Rate your MRA!


Mob is a pre-made too, those guys are solid and I said before we got out of bp, that they would be the ones battling to the end with us. Just because you are with them does not make them a MRA
Mob is a pre-made too, those guys are solid and I said before we got out of bp, that they would be the ones battling to the end with us. Just because you are with them does not make them a MRA
Here comes the damage control!

Yeah, no crap, Sherlock. It’s TBD players describing the other alliances in Chania as MRAs, not me. Hence, my use of quotation marks every time i referenced the so-called “MRA” alliances.

You do know what quotation marks mean, right, Corwin? Right?
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Here comes the damage control!

Yeah, no crap, Sherlock. It’s TBD players describing the other alliances in Chania as MRAs, not me. Hence, my use of quotation marks every time i referenced the so-called “MRA” alliances.

You do know what quotation marks mean, right, Corwin? Right? Durr…
Damage control is not needed or wanted, I just have respect for most of the MOB folks, I have not seen them advertising to join their "family of alliances" , I don't think they are part of that mess, maybe allies which is fine but not subservient to their leadership. This world is far from over and we are here to battle so hopefully it will last until WW. I don't think anyone wants a dead world and the boredom from it.

A quick comment though on our growth, it is easy to grow when big cities are there to be taken. I commented yesterday that I cannot remember a world with so many big cities just sitting there waiting to be taken. That is not a slight on anyone, just an observation


Think you'll find its you that sucks belle!
Lets drop together, no simps no bots, match my gold and i will destroy you within a week. 1v1 on alts so remain anonymous???


ok i is do it is tell it me what to doing?

no simps: has like 3 friend ha no one like me derrr
no bots: whaaaaat!
match gold: ok


Get in line. quite a few here know she sucks and wants that shot at destroying her <^>
in the other thread lol, thats funny bro
is sayed it not know me why i suck and wanting to destroying me?


you're not even on my level. But ok will pm you here an alt after i make it then you tell me yours, find a world and have little private game
Do you know who i am

Called humour which obviously goes over your head, eg it would be humorous for me to name my alt McDonald's
not is care who you is i is suspect who but not is care meh

is like super stupid name it you account after food ha all know i loving it der da da da daaa "that mcdonalds music thing"

will eat you!

do is even have it mcdonald music in US because it here go like der da da da daaa i loving it. but if not has it there is maybe not working on you but is mcdonald music here so that why i did it sooo der da da da daaa kiss my butt byebyee
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not is care who you is i is suspect who but not is care meh

is like super stupid name it you account after food ha all know i loving it der da da da daaa "that mcdonalds music thing"

will eat you!

do is even have it mcdonald music in US because it here go like der da da da daaa i loving it. but if not has it there is maybe not working on you but is mcdonald music here so that why i did it sooo der da da da daaa kiss my butt byebyee
ROFL ^sic!^

got be some fish fillet jokes on way. Perhaps a "taco belle" lol
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ROFL ^sic!^

got be some fish fillet jokes on way. Perhaps a "taco belle" lol
or a Belle's taco lmao
Yeh spelt taco wrong lol thought Belles taco was pushing it rofl will stick with taco belle and a fish fillet lol
That's a "Fruood" remark bet she's loving it. lol

is total no what is speak about! is call taco or fish fillet here to helloooo


taco belle closed. haha fail

make it then you tell me yours, find a world and have little private game
when it is do? is mean in world now i leave soon for summer so is hurry or i go! is not care if is winning me sooo


Senior Citizen
Yes real! Don't know these others commenting, already seen your nudes when leaked before, yeh you a girl with a taco! don't care, Here to do what ya'll think you did to others in Amphipolis 115, Knock the egos out you and Exit. He's MIA you'll do. Drop next new conquest or revolt world don't really care which, See if you can match my gold. Think you're a golder! we will find out. No bot No simps Challenge on!

You have no idea who i am, so please! Ya'll find out though.

this keeps on getting better, i wil be there to watch this crash :p

Dux Vox

can someone give me the SparkNotes on this one? I tried but my ADHD meds aren't strong enuf.
I got Pete. blah blah
Belle Blah blah and some brown chicken brown cow...
then Vox.. swipe right, swipe left
then I saw a squirrel and now I'm trying to find my way out of Oz
This kept me laughing for like 20 min, although I understood your post just about as much as I understand this thread. GJ


Look's like some more got the Ban since i was last here.

this keeps on getting better, i wil be there to watch this crash :p
Yeh me to, wanna see this Mako? dude fight Belle seems be tensions there, but looks like he got the Ban his posts been wiped so not sure if was real or just trying pick on her. who knows, this forums all over the place, fun though.


Look's like some more got the Ban since i was last here.

Yeh me to, wanna see this Mako? dude fight Belle seems be tensions there, but looks like he got the Ban his posts been wiped so not sure if was real or just trying pick on her. who knows, this forums all over the place, fun though.
Personally don't think it was Mako, Think it was dreadnaught trying to start something back up with her (Maybe). Don't think there was any genuine challenge, he just knows she will speak about Grepolis and used that to bait her back in. Then attacked her taco lol. But yes this forum is wild.
General attacks from trolls I very much doubt effect her, She's used to that type of hate from *external sites. Especially about taco's lol.. Nat, Taco Bell should be your next alliance LOL. Your post's crack me up, absolutely off your head. "da da da daa da" what the heck lol. Don't ever try to write music.


Yup thats on me, I said taco belle then the other dude ran with it and went bit ott. Her posts no joke have me pi$$ing myself! like she types the actual workings of her mind rofl you can see how shes actually thinking, almost confusing herself but comes out just class! especially with the gifs lmao. and doesn't give AF what people think!. TBF must be hard being foreign in a forum thats hostile towards you and constantly on the defense. Shes certainly fired these forums up and ruffled some feathers. Keep her here debbipanus she seems too listen too you.

regarding mako look in 115 that dude knew lots about what happened to him so im not sure, might have been real challenge
wtf ? is insulting me? or no?


Was my bad also for mentioning Taco Belle, but really did not expect crooked to run with it like he did. like debbipanus said though,, least you got your next alliance name lmao
i is not now take advice from debbi!!
100% not is name alliance taco belle wtf haha! let is just moving past it tacos and fish fillets not good topic for me in here and if i is start get call taco belle i swear it you is get kill if see you in game

also P in debbipanus it silent
