will be moving in there tonight. I find your arrogance to be offensive. I have not attacked you as of yet and I have allowed you cling to some of your game time. This is due to me just not wanting your cities. I have spied almost all of them. I can not believe you are even a leader in any alliance. I believe you only have one city with maxed res. And that is because it was done right by Ronnatta who we drove to quitting the game. Your best player. Who by the way was just about to join us before he decided to quit. If you want I could possibly send you the e mails if I still have them. But all of that will change after tonight. I would make you my little project but after some serious thought I think it is best that I make you watch everyone else in your alliance die first. I will although take one from you in 076. Heck I will even tell you what city I am going to take so you can make some plans on it. Lol. 76-01. MalasVille.

Anyhow I hope you have a wonderful day. See ya soon. 8)

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hehe now now BD, even I will admit what I said wasn't entirely truthful because most of it is what I observed, I can't personally vouch for some of my assumptions of other alliances and their actions/wishes, I can only do my best to analyze what I have observed and give you my interpretation.thisisgrepolis


You couldn't have asked for a better first post BD. Put your money where your mouth is and BD certainly does it. His name says it all. It's fun seeing one by one two by two the Mischievous Wonders falling to the wayside.


@ BD2 how is that whole “I’m going to take your city tomorrow” thing working out? Maybe you should offer Him a deal like you did with that poor ol’ independent in 75. To paraphrase….“ ohh…. I’m a super bad a** and if you give me one of your cities I will let you live” Seriously, you are freeking hilarious. First server, get in early and get fat on inactives… act like super player. Gee… I’ve never seen anything like that before.

I will say though, your admiration for Rontardo and the mini lecture on maximizing resources gives me pause… (pause)… Could it be that BD2 has something to offer ?!?! …(pause)…HaHaHa…. JK


Ok first off I did take that city in question. If you had half of a brain you would have seen that I said I was moving into that ocean. Not one of his cities. I said I was going to take his city yes. BUT I did not say when. I am actually doing it tonight. Sorry it took me so long to do so. I went on vacation for two weeks. And you guys are such players I never even went into VM. And secondly I have never attempted to move into 075. If I wanted to go into that ocean I would. So I have zero idea where your getting your information. The only independent I have ever attacked was when this world just started up. Now if you are talking about one of the guys in a smaller alliance in 066 well then yes I have taken some cities from them. Its OUR ocean as you guys found out. Lol. I never said that I would stop at taking any of his cities if you are talking about lindo. What I told him exactly is that I will take all of his cities in 066. I was not going to expand into 067. Now if me being sure of myself and my abilities then okay. I guess I am a bad ass. lol. Also if you knew anything about what was going on in this world you would have known that he was not just simply some poor kid that had no help. He was supported by the entire 067 ocean. All of those small alliances and the bigger ones work together and support each other. AS LONG as its in their own ocean. I was just clearing out of our ocean like you. And further more I do not attack inactive players. I am ALWAYS looking for BP. Since all of you guys in that pathetic alliance wont fight me. Just give me the cities. I can hear it already. You attack all of the smaller guys or some crap like that. Let me put an end to that before you even start. In this entire war I have ONLY attacked your top players. I have never attacked anyone without 100% moral. This is because I WANT a fight. I want something tough. Wish there was someone left able to give one. But there isn't. And you acting like you know what you guys are doing is what is hilarious! The fact that your leader has came multiple times asking for mercy and we have denied it shows that you have nothing to offer. If you did well maybe you wouldn't be getting wiped off the face of the map. But hey. I guess I would be a little sore about this whole thing like you are. There is a lot of time, energy, love, pride, and money that gets dumped into this game. So I don't blame you for trying to save some face. Just next time try to get your facts straight before you talk, and you look like a complete utter fool for doing so. Have a good day. ;)
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I read the PM… The exact location of the city is not important. The fact that you told a player who had no chance against your alliance that he needed to gift a city to you speaks volumes about the way you play the game.


I never said that he needed to give me a city. What I told him it was to far past for me to not take the city. I had already launched the attacks and he was considering joining our alliance. What I told him was if he was going to join our alliance he was going to have to peacefully give me the city as good faith. But he wanted his friend to come with him whom we did not like and was geographically not desirable. And he decided against it as well. Correct me if I am wrong but that is typically how things are conducted. Why would I give up a city I already have launched my attacks on and have in revolt? Just let him keep it after losing a lot of troops? No. If he really did want to join and not just try to postpone the attack he would of given it peacefully as a sign of good faith like I had asked. His shady acts ended up with him losing a lot of his cities. And we were not the only ones attacking him. While you were in talks with him you all were planning on taking his cities as well. When I took the city I had incoming Waymaker attacks coming in and then so did a few other Night Warrior members who took his cities. We just beat you to the punch. I don't play a shady game no matter what you may think. I think you should get full facts next time before you make untrue accusations, and statements.


