First War? Bigs Vs Unity?

  • Thread starter DeletedUser9662
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Such a long story, I don't even feel like going into it. We'll let Paul pretend he was right (even though there was no internal problems when he originally said there was) and say Bigs and Unity had a falling out, but that's not what happened. I just don't feel like bringing two certain founder's personal lives into this, and you would all mock them and it's not fair to them.

^ Actually, I said I HEARD there was a power struggle. In which, I knew most of leadership wouldn't get along, and things wouldn't workout like you thought it would.

Not that I know why it happened, or what these "personal reasons" are, but the fact stands:

I was right.


And we're back!! This is the most entertaining thread in the forums!!

PS I was just told the same thing by the leader of the cats, seems like they wanted you to have their "Bad Apples"


I'm not trying to start something. I'm just stating the truth, as I always have. And always will.

But I guess that's why people don't like me either. I don't lie.


^ Actually, I said I HEARD there was a power struggle. In which, I knew most of leadership wouldn't get along, and things wouldn't workout like you thought it would.

Maybe you didn't read my last post correctly. You HEARD wrong. At the time you started posting, we were having no problems at all in leadership.

We have no access to what you claim to "know" (think). You stated we were having internal problems when we weren't. If you thought we would have them eventually, sure, you were right as we did. But at the time you posted, your information was in fact false, and therefore, wrong.

You did not say "I believe that Try me will fail for this and that reason."

You said "Look! Try me is starting to fail," when we were not. The internal issues arose only AFTER our discussion.

You and I can fight all day if you "won" or not Paul. But one thing is for certain, no matter what way you look at it, I lost. Try me did not turn out to be the superpower I wanted it to be... or rather, that it SHOULD have been. Let's just agree on that, and be done.
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Paul, I hope to god that you do lie tbh.

So will you lead against me or not? I think it would be a good banter fest and a fun fight. You got an entire world's help, my guys get the satisfaction of crushing it.
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Paul, I hope to god that you do lie tbh.

So will you lead against me or not? I think it would be a good banter fest and a fun fight. You got an entire world's help, my guys get the satisfaction of crushing it.

I told you to come here and you know my account name and where I'm at. You're not joining because you're scared and know you cannot take me one on one. That's why you want an alliance fight. So OTHERS can do YOUR battles for you. Just like in Gythium. Oh but wait, you had all these stats and was in the top ABP blah blah. Okay fine. Again, if points and stats won wars and won worlds almost everyone who has a crown or has won wars, wouldn't have won. Now, stop trolling and either join the world and get over yourself, be a man (not that a liar is a man) and fight. Or shut up entirely and leave.

Mofo: I based my claims on what I heard at the time from members IN TM at the time I posted that. I also based it on your leadership, the other leader's leadership, and who all you have there who is actually doing anything. Sorry that I happen to know what the heck I'm talking about, and it tends to upset others because I tend to always be right or at least VERY close to it.

Psychology is a wonderful thing.

But I will gladly agree, TM had a GREAT shot. But unfortunately for you, failed. And now you have at least 2 alliances warring you. Don't know how or why, but I can easily find out if I so wish.

IF you want to be a REAL leader, stop drinking Daniel's (TSF) koolaid and step up and be a man as well. Get over yourself, and realize what you have in your players and DO SOMETHING WITH THEM.

I told you from the start fixing Unity wouldn't work. It didn't. Then you tried again, with a few more people, but still trying to revive a dead horse. It doesn't work. What you need to do, is one of three things:1) let someone else take over and you be #2, 2) merge into NI or BCB or whoever. 3) Step up, take control, and do something with what you have and realize the potential and realize the goal and what role you and each player holds.

^ THAT, will make you be a better leader.

Listening to TSF, will only make you a more deceitful one and one who likes to talk trash behind others backs (I know you two can't keep my name out of your mouths. Glad the President of my fan club finally got a VP).

"But oh no. Don't listen to Paul, he's a moron, delusional, idiot, stupid, doesn't have a clue, blah blah".. Meanwhile, whose been right this whole time?

Think Mofo. With your brain. Not your emotions.
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My god I'm tired of hearing you. You AREN'T a good leader! There's a reason everyone betrays you Paul, and it isn't because you grow too strong too fast. People LIKE winning. It's because you run your mouth when you have nothing to run your mouth about. I fricking just conceded. I lost. Try me did not turn out, but you even ADMITTED you were mis-informed (another word for wrong) and STILL told me how you're right.

