-Exit Strategy- missing / Need help to find


We are currently not able to find the GoAt @Exit strategy
Special skills / achievements:
  • Loses most of the worlds against Jcoo and BoB
  • Took 400 cities from JCOO team in us95 but failed to click the button for domination
  • Finally won US97 against his sister alliance
  • After this BIG ACHIEVEMENT, he decided to create the Dream Team with his wonderful leadership skill to crush everyone
  • Place spies in other alliances
  • Gets 2.5K slingers cleared, and he golds those again only to get those cleared again 30 mins later
  • Frontsnipes 4-10 seconds before CS and backsnipes from 4-20 seconds after CS are his speciality.
If anyone can help to locate this grepo legend we appreciate a lot.

Lord Corny

hell hes whole damn alliance went vaca . wth why even start if you dont plan on finishing .no wonder the us severs are the black sheep of grepo


A post with so much integrity that you have to make it anonymously.

If Exit sucks so bad, why are you obsessed?

Oh its not anonymously, it has a name there.

Btw, how much is Exit paying you to give him a little support. Tell him if he can be a man, he can show up and eat his words.

And btw nr 2. US servers so desperate. You in the players council lmaooo. I hope you aint crying much over Exit, hopefully he will come back
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Oh its not anonymously, it has a name there.

Btw, how much is Exit paying you to give him a little support. Tell him if he can be a man, he can show up and eat his words.

And btw nr 2. US servers so desperate. You in the players council lmaooo. I hope you aint crying much over Exit, hopefully he will come back

Anonymous poster talking about being a man. That’s funny.

What is it with int’l goobers coming over to play US?

US is bush league, we know. So why?

I imagine it’s the scrubs who can’t hack it on EN and want to fluff themselves a little for the ego boost on US. Pretty pathetic, if you ask me.

Or is it so you can pull off all the garbage you guys did in The Righteous? Using all the proxy accounts - like jpXxxXover - to gift cities to your mains? Or the scripts? Maybe EN mods are a little more on the ball and you can’t pull those stunts over there?

Yeah, what an impressive victory. Don’t mind my eyes rolling. Truly, you should run your mouth more in the externals. Show us more of that second rate EN class.


Anonymous poster talking about being a man. That’s funny.

What is it with int’l goobers coming over to play US?

US is bush league, we know. So why?

I imagine it’s the scrubs who can’t hack it on EN and want to fluff themselves a little for the ego boost on US. Pretty pathetic, if you ask me.

Or is it so you can pull off all the garbage you guys did in The Righteous? Using all the proxy accounts - like jpXxxXover - to gift cities to your mains? Or the scripts? Maybe EN mods are a little more on the ball and you can’t pull those stunts over there?

Yeah, what an impressive victory. Don’t mind my eyes rolling. Truly, you should run your mouth more in the externals. Show us more of that second rate EN class.


who are you please tell me? Which one of the noobs you are.

Who can't hack on EN?? Ugh we won every sp6 server in EN every kind of endgame LMAOOO

Your boss Exit invited us in US to beat us badly :((((( So we joined for him
Sounds like you feel like you have something to prove. That’s how chumps carry themselves, not winners. Keep running your mouth in the externals to prove how full of it you are.


Oh I have nothing to prove, trust me. Especially not for noobs like you and Exit. Now stop crying in externals and go play some night bonus worlds little noob


We are currently not able to find the GoAt @Exit strategy
Special skills / achievements:
  • Loses most of the worlds against Jcoo and BoB
  • Took 400 cities from JCOO team in us95 but failed to click the button for domination
  • Finally won US97 against his sister alliance
  • After this BIG ACHIEVEMENT, he decided to create the Dream Team with his wonderful leadership skill to crush everyone
  • Place spies in other alliances
  • Gets 2.5K slingers cleared, and he golds those again only to get those cleared again 30 mins later
  • Frontsnipes 4-10 seconds before CS and backsnipes from 4-20 seconds after CS are his speciality.
If anyone can help to locate this grepo legend we appreciate a lot.

who are you fan boy ?? because your name means nothing to me .

Yea ,, my snipes are so bad . Look for your self , and tell me if anything looks suspect ?

as happy as I am that i am so relevant , it sad to see such much time wasted on thinking about me.


