Rate your MRA!



But it's you. No offense but like you said people just expect it from you, so I'd not worry about it.


can someone give me the SparkNotes on this one? I tried but my ADHD meds aren't strong enuf.
I got Pete. blah blah
Belle Blah blah and some brown chicken brown cow...
then Vox.. swipe right, swipe left
then I saw a squirrel and now I'm trying to find my way out of Oz
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can someone give me the SparkNotes on this one? I tried but my ADHD meds aren't strong enuf.
I got Pete. blah blah
Belle Blah blah and some brown chicken brown cow...
then Vox.. swipe right, swipe left
then I saw a squirrel and now I'm trying to find my way out of Oz
Find the red shoes, put them on, click your heels 3 times and wah lah, your in Kansas. From there use Google to get back home
She won't be back in here now. *I don't think lol... She just needs to stick with Exit, what I've been told he genuinely looks after her in game and keeps the trolls off her, Think most these trolls are probably weak in game. She's alone in here, not great at English and very easy target for externals. Just a shame people know her and Exit aren't actually together now, that probably stopped a lot of simps messing with her.
She is strong in the game so is Exit, If she ever does decide to play again would really hate to be you guy's that's been trolling her with this toxicity, even more so if Exit ever finds out about this stuff lol think you will be getting rimmed. Especially players like Megalopsuchia. Hope she does look for you and they drop to rim you. I'm leaving here now, Was only here to help Nat as she did something for me couple years ago which I explained, but she asked me to take it down. She's a great woman and you are sick for what you've done.. Dread if you ever post anything on Nat I will be sending the video of you and friends to your commanding officer at RM condor! Yep its on the sign in the background you fool, Pretty sure if not interested in the cyber bullying they might show concern your filming the inside of a military vehicle in full combat gear then sending it to the Russians lol dumb a** Take care peeps.
Buh bye, fool! Someone sends you flowers once and you turn a blind eye to all the evil they’ve done in the world… embarrassing. At first you seemed reasonable but it turns out you’re just another kind of crap-for-brains cheerleader. Good riddance to you. Like many others here, you are an example of one of the true disservices of the Internet age: allowing a wide audience to be subjected to people whose opinions should never, ever have to be heard by anyone, and whose “voice” is unearned and undeserved.

As for getting “rimmed” by Exit and Sparrow… lol… better players have tried. Regardless, I always welcome a challenge. But as has already been noted elsewhere in these forums by your very own Sparrow, there is no such thing anymore as getting “rimmed.” So back to the drawing board for your revenge fantasy, I guess.
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they might show concern your filming the inside of a military vehicle in full combat gear then sending it to the Russians lol dumb a** Take care peeps.
Maybe not the best idea if shes Russian and known as sparrow. have you not seen red sparrow, about female Russian spies. they are more likely to think she's a Russian spy seducing the marines, grab her using a van, put a bag on her head take her to a bunker then beat her with a pillow and baton. Although mega probably likes the sound of that! lol. good movie. but you probably wont be helping her, that dudes already represented what the Royal marines are with how he acted. think thats enough.
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whose opinions should never, ever have to be heard by anyone, and whose “voice” is unearned and undeserved.
Go be using this on the wife!

The picture you dudes painted of Belle going through grepolis. Thats her and your faces, poor girl

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Before I stop looking in here meaglopsuchia... What exactly has Belle done to you that you feel this hatred towards her for? She's told me the reasons some of the others have attacked her, and also clear from the previous posts (the LGBT group, her profession looks to be another, which I've not asked about as that's her business etc) But what's your reason?

Common knowledge She's been "playful" be it webcam, photos, chats, etc that's personal between two consenting adults outside of the game, and I've not asked for details. One thing I do know is there's only been two people that she's been truly "playful" with. Not sure if any saw the posts yesterday, but one of them people made appearance here! after a short exchange of posts they decided to delete their posts so in return deleted my own. Also know you're not the other person she's been "truly playful" with.. So why the hatred?

It's fantasy play between consenting adults, (again outside of this game) people living thousands of miles from her, deep down knowing nothing can ever really happen due to distance, and yes she still admits to "loving" these people as well as others she's not even been intimate with. So her crime is loving people? lol. I'm sure all involved was having lots of fun with her at the time (in the fantasies she builds in her head to escape reality)..People say she acts this way to win worlds? Show me a world Sparrow has ever won!? She's told me she doesn't play to win, rather to escape and have fun with her friends. What dreadnaught did was create her fantasy into a possible reality knowing she has "issues" and "falls" for people easier than she should. He convinced her he lived a stones throw away, was single, was a Marine, going to be her hero, forced her to show feelings in open forums (pointed out by boothead,) made her genuinely feel like she had found a decent guy that was going to look after her and constantly saying he's accepting her for who she is, set her up on a date to then post in front of everyone that's been reading (over 3k views) that it's all been a trick to teach her a lesson, mocked her for choosing McDonald's, Insulted her mental health, Laughed she was excited and bought some outfits, Just totally humiliated her and broke her. While clearly she had deep feelings for him, and her reply was still not anger or a counter attack just a simple defensive reply and gif trying to show she's not hurt...Which was as she says a total "fail" on her part because you could see she was badly hurting, and you "approved this" Why?.. She never set out to look for a boyfriend or use the forums as a "dating site" like dread made comment on, He was the one to lure her in with endless flattery. I'm speaking to Belle several hours a day trying to keep her out of here, She's explained everything that's ever happened with this game and people she's been involved with. The only thing she has ever said regarding you mega is she attacked you at the request of her founder, then "felt bad" and tried hard to get you invited back to the alliance, which she managed to do for you. shortly after she ghosted? So what is the hate for?