Look at BD being calm and respectful lol....shockedthisisgrepolis


@ BD2…Does not compute. You told the player in question that he could choose which city to give up and went to great lengths to explain how nice you were for not demanding that he give up his capitol city. Either he fabricated the PM or we are thinking of two different players.

All that aside because it is really water over the dam at this point, And… since we are becoming such good buds I have a request for “the night”

Would it be possible for you to put up a tutorial tab on your forum? You have some very good players but the morale kind of sucks for them attacking me now and I have to deal with the… uhh… not quite as good players coming after me day in and day out. As entertaining as some of the attacks are it’s getting to the point where I don’t even need to look at the phone anymore to see who is attacking. Not very fun at all

Sure, one of these days I’ll get busy and they will end up with a city but I think we are all close enough now that I can request an honorable death.

Just in case me being nice about it is not enough for you… If you don’t teach these people how to kill me properly I will haunt you across all of the worlds of Grepolis for the rest of time.
Just sayin,


So you are telling me its a problem that a prey is staying alive and keeping us fed with BP, that is a bad thing...? Interesting, lets see your "success" is keeping you at 7 cities and we continue to get more and more cities in your home ocean. You know how you can really ruin our day, actually quit. I'd rather keep you around upset and bitter providing our members with BP versus just having hollowed out cities that fall with no trouble what so ever. Trust me if you want to talk about laughable reports you should of seen the reports we were getting from your Alliances members. Kudos for being such an expert player who has done nothing but lose cities...
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Wow, you guys sure are serious.
I am well aware of the reports you were getting and the horribly coordinated attacks etc. The thing that prompted me to post in this thread in the first place was BD2 singing the praises of the leader who organized them.

As for me feeding your players BP, I don’t see what possible use you can make of some of these people having more slots but I will take your word for it. I’m glad to be of service in some small way.

For the record, I have never claimed “success” on this server. I’m at least “expert” enough to know when I have been beat. As I said before, you have some very good players over there and I have learned a couple of nice moves by watching them. You also have people that carry on like teenagers on a lord of the flies rampage. Don’t get me wrong, a little back and forth is all part of the fun but I have had way more fun getting my butt kicked and have never stooped to that level when I am winning. To each his own I guess.

So, enjoy your well-earned time in the sun.


I decided to try and turn over a new leaf Cer. LOL!!! Look if you read anything other than what I said then yes you got a fabricated e mail. I'm not sure how to do that in this game but I am sure its possible with the more computer savy people out there. Or you got a message that was only in part of the discussions. There were many. He was asking for different things at different times. So I am not sure what message you got. Maybe you got one of the messages after I took the city in question and he was asking to be spared. Not sure. That was like 6 months ago so I do not remember every detail of the conversation. I have talked to so many people in this game its ridiculous. Now on a different note. I do not know how you could say your own player of Ron was a bad player. He was your best. He just couldn't handle it when it got tough. He organized you very very well in your attacks, and defenses when I went after some of his cities. I even commended him on it. I will acknowledge skill when I have seen it. That is when me and him started talking. He just couldn't handle the bombardment on all of his cities and real life at the same time since we singled him out. If you hate him because he almost jumped ship okay. I could get that. But remember in the end he decided not to come over and stayed true to you guys. He could of easily joined us and started in on you guys. Now as for our other players what makes you think that they are seriously trying to take your cities over rather than just doing diversions or going for BP? Honestly man. If there were any one of them who were that bad and had that hard of a time taking a city from you what makes you think that I wouldn't help them or any other bigger member? I truly can not pull anyone off the top of my head who doesn't know how to fight in our alliance unless you are talking about our academy who regularly takes in newer players. I have yet to see anyone in our alliance who has set their eyes on a enemy city they really wanted to take that never did because it was to hard. Not once. If they fail they go back again and again and again. With more support every time. I also agree with Cerulias. If you want to hurt us the most it would be by quitting. As you do not know since you are not at our level of cities it takes one hell of a lot of CP to get a new city slot open. So really you are helping us out. So by all means stay around and duke it out with us if you so choose to.



Finally over, nice to see that you lost