Unity was never a dead horse. If it was a dead horse, why are the members I brought with from it still here? Because they're LOYAL to me. We're FRIENDS. You know, as in, people actually LIKE me? Can you say the same Paul? Like I said, I do my research. Zarkoff wasn't loyal to you. The people that followed him were loyal to him, and that was most of your alliance. If you're the fantastic leader, where's the loyalty in your members? They don't believe in you. If they did, they would have stayed in your alliance... and hey, look, all my guys from ?Unity believe in me and stayed in my alliance, so how can you tell me that I'm failing as a leader?

I had RL issues that everyone in the council was aware of when Try me fell apart. Under normal circumstances, not only would all MY members have stayed, I would've given the best effort possible and half of Bigs would have stayed too. But I couldn't be active at the moment my alliance needed me most. So, I leave to take care of a family problem for 5 days and the alliance with a 7 person council falls apart. The Defiant One did a great job of helping keep the Unity members and giving them some direction. The leadership from Bigs only worsened the situation, as they, like your guys, have no loyalty except a couple of them to bear and a couple of them to Breez.

EDIT: I should fix this. There ARE some guys who came over from Bigs who have some since of loyalty, and they've turned out to be great guys.

You say how you did all this as a leader, and it seems you base how well your alliance did off of how many oceans you were #1 in. That's ridiculous. You think you're one of the best leaders ever, it's evident in the way you speak. "No one can claim they've taken half a world in 6 months." Umm... actually...

The fact remains: Your alliance wasn't even #1 in their world! How can they be so good to be considered among the best if they never dominated even a single server? You say because you control more territory then Ely you're stronger. Again, bogus. That would mean if they have higher points and less oceans they're more concentrated then you are.

I don't need YOU of all people to tell me how to be a better leader. You are not a good leader, otherwise more then two people would have followed you. If I had left Unity when I was just a leader, not a founder, half the alliance (the active half) would have followed me, because people follow people they trust and believe in. There's no other reason. So how can you say you're so great if people don't trust and believe you?

TSF has challenged you how many times to join a new server and form a team to play against his now? That's not being a fricking coward. He doesn't want a one-on-one fight, he wants you, this great "politician" who says he raises great teams up and blah blah blah to take his alliance on. Are you scared you're outmatched? Because I'll give you a hint, you are. You aren't good enough, and you know it or you would stop trying to get Smilo to join a server where he would pop up 2 oceans away from you with 4k less points then you have. That's hardly a good, one-on-one fight. Smilo wants to join a world he'll stay on, can you blame him? Oh well, I guess that's the reason you don't want to fight, you wouldn't stay on that world after you got your butt rimmed :p

So, to conclude: Stop trying to give me advice. You are not a good leader, and I'm tired of you acting like you are.

You have not been right his whole time lmao. I told you to start with that bear and I had our differences, you told me to merge anyways and I shot you down. There's one time you were wrong. You said I couldn't trust sadface when I had the choice of him or bear as my co-founder, I should have gone with sadface, who turned out to be completely trustworthy, but instead I chose bear (although that was my opinion already, but again, you were wrong) who ended up being the first domino. You were wrong. Then, there's the time you told me that if you branched away and told everyone you were forming an elite alliance of only actives they would all follow. I told you there's no way, if we can't get actives to come to Unity, why would they come to some brand new, unknown alliance? I was right, as hardly anyone followed you. Then, there's of course the misinformation, claiming we were having internal problems when we were not. You were wrong.

4 instances. 5 if you count defending against harpies with archers :p

Please, continue to praise your leadership abilities, but never show them, as you have none. Winning is when your alliance emerges on top. You did not win on Gythium, and you did not win here, so how can you be the winner?

realize the goal and what role you and each player holds.

Oh, and before someone thinks "that's good advice" just don't. This belongs in a fricking Disney film. The goal? This is a game, the goal is to win. The role each player holds is simple, some lead, some listen. You should try and be one of the ones that listen from now on, as you are no good at leading.

Good advice for a leader:
Make sure your members know what is expected of them.

Give your alliance good organization.

Have a solid council behind you.

Don't be a Paul, people should like you.

Don't back down from a war and merge every single time (goes along with don't be a Paul). War strengthens the strong and weakens the weak (usually). You can lose a war and survive, and you'll be better off as your team will coordinate better and form a better bond.

Make sure your team's morale does not drop.


