

Copy from another post as it is a prediction of sorts.

This server will not bring the best people. The best people will not really want to play here. Why? It is because the best people are not always the most active or the richest. This world gives a tremendous advantage to the player who spends the most money and is the most active. It is a purely money making world for the most active players.

1. The speed of the world (4 in this case) is a direct advantage multiplier for the active player. If I harvest twice as often as you do then I will have 4 times the advantage that you have in this world. If I also use the captain and the merchant adviser then you can double again that advantage over the players that are only harvesting half as much as I am and not using the advisers. This means that the average player who uses advisers and harvests every 20 minuets will have a 8x advantage (roughly) over the player that is not using advisers and only harvest every hour or more.

This is a world where only the most active AND best players will last, period. Of those, the ones who buy the win can do so. You can completely buy this server if you have the cash and the time. Most players really don't want to play under those conditions. They don't want to lose out to the other guy simply because they can't harvest every 5 minuets and the guy who does will have 4 times the resources that they have. Most players do not want someone to buy cities against them. Most players do not want to constantly have to play the game and that's what this server is setup as. Not a single sim player will stand a hell's bell of a chance here, not at all. MRA's won't last either, they don't have enough time to learn the game fast enough before they are taken out because of a lack of growth over time or building in the wrong direction over time. The 4X speed magnifies any mistakes that are made over time for every player. The best players have another advantage in higher speed worlds here as well as they make fewer mistakes.

That is what I mean when I say the server will be largely decided in a month. Most people will simply not be able to keep up with the 4x speed and 3x unit speed. They simply cannot play the game enough to keep up with those that do.

On a 2 speed world sim players can hold out much longer because the advantage that a constant player has is not so magnified over time. On a 3 or especially 4x world, they don't stand a chance in hell. On even a 3 speed world i took out an expert player in only 3 days because he simply could not build as fast as I could and he knew it. I made crappy attack at him, but I was certain to win the numbers game over time and he knew it and quit the game. In a 4X game with 3 unit speed, it will be even worse. Don't harvest and play for just 6hrs of sleep time each day and you will be so in the hole in a weeks time that you might as well just bail.

The player who plays constantly will have at least 4 times the advantage of any player who only plays for half the day. if they don't use advisers, then its an 8 times advantage. Do you really want to play a game like that? Most people don't but I want to give it a try. Will this prediction come true, that the world will be largely decided in just a month? Perhaps not, but it will certainly be faster than other worlds.
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Copy from another post as it is a prediction of sorts.

This server will not bring the best people. The best people will not really want to play here. Why? It is because the best people are not always the most active or the richest. This world gives a tremendous advantage to the player who spends the most money and is the most active. It is a purely money making world for the most active players.

1. The speed of the world (4 in this case) is a direct advantage multiplier for the active player. If I harvest twice as often as you do then I will have 4 times the advantage that you have in this world. If I also use the captain and the merchant adviser then you can double again that advantage over the players that are only harvesting half as much as I am and not using the advisers. This means that the average player who uses advisers and harvests every 20 minuets will have a 8x advantage (roughly) over the player that is not using advisers and only harvest every hour or more.

This is a world where only the most active AND best players will last, period. Of those, the ones who buy the win can do so. You can completely buy this server if you have the cash and the time. Most players really don't want to play under those conditions. They don't want to lose out to the other guy simply because they can't harvest every 5 minuets and the guy who does will have 4 times the resources that they have. Most players do not want someone to buy cities against them. Most players do not want to constantly have to play the game and that's what this server is setup as. Not a single sim player will stand a hell's bell of a chance here, not at all. MRA's won't last either, they don't have enough time to learn the game fast enough before they are taken out because of a lack of growth over time or building in the wrong direction over time. The 4X speed magnifies any mistakes that are made over time for every player. The best players have another advantage in higher speed worlds here as well as they make fewer mistakes.

That is what I mean when I say the server will be largely decided in a month. Most people will simply not be able to keep up with the 4x speed and 3x unit speed. They simply cannot play the game enough to keep up with those that do.

On a 2 speed world sim players can hold out much longer because the advantage that a constant player has is not so magnified over time. On a 3 or especially 4x world, they don't stand a chance in hell. On even a 3 speed world i took out an expert player in only 3 days because he simply could not build as fast as I could and he knew it. I made crappy attack at him, but I was certain to win the numbers game over time and he knew it and quit the game. In a 4X game with 3 unit speed, it will be even worse. Don't harvest and play for just 6hrs of sleep time each day and you will be so in the hole in a weeks time that you might as well just bail.