  • snipe 01.png
    snipe 01.png
    260.8 KB · Views: 105
You actually do know him Exit... I think the real issue is you assemble players to play some from retirement like Big Dog , Wyld Child , Tokit and others and not honest with them that you would leave that is kinda shi*** and when you were just outplayed for a city which happens to everyone you rant about quitting lost cities happen recover move on. At the end of the day its just a game but its a team game and it affects others as well. Have a good summer i am sure you will be back..... I would say more but i am being the bigger person


Senior Citizen
Sounds like you feel like you have something to prove. That’s how chumps carry themselves, not winners. Keep running your mouth in the externals to prove how full of it you are.

Is the speed 2 competitive domination server you finally settled in that boring, that you have to make forum comments regarding servers you don't play? Have you even played conquest ever? I think we know the answers to both questions.


Senior Citizen
Oh its not anonymously, it has a name there.

Btw, how much is Exit paying you to give him a little support. Tell him if he can be a man, he can show up and eat his words.

And btw nr 2. US servers so desperate. You in the players council lmaooo. I hope you aint crying much over Exit, hopefully he will come back

There's no such thing as players council. Probably cause people like her made part of it...


Senior Citizen
A post with so much integrity that you have to make it anonymously.

If Exit sucks so bad, why are you obsessed?

How can people without integrity speak about integrity? You've been temporarily disabled (to avoid the b-word) from almost every server you've played. Or was that your son who you were teaching integrity???
Is the speed 2 competitive domination server you finally settled in that boring, that you have to make forum comments regarding servers you don't play? Have you even played conquest ever? I think we know the answers to both questions.

Shhh... jpXxxXover-compensating still thinks I play US-100.

Actually, the first three worlds I played were CQ. There was Grepolis before Grepolife, but you probably wouldn't know that, would you, short-timer?

You should stick to making top-ten posts for dead worlds that no one will read, and do everyone a favor and crawl back into the hole you came from. Your attempts at meaningful human interaction are cringeworthy and obviously not in your skill set.

Buh-bye now!


Senior Citizen
Shhh... jpXxxXover-compensating still thinks I play US-100.

Actually, the first three worlds I played were CQ. There was Grepolis before Grepolife, but you probably wouldn't know that, would you, short-timer?

You should stick to making top-ten posts for dead worlds that no one will read, and do everyone a favor and crawl back into the hole you came from. Your attempts at meaningful human interaction are cringeworthy and obviously not in your skill set.

Buh-bye now!

obviously, you read it and it did exactly what it was supposed to do: annoy you!
lmao! he think he can tell others where they should go. you have most centainly come from a hole that is why you're so out of control of yourself all the time, Mr. Mega-Irrelevant.
obviously, you read it and it did exactly what it was supposed to do: annoy you!
lmao! he think he can tell others where they should go. you have most centainly come from a hole that is why you're so out of control of yourself all the time, Mr. Mega-Irrelevant.

Durrr... I can't be so irrelevant if you're making forum posts to annoy me.

Or you're wasting your time making forum posts to annoy random, irrelevant online strangers.

Seems like you need a logic-check.


I'ma bite here and say a few things:

1) Mega - sthu man. You ghost and whine and complain every time something doesn't go your way. You're one of the BIGGEST crybabies I've ever met in this game in my 11 years playing. Your skill in this game is absolute trash. Hell, I remember making a team from scratch years ago and WRECKING your team of SIX alliances so bad that you guys broke and then asked us to join you - which ended up you joining us haha.

2) Original Poster - I thought your first post was funny honestly. I really did. But don't go after Athenakins. She's one of the greatest people in this game - play wise and [moral] character wise. Calm down.

3) Pete (Exit) - honestly brother, you know I love you man. But I kinda saw this coming. You got too into your group of guys. I know (have led and beat) every one of them and let me just say, you guys could've done a LOT better against Al's team. I'm honestly really disappointed to see the mass ghost as that's not the Pete that helped teach me the game almost a decade ago. The Pete I know would've fought until the end. Remember Byzantium when we beat AD's team? Where is THAT Pete? That's the Exit I miss. Personally, and I say this as a friend, I believe you've gotten far too cocky and "in your head" about your teams (especially this group you've got). But I hope this helps you wake up a little and re-evaluate some things my friend.

4) Al - Good work on the fight against Dream Team. Even though you *Kinda* (use it loosely because of circumstances) screwed me in the beginning when I was promised a spot and brought in with half the premade you've got - still, good work and glad to see someone else can beat down Dream Team and remind them they're not as great as they believe. Good show my friend.

