Copy from another post as it is a prediction of sorts.
This server will not bring the best people. The best people will not really want to play here. Why? It is because the best people are not always the most active or the richest. This world gives a tremendous advantage to the player who spends the most money and is the most active. It is a purely money making world for the most active players.
1. The speed of the world (4 in this case) is a direct advantage multiplier for the active player. If I harvest twice as often as you do then I will have 4 times the advantage that you have in this world. If I also use the captain and the merchant adviser then you can double again that advantage over the players that are only harvesting half as much as I am and not using the advisers. This means that the average player who uses advisers and harvests every 20 minuets will have a 8x advantage (roughly) over the player that is not using advisers and only harvest every hour or more.
This is a world where only the most active AND best players will last, period. Of those, the ones who buy the win can do so. You can completely buy this server if you have the cash and the time. Most players really don't want to play under those conditions. They don't want to lose out to the other guy simply because they can't harvest every 5 minuets and the guy who does will have 4 times the resources that they have. Most players do not want someone to buy cities against them. Most players do not want to constantly have to play the game and that's what this server is setup as. Not a single sim player will stand a hell's bell of a chance here, not at all. MRA's won't last either, they don't have enough time to learn the game fast enough before they are taken out because of a lack of growth over time or building in the wrong direction over time. The 4X speed magnifies any mistakes that are made over time for every player. The best players have another advantage in higher speed worlds here as well as they make fewer mistakes.
That is what I mean when I say the server will be largely decided in a month. Most people will simply not be able to keep up with the 4x speed and 3x unit speed. They simply cannot play the game enough to keep up with those that do.
On a 2 speed world sim players can hold out much longer because the advantage that a constant player has is not so magnified over time. On a 3 or especially 4x world, they don't stand a chance in hell. On even a 3 speed world i took out an expert player in only 3 days because he simply could not build as fast as I could and he knew it. I made crappy attack at him, but I was certain to win the numbers game over time and he knew it and quit the game. In a 4X game with 3 unit speed, it will be even worse. Don't harvest and play for just 6hrs of sleep time each day and you will be so in the hole in a weeks time that you might as well just bail.
The player who plays constantly will have at least 4 times the advantage of any player who only plays for half the day. if they don't use advisers, then its an 8 times advantage. Do you really want to play a game like that? Most people don't but I want to give it a try. Will this prediction come true, that the world will be largely decided in just a month? Perhaps not, but it will certainly be faster than other worlds.
This server will not bring the best people. The best people will not really want to play here. Why? It is because the best people are not always the most active or the richest. This world gives a tremendous advantage to the player who spends the most money and is the most active. It is a purely money making world for the most active players.
1. The speed of the world (4 in this case) is a direct advantage multiplier for the active player. If I harvest twice as often as you do then I will have 4 times the advantage that you have in this world. If I also use the captain and the merchant adviser then you can double again that advantage over the players that are only harvesting half as much as I am and not using the advisers. This means that the average player who uses advisers and harvests every 20 minuets will have a 8x advantage (roughly) over the player that is not using advisers and only harvest every hour or more.
This is a world where only the most active AND best players will last, period. Of those, the ones who buy the win can do so. You can completely buy this server if you have the cash and the time. Most players really don't want to play under those conditions. They don't want to lose out to the other guy simply because they can't harvest every 5 minuets and the guy who does will have 4 times the resources that they have. Most players do not want someone to buy cities against them. Most players do not want to constantly have to play the game and that's what this server is setup as. Not a single sim player will stand a hell's bell of a chance here, not at all. MRA's won't last either, they don't have enough time to learn the game fast enough before they are taken out because of a lack of growth over time or building in the wrong direction over time. The 4X speed magnifies any mistakes that are made over time for every player. The best players have another advantage in higher speed worlds here as well as they make fewer mistakes.
That is what I mean when I say the server will be largely decided in a month. Most people will simply not be able to keep up with the 4x speed and 3x unit speed. They simply cannot play the game enough to keep up with those that do.
On a 2 speed world sim players can hold out much longer because the advantage that a constant player has is not so magnified over time. On a 3 or especially 4x world, they don't stand a chance in hell. On even a 3 speed world i took out an expert player in only 3 days because he simply could not build as fast as I could and he knew it. I made crappy attack at him, but I was certain to win the numbers game over time and he knew it and quit the game. In a 4X game with 3 unit speed, it will be even worse. Don't harvest and play for just 6hrs of sleep time each day and you will be so in the hole in a weeks time that you might as well just bail.
The player who plays constantly will have at least 4 times the advantage of any player who only plays for half the day. if they don't use advisers, then its an 8 times advantage. Do you really want to play a game like that? Most people don't but I want to give it a try. Will this prediction come true, that the world will be largely decided in just a month? Perhaps not, but it will certainly be faster than other worlds.
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