The player who plays constantly will have at least 4 times the advantage of any player who only plays for half the day. if they don't use advisers, then its an 8 times advantage. Do you really want to play a game like that? Most people don't but I want to give it a try. Will this prediction come true, that the world will be largely decided in just a month? Perhaps not, but it will certainly be faster than other worlds.

You can empirically test all your claims and prove or disprove them.

Zakros is a speed 1 world which released about 3.5 months ago. In 1 month and 1 week it'll be about 5 months old.
Actium is speed 4 so in 1 month and 1 week it'll also be about 5 months old.

To simplify, on the 1st of July you can compare those two worlds to test your claims if world speed is a reversely proportional multiplier as far as world life expectancy is concerned.



You are misunderstanding me. I do not mean to say that the world will be closed. I mean to say that the most active players and strongest alliances will have such a huge advantage over other players that the world will be largely decided and the winner of the world largely predicted within a single month. Why? It is because with the ability to simply buy out a city and the 4x speed and 3x unit speed, the most active and most experienced players will have a huge lead in the game by then. It may even be possible for some players to have 100 cities by then. The speed of the world dictates harvest time and build time, which means that a 4 speed world should be able to grow 4 times faster than a speed 1 world. So, this world will in one month be where a speed 1 world would be in 4 months. This is what I mean by largely decided by that time. I do not mean that it will end. I mean that the winning alliance of active players will have a huge lead over the inactive players such that they may never be dethroned as long as they stay active.


So a world where only the most active and invested players survive isn't the best?

Also relax, this world is 50 cap...meaning its 100 cap because I doubt most people don't make a second alliance...or three....maybe 5 if Fortna is in this world. Any world is possible to survive. Will you lose MORE cities if you aren't as good? Yeah. But the same philosophy applies, if you have a good team then the odds of you losing towns are drastically reduced.

Additionally because of small caps teams will make more pacts, instead of one ally they might take two or three. I encourage you to give it a try....good lord I've become Baudin...


You are misunderstanding me. I do not mean to say that the world will be closed. I mean to say that the most active players and strongest alliances will have such a huge advantage over other players that the world will be largely decided and the winner of the world largely predicted within a single month. Why? It is because with the ability to simply buy out a city and the 4x speed and 3x unit speed, the most active and most experienced players will have a huge lead in the game by then. It may even be possible for some players to have 100 cities by then. The speed of the world dictates harvest time and build time, which means that a 4 speed world should be able to grow 4 times faster than a speed 1 world. So, this world will in one month be where a speed 1 world would be in 4 months. This is what I mean by largely decided by that time. I do not mean that it will end. I mean that the winning alliance of active players will have a huge lead over the inactive players such that they may never be dethroned as long as they stay active.

Because the more active and strong alliances never have the advantage. I don't get your post, I have never seen an inactive player "dethorne" active players. Your argument is invalid


how do u still have your original account all mine was locked out but this one


You can empirically test all your claims and prove or disprove them.

Zakros is a speed 1 world which released about 3.5 months ago. In 1 month and 1 week it'll be about 5 months old.
Actium is speed 4 so in 1 month and 1 week it'll also be about 5 months old.

To simplify, on the 1st of July you can compare those two worlds to test your claims if world speed is a reversely proportional multiplier as far as world life expectancy is concerned.


It has really already been tested. In 2012 they created a weekend speed 50 world. It was largely a failure on many levels. More of an experiment really. One comment sums it up "Today I went to the toilet twice. Each time I was cleared. -.-" Faster worlds enable larger advantages for the more active players. its just basic math. I am not complaining about it. This is one of the reasons that I am here. I like to be very active when a world starts and I want the best advantage an active player can have over other half active players. This server will give me that. But most players are used to speed 1 and 2 worlds. They will not be ready for what awaits them in what will be the fastest US world from what I can see. This world will give the biggest advantage yet to the most active players.