Anyways, I'll be coming down from the north. No hard feelings to anyone as many here (in this world) are good friends of mine and been playing with for years. I mean all of this as a friend (although Mega seriously just stop). See you guys on the battlefield soon ;)

- Sigurd <3
Yucky fake news

Uh oh, now this thread is really going to go off the rails. This guys is almost as detached from reality as Emperor Loki but 100x as obnoxious.

Exhibit A of his delusions of grandeur is the sign off with a heart and his references to having friends, lol. Wishful thinking! If there’s anyone more universally despised on US servers than me, it’s this guy.

Notice how he claims something happened in a world “years ago” without referring to any specific world, alliance, his IGN etc…That’s because it happened in his head, maybe, but not in reality.

What I remember about this guy is he played as Jinzo* in Eubea, US-68. He lead an alliance called Venom. It was the third best alliance in the world. He tried to play the top two alliances against each other and made all kinds of stupidly braggadocio posts in the externals. They’re probably still there for anyone to see in the archived Eubea forum, unless he deleted them. In any of event, of course he failed miserably, no doubt in part because of how badly he over-estimated himself. And then after he failed he quit on his team and went inactive.

Meanwhile, I went on to win the world and there’s a lot of folks still butthurt about that to this day.

Incoming blanket denial is 3, 2, 1…

Edit: Looks like he scrubbed his posts from US-68 Eubea forums, but here’s part of a post he made in another world’s forums about the same time he quit on his team and went inactive in Eubea, in which he references playing Eubea (from his post history):

“Meanwhile Grepo mauler does this quite often. As does Xpertgreek and Tbom and many others in this world LOL. I thought US68 was poor in competition. Guess this is the CQest side of poor competition haha. Anyways, Happy gaming all! Be sure to post here when you checkout so I can snag your cities! :D
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Uh oh, now this thread is really going to go off the rails. This guys is almost as detached from reality as Emperor Loki but 100x as obnoxious.

Exhibit A of his delusions of grandeur is the sign off with a heart and his references to having friends, lol. Wishful thinking! If there’s anyone more universally despised on US servers than me, it’s this guy.

Notice how he claims something happened in a world “years ago” without referring to any specific world, alliance, his IGN etc…That’s because it happened in his head, maybe, but not in reality.

What I remember about this guy is he played as Jinzo* in Eubea, US-68. He lead an alliance called Venom. It was the third best alliance in the world. He tried to play the top two alliances against each other and made all kinds of stupidly braggadocio posts in the externals. They’re probably still there for anyone to see in the archived Eubea forum, unless he deleted them. In any of event, of course he failed miserably, no doubt in part because of how badly he over-estimate himself. And then after he failed he quit on his team and went inactive.

Meanwhile, I went on to win the world and there’s a lot of folks still butthurt about that to this day.

Incoming blanket denial is 3, 2, 1…

Edit: Looks like he scrubbed his posts from US-68 Eubea forums, but here’s part of a post he made in another world’s forums about the time he quit on his team and went inactive in Eubea, in which he references playing Eubea (from his post history):

“Meanwhile Grepo mauler does this quite often. As does Xpertgreek and Tbom and many others in this world LOL. I thought US68 was poor in competition. Guess this is the CQest side of poor competition haha. Anyways, Happy gaming all! Be sure to post here when you checkout so I can snag your cities! :D

LOVE how you made a quote by me that I never said and claimed you won the world. Wanna say that to @Scotropolis ?? HE won the world and YOU GHOSTED! Oh yeah, right after I left because I wrecked the living hell out of both of you. But glad to know I "pitted you two against each other". You guys were only fighting each other the ENTIRE world BEFORE me and my crew ever showed up lol. I came in with a no name crew and new people, and wrecked you both utterly. But feel free to join the world and come for me again a second time (to lose again). Sitting pretty in 043. Barely a week out of BP big guy. Just ask for an invite link and I'll set you up - send rezzies and all until you're the same size as me and we'll go head to head.

Man you're mental. It's no wonder no one wants to work or play with you at all XD

LOVE how you made a quote by me that I never said

and claimed you won the world. Wanna say that to @Scotropolis ?? HE won the world and YOU GHOSTED!

Too easy. I mean, how unhinged can you be? It’s not like these things are hard to prove. What