Things I listed will make a difference in your alliance. Things you listed is a bunch of garbage a bad motivational speaker would spew. You can't think of an ACTUAL reason I'm a bad leader, so you tell me to "step up and be a man."

Your fan-club will be waiting for you to join another world, see ya there.
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Mofo, you don't even have a clue at all what happened in Gythium outside of the crap that TSF is feeding you. Zarkoff betrayed me because him, TSF, Suto and a few others from Ely didn't like me because I called them out on their just sitting and doing nothing. AS well as breaking pact rules and etc.

Secondly, Zark took his people with him, NOT mine. I THEN, told my people to go to win. And they did. And with what all I had set up, Ely won't ever win and still doesn't have a shot at it because of how stuck up their leaders are now. What is going on NOW in that world, is exactly what I had planned. Where my people are at now, the wars going on, how the wars are going, I've got FAR more knowledge in what to do that you can even comprehend.

And I'm a terrible leader? Really? Maybe that's why I've had EN players who have won MULTIPLE EN worlds tell me I am a good leader? Maybe that's why my fan club continues the hate. Because when you do something worth noting, that others want and cannot do, they get jealous and try to bring down the one responsible to help justify why they're so bad (another psychology thing). So What all have you done then mr so high and mighty? I don't see you winning wars. In fact, all I see you doing is having people keep bouncing around because you can't get your crap together and figure out what in the world to do. You have TWO failed alliances already under your belt here. But go ahead, continue to think and say how much of an idiot I am. I'm not the one making a fool of myself by creating failing alliances. They're staying with you because of people's mentality. They see one or two big people move somewhere. They all move. Simple psychology.

And I'm being called out to join another world to have an alliance vs alliance war? Again, No. Why should I make other suffer because there's two idiots who don't like me? You both want me dead, so come and get me. You have an alliance to back you right now, and yet STILL you won't touch me. TSF knows exactly where to find me. Both in Gythium and here, and STILL refuses to touch me. Why? "We want an alliance war". No, what you want is for others to do work for you two and help you because both of you cannot touch me and know I'm WAY too good for you to even begin to touch me.

But maybe I'll join just to rim you both by myself seeing as TSF is too chicken to join here and you're too chicken to even touch me? Who knows, maybe you do have some balls.

Oh and one last thing: Funny how YOU are calling me a bad leader when the WHOLE time I was in Unity, BOTH YOU and Joe were and about half the alliance was asking for my help and asking me questions like "what should we do". Just remember that buddy. You're problem with me, is that I called you out, after I left. Because you wanted to do EXACTLY what I did, but I just beat you to it and you're upset you couldn't get me to be with you to help back you. That's when your hate fest for me started. Was after I left, and you decided you'd rather come at me over text instead in an fight. But hey, more fun for me.

And I'll end it with this, How about you send a harpy nuke at me and we'll see how well it does against some archers. I'll even let it hit them.

Mofo, you've failed at this world. And you'll fail at every world you'll go so long as you listen to him and you can't get over yourself. Now grow up.
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TSF and I didn't talk about Gythium at all really, I read the forums. Called them out, huh? Same thing you're doing to me? Because then I definitely know one thing: They were right and you were wrong.

I'm sorry, did you at not one point in time consider Zarkoff, your second-in-command, one of your guys? And from what I understand, a lot of the guys that followed him were council members, so did you not at what point consider them a friend? Yes, you did or they would not have their positions.

Did those EN players who won worlds leave your alliance afterwards? Lol. Powaz won Sparta and Rizinia on EN, I guess since he's stuck by me that's the say-all guys! He won 2 worlds, and he likes me, so I'm magnificent! Oh wait... that's NOT how that works.

I'm sorry, I don't consider merging (not being forced to merge, mind you. You would not get to set your own terms and have a co-founder if it was a forced merge) and losing some members failing. The first one, definitely not. The second one, yes, it stings. But I'm sorry, is Try me not still around? Not my idea of a failure, have all the members that put their confidence in me still.

Lol Paul, I don't know where you even get being a good player out of this, you are not even close to being a good player. You say your behind in points because you joined the server late, and that's BS. You joined the server at the same time as The Defiant One, Njbdragon and powaz, that's why they're close to you. And at least I don't try to make excuses for my low point total. I man up and say I haven't put the time I should have in. And I've been gone for 15 days since joining this server due to RL and still about to pass you in points.