Also pretty sure Sparrow is more than capable of rimming you, Your post in the other thread states "you struggle with timing" While I've seen Sparrows timings and she certainly does not struggle.

Take care "as your nemesis calls you" Megablahwtfever.
I don’t “hate” Sparrow, don’t be daft. I was never “playful” with her because I’m not a dummy. I stayed away from all these posts for a while deliberately until now, believing this whole thing with her was over - yet you continue to perpetuate it, constantly calling attention to her and making her the topic of conversation. I’m beginning to think you’re part of this same long con that dreadnaught was behind. The last thing Sparrow needs is more exposure and her humiliation to be replayed and regurgitated ad nauseum.

Any opinion I’ve expressed about her in the past was based on facts, reason, common sense and everyday life experience, and ultimately was nothing more than that - my opinion. Maybe my opinion was harsh, but it wasn’t unfair.

Let it go.

Go away.



debbi WTF haha!!! shush!! total not is help there! post is way awkward! just is leaving it now please i not is even play i is go! megablahwtfever is right is last thing i is needing i no why he hate me because he suck and i better that it please not is keep speak about this. thank you

is not really suck he good player just bit jerk lots whatever ha byebyee
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We are getting beat? Can someone pull the number of cities taken by TBD vs OurMob, Wicked, Old and New, Gorgon and The Academy? lol
Don’t get your knickers in a twist. Nobody is saying anyone has beat anyone yet. The world is months away from the end game and I haven’t heard any fat lady singing yet.

My point is that there’s very little upside for the heavy favorite to publicly show up the underdog, and lots of potential for embarrassment. The premade is supposed to beat up on a world full of “MRAs”, right? Nobody remembers all the Olympic gold medals the Soviets won in hockey, but the Miracle on Ice team is legendary.

A piece of advice - act like you’ve been there before. A veteran champ knows how fast the tables can turn in this game, and they know better than to shoot their mouths off prematurely. A player that’s been there before also has nothing to prove and certainly has no need to make players feel bad about being a part of an “MRA.” You and a couple of others in here from TBD seem like this is the first time you guys have ever been on a successful team before. Don’t blow it!

Oh, but you’re going to respond that you’re a real pro and you’ve won worlds before and you are just trying to Make the Forums Fun Again, yada yada yada. Fine. Then do it. Please be actually entertaining.

Characterizing someone’s alliance as an “MRA” is the most tired put down in all of Grepolis. It’s also a relic of a version of the game that doesn’t really exist anymore, an antiquated notion that has little application in US servers where the community is so small that everyone knows everyone and have all played together at one time or another. Be better!

But again, gloating in the forums about beating up on the underdogs tends not to age well. Proceed with caution. TBD has lost to “MRAs” before… I should know. I led one of them.
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Senior Citizen
Let's be honest, you are not winning anything

You say you are a leader but I just don't see it, not a single Op ran so far, there is no coordination between those 5 alliances you guys control, players keep quitting for lack of motivation and organization, I just don't see it where the tables turn.

Maybe I am a pro, maybe I am just a noob, that's for you to find out once i am attacking your cities, enjoy your peace in 45, you are lucky we are busy in 44, but believe me we will see each other soon, that's a promise.

Stay safe Mega, don't be the next Michael Maximus.


Think you'll find its you that sucks belle!
Lets drop together, no simps no bots, match my gold and i will destroy you within a week. 1v1 on alts so remain anonymous???

Get in line. quite a few here know she sucks and wants that shot at destroying her <^>
in the other thread lol, thats funny bro
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Let's be honest, you are not winning anything

You say you are a leader but I just don't see it, not a single Op ran so far, there is no coordination between those 5 alliances you guys control, players keep quitting for lack of motivation and organization, I just don't see it where the tables turn.

Maybe I am a pro, maybe I am just a noob, that's for you to find out once i am attacking your cities, enjoy your peace in 45, you are lucky we are busy in 44, but believe me we will see each other soon, that's a promise.

Stay safe Mega, don't be the next Michael Maximus.
Pre-mades can get over confident dude don't take your eye off the ball.
Let's be honest, you are not winning anything

You say you are a leader but I just don't see it, not a single Op ran so far, there is no coordination between those 5 alliances you guys control, players keep quitting for lack of motivation and organization, I just don't see it where the tables turn.

Maybe I am a pro, maybe I am just a noob, that's for you to find out once i am attacking your cities, enjoy your peace in 45, you are lucky we are busy in 44, but believe me we will see each other soon, that's a promise.

Stay safe Mega, don't be the next Michael Maximus.
Yawn. That was the OPPOSITE of entertaining!

Michaelus Maximus is an easy out in every world. He’s a quitter. I thought everyone knew that already. You really do sound more like a noob than a pro.

Your reading comprehension is also extremely poor. I never said I am leading in this world, and I’m not leading.

Again, the premade is supposed to beat up on a world of “MRAs”. Your group took advantage of the silliest, most overpowered in-game event there is (Mythical Hen) to gold your way to an almost incomprehensible size advantage in a speed 2 world less than a month old. TBD is currently almost three times the size of the next largest alliance and bigger than the whole rest of the world combined. With that kind of lead, you would literally have to have a monkey at the controls not to crush everyone and everything in your path. With the might of the Empire behind you, your tough talk to the Rebels makes you sound like a real gomer.
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