I agree with Stained Glass, on speed one world an alliance of newbs and 5-10 experienced players or gold users, have a chance of winning first time around on almost any other world speed higher it is impossible as who ever starts 60 minutes ahead and can cross the entire ocean in 2 hours to 4 hours with CS will grow at a fast pace and continue to be that many minutes ahead or larger etc. of newbies and might only be challenged by other premades in different oceans. The only world that has near equal footing is where the world is so large it takes crossing 3+ oceans to get to the rim early on. I have only ever seen a world that large on EN (Byzantium (my first world), people had cities in 51 and 52 with farming villages and I spawned in ocean 42, or when the world speed and/or unit speed is so slow that getting to the next island is 4 hours with a Cs so it takes days to cross more than one ocean with troops.


It has really already been tested. In 2012 they created a weekend speed 50 world. It was largely a failure on many levels. More of an experiment really. One comment sums it up "Today I went to the toilet twice. Each time I was cleared. -.-" Faster worlds enable larger advantages for the more active players. its just basic math. I am not complaining about it. This is one of the reasons that I am here. I like to be very active when a world starts and I want the best advantage an active player can have over other half active players. This server will give me that. But most players are used to speed 1 and 2 worlds. They will not be ready for what awaits them in what will be the fastest US world from what I can see. This world will give the biggest advantage yet to the most active players.

A speed 50 world is A LOT faster than a speed 4 world. Speed 4 worlds have been released on markets with the same number of players as the US server and it has been a relatively big hit. Many players will have already experienced a unit speed 3 world and will be used to the movement speed of the troops, the only thing that will be faster is production/building. This will make it more difficult, but I doubt it will be as difficult as you say all or even half of the time.


... the only thing that will be faster is production/building...

Not true. The most important factor about a faster speed world is the increased amount of resources gathered in the same amount of actual game time. In speed 4 world I will be able to gather and generate TWICE that actual resources in the same amount of time. So, if i can gather enough resources to make 50 troops in 2 hrs on speed 2 world, I will be able to gather enough resources to make 100 troops in a speed 4 world. This is the magnification effect that I am talking about. This is the advantage that speed worlds give to active players. Build time is just a small advantage, its resources over time that is the biggest advantage. The faster the world speed, the more the active player will dominate it because he / she will have a magnification of resources over time that other players who are not so active will never be able to match. On speed 2 world, i may be able to generate 50 more troops than the next guy because i harvest for just 2hrs more than he did. But here, at twice the resources, that would be 100 troops more every 2 hours that I am on that he is not.

Its not just a production time advantage, its an ability to produce that is also magnified.

As well, as every single base production building will also generate twice the resources over time you can farm other players twice as often over a speed 2 world with the same amount of units. This gives the active player another advantage, that of pulling more from other players over the same amount of time as well with the same amount of units as a speed 2 world. In essence, every activity will generate a larger commensurate, cumulative, advantage for the more active player every time the speed of the world increases.
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All I stated in that sentence is it allows for faster production/building. I didn't state how, the point of the matter is it is faster, and when something is faster you generally produce more. Additionally, as someone that has personally played in a speed 4 world, I am aware of how fast it is. These issues that you are stating are not completely accurate.


Ummmm am I missing something here??? I plan on taking my resources from other cities. I don't about you all but its much funner when they do the button pushing and I do the gathering.
Farming villages are great over time but still when I want resources I attack things all around me.


TSF is Baudin Confirmed. Everyone be scared cause Fruity Loops is coming back with Baudin(TSF) as founder!


All I stated in that sentence is it allows for faster production/building. I didn't state how, the point of the matter is it is faster, and when something is faster you generally produce more. Additionally, as someone that has personally played in a speed 4 world, I am aware of how fast it is. These issues that you are stating are not completely accurate.

What if it's accurate? I don't see a problem in a world that favors the more active players... eventually it's the 45th US server and 1st speed 4 ever, those who like it slower had their chance... be happy for us Stained Glass :p

I loved speed 4 because as long as I played I felt I get 2x more fun for half as much time than usually, so I actually spared my free time on grepo... 24/7 playing 6 months passed like a year...
ave grepo junkies, best thing happened on US since it opened


... be happy for us Stained Glass :p

I am. I am very excited to play on this world. That is why I am here. I am simply trying to explain something that, well, some people seem to want to keep from the general public lets say because, well, lets just leave it at that.


I don't see the issue. Higher speed = higher competition. Most active will take more cities and lose less. Casual players will get rekt like always just a lot faster.