You were a fricking council member! LMAO. Of coursed I asked for your advice. I had to go around council and ask for everyone's advice when I wanted it because Unity's council was dang near inactive (I didn't pick most of the members) and it took PMs for people to write well-worded, helpful messages rather than just saying "let's do this." So yes, I mailed you. And I mailed the next guy. And the next guy.

I wanted to do exactly what you did? Lol, no, that's not what happened. We didn't splinter off, we merged.

NO. I did not start the fight. You first bashed Unity, I responded, at first not too mad, and we talked in-game afterwards and I said what you did that made me mad and I thought we had worked through it. But no. You came on here, and then you bashed Try me. That's when the real discussion started. Because of you, not because of me.

Lol. I'll tell you the same thing I did on the alliance forum, run the sim dude. 20 harpies versus 280 archers, then 20 harpies vs. 280 hoplites. You're dead wrong about that, and I love how you just admitted you actually said that. Now everyone can laugh at you and realize, hey, mofo may be right, Paul doesn't have a clue about anything on this game.

Oh, shut up. I've already led successful alliances. I'm not on myself. I know the things I have to work on as a leader, just because I don't post them doesn't mean I don't recognize them. But you STILL haven't given me a single reason I'm a bad leader, because you can't.
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Sure. tl;dr:

Paul: Mofo you suck for no reason. I was right.

Mofo: Paul you suck as no one is loyal to you. No you weren't.

I recommend reading the whole thing though, it's a lot more fun to here us argue :p


Paul, lets review some basic facts from Gythium. I was top 10 ABP and well respected by pretty much everyone. I was also top 10 points. You weren't really in the ball park on caliber of stats or skill either. That's not to say that you were bad, you were top 70 ABP I think? And you probably knew the basics to attacking but I know I was better, sorry. I'm not gonna argue it with you either. If I want to read a long winded, inaccurate, statement that goes no where, I'll pick up Glenn Beck book. If you feel so adamant about how good you are, then burn the premade. Lets do it on Naxos tomorrow. If you lose a city in revolt worlds, there's no excuse. I can't get you offline, I can't out gold you because of morale, etc. But I dislike one speed worlds, they're slow and boring for me. Plus I would get help from the world who hates you. By the time I had conquest, you'd be gone.

Just based off how we ran our alliances and how people treated us differently tells someone everything they need to know.
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Mofo, you don't even have a clue at all what happened in Gythium outside of the crap that TSF is feeding you. Zarkoff betrayed me because him, TSF, Suto and a few others from Ely didn't like me because I called them out on their just sitting and doing nothing. AS well as breaking pact rules and etc.

Secondly, Zark took his people with him, NOT mine. I THEN, told my people to go to win. And they did. And with what all I had set up, Ely won't ever win and still doesn't have a shot at it because of how stuck up their leaders are now. What is going on NOW in that world, is exactly what I had planned. Where my people are at now, the wars going on, how the wars are going, I've got FAR more knowledge in what to do that you can even comprehend.

My advice to anyone that is in an alliance with him. Get out, and get out fast. He will ruin your gaming experience before moving onto yet another world, telling everyone how great he is and how everyone here betrayed him, leaving you to fight all those he ticked off. That's all he ever does. Runs away.... Brave brave Sir Robyn errr I mean Paul.
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My advice to anyone that is in an alliance with him. Get out, and get out fast. He will ruin your gaming experience before moving onto yet another world, telling everyone how great he is and how everyone here betrayed him, leaving you to fight all those he ticked off. That's all he ever does. Runs away.... Brave brave Sir Robyn errr I mean Paul.

^You sir are just one big liar in the sea of liars out there. I have nothing to say to you honestly. I betrayed my own team? Are you for real right now? You held my hand? Zark, YOUR alliance was getting nowhere and I'll admit, took mine by surprise because you decided to start a war with us when we had most of our defense in the south. Then you took a few cities, and stopped. And that was it.

Btw, here's a quote from Suto, leader of Elysium, the alliance that betrayed me:

suto on 2014-07-05 at 01:37
It's funny that all along you never knew who was behind your fall but it was me. Someone you disregarded and thought never could do this. You disrespected me so when I rode up through ely I made sure the seeds were planted everywhere and outsiders respected me cause if my attack/fighter rank.

You should have befriended me but you choose the other route; now your see the consequences.

