If some one spends 500 for an event they need help.Hello Inno,
Not even sure why I am writing this because I am done playing this game but I just wanted to send a message to Inno that I hope they realize that this 1980s browser game with horrible graphics is a dinosaur and will be soon extinct. The only reason this game exist is because of the teams of friends that enjoy playing alongside each other. With flight stimulator‘s, virtual reality , And 3-D games on the horizon this game will not be able to compete. It is just a shame that an honest mistake that could’ve been fixed if Inno would of just stepped up in the beginning and owned it and fixed it . You speak of only 35 players being banned over nine worlds but you forget to consider that of the 35 players you banned leaders that destroyed alliances also you don’t count the number of cities lost. Some of these players had hundreds of cities. Core cities, frontline cities, myth nuke cities. The compensation per lost city should have been at least 25,000 gold or the amount it takes to gold a city from ground up. That should’ve been the least amount of compensation given to each player per lost city due to the ban. It wouldn’t of cost you anything because it is imaginary gold if you guys didn’t realize that but what you lost is real players, spending real money, for years to come. Let’s do the math shall we, 35 players @ $500 a year= $17500 yearly x 3 years = $52500 loss over the next 3 years and this is a low estimate Because I know players that drop $500 in one event. I don’t know who is running the show in your company but your a idiot!!!
Don't get why people who play the game complain about it. Just quit and go away