-Exit Strategy- missing / Need help to find

We are currently not able to find the GoAt @Exit strategy
Special skills / achievements:
  • Loses most of the worlds against Jcoo and BoB
  • Took 400 cities from JCOO team in us95 but failed to click the button for domination
  • Finally won US97 against his sister alliance
  • After this BIG ACHIEVEMENT, he decided to create the Dream Team with his wonderful leadership skill to crush everyone
  • Place spies in other alliances
  • Gets 2.5K slingers cleared, and he golds those again only to get those cleared again 30 mins later
  • Frontsnipes 4-10 seconds before CS and backsnipes from 4-20 seconds after CS are his speciality.
If anyone can help to locate this grepo legend we appreciate a lot.
Nobody knows who this player this is (jpXxxXover), but we do know he is with the filth that had destroyed Grepolis as we know it .
See attached File below .
This filthy mongrel rolls with the creator of the Spam bot script , the Anti spam bot script and Grepo data . We can only imagine what other tools they have created for an advantage .

What we do know is that the spam botted their way to win a few servers ,but claims it is skills . See mesembria .

Here is a few highlights

1.They joined Us95 Pag under shots of Lazer and really were trash , they couldnt hold a siege against Jcoo . Then they pact with us just to stab us in the back . They all went perma VM.

2.Then they Joined en132 and used spam bots again Miknel and Celts team Venom only to lose after they attempted a merge of 3 alliances to cheese a win out . funny how karma works .

3.Then they Join us100 under several incognito names so that nobody know who they are . They land cs on top of Ls and 6 supports on cs on a 12 min Cs . Remarkable especially when its their first attempts . ( See attached file 2 below for snipe)

Not saying they are cheating but they do have a Programmer on their team that has already created the ping bot to win .


  • grepo:22.png
    419.9 KB · Views: 53
  • snipe 01.png
    snipe 01.png
    260.8 KB · Views: 52