^ Yeah I betrayed my own alliance. Zarkoff, you got upset because you couldn't get your way, and EVERYONE voted I REMAINED the #1 leader. Even your own people! Even you didn't say that I needed to step down. I gave you 3 choices, quit going behind my back and doing crap behind everyone else's as well and be part of the team, step down, or step out. You CHOSE to leave and freaked out while doing so. You made sure your people never played along side mine for a reason. You let the merge be a perfect solution to your tiny area as you all were getting nowhere fast. I NEVER ONCE asked for you back either. So nice try.

Really, your whole entire post is a lie. Just like everything you did while in TVM. You can say all you want about me but the stats you're putting me at, what I did and so on, are NOWHERE near the truth.

And I run away? Last I checked Im still in Gythium. Sorry to upset you there. I didn't run away. I let you guys take my cities, I even posted that in the EF there as well that I wasn't going to defend them.

But anyways, when someone who was ACTUALLY loyal to me, and the team I built, says all the crap you 3 are trying to make others believe, that's when it'll be true. BUT the problem is, none of them ever will. Because none of that is remotely true. Also love how you had to get Pmed to come look at this. "Let's continue to gang up on Paul everyone!".

But I guess ruining a gaming experience means either I'll put you in your place and call you out on your crap (just as I did with all 3 of you), or I'll get you on the road to a win. I made it clear when you joined (zark) and before you joined that my goal wasn't to win but to get my people to win. And oh look at that, they're all right where I planned for them to be when I saw this coming. Both you and TSF made it INSANELY obvious that there was a plan to back-stab me and "ruin me". Maybe next time you do it, try to not be so dang obvious. Tends to work a little better.

Btw mofo, The Summary isn't what you said. It's actually:

Mofo: I hate Paul because he's been right and he left me while I was on VM and didn't like his reason for leaving and he did it without me.
Paul: I don't hate mofo (even said it to him in a PM), TM isn't getting anywhere and never will. You also need to get over yourself.

Now, I'm entirely done posting on this thread, because it's 3 liars vs 1 honest person.
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Is it bad that i'm not even bothering to read all of Pauls non-sense anymore?

Paul, lets give the people what they want. A solid fight with a good banter session. No past experiences, no backstabbing, no BS. Player vs player, alliance vs alliance, leader vs leader. Unless I convince an arch enemy to show up and play US, we aren't going to even consider diplo. Meaning that if you can just not annoy people long enough to form a coalition, then you'll have an entire world on my team.

Why i'm pushing this, we honestly are trying to create something special at NT. We want a world that makes us have to play all sides of the game at our best while still being fair. Recruiting, combat, diplomacy, etc. Whether we're the good or bad guys doesn't matter. So i'm trying to get all notable leaders to share a world and face each other.

Names such as myself, Paul, Exit Strategy, White Khalifa, Daizan, and others are coming to mind.


Same Paul, different world. No matter what world forum you go to, you find the same thing. Everyone calling Paul out, and Paul proclaiming himself to be innocent and the better person. hmmmmmm can all of these people be wrong? and only Paul right?

LOL. New world starting tomorrow. I'll give it a month and a whole new crop of people will be posting the same things about him... Anyone taking bets on this? or how long till Paul betrays another alliance ?


same Zarkoff. The bully I have always known him as, and the one who whines until he gets what he wants.

I know Paul isn't joining isn't joining the next world, so I will take that bet


God, Zark may be my new favorite player ever. Smilo got why Paul was bad, but Smilo has never been in an alliance with him and had to hear the sort of stuff he says and does internally directly.

You get it, all this crap about never losing except by betrayal, everyone else does nothing, yet he's the one who never does anything. He's so great, yet hardly active. I may have a low point total, but there isn't a single player in my alliance who will tell you that I'm not on all day long. You play a little less then half of what I do per day Paul.

Paul, I think this may really hammer home my point to you. From what I've read, from your own members on Gythium, Zark took over and did all the work, your (former) right-hand man. That's exactly what I did to joejoe. You disliked joe more then anyone, even though you never did anything either. So, the leader you are most comparable to is joejoe. How much does that sting Paul?


Why i'm pushing this, we honestly are trying to create something special at NT. We want a world that makes us have to play all sides of the game at our best while still being fair. Recruiting, combat, diplomacy, etc. Whether we're the good or bad guys doesn't matter. So i'm trying to get all notable leaders to share a world and face each other.

Names such as myself, Paul, Exit Strategy, White Khalifa, Daizan, and others are coming to mind.

Oh please get over yourself :p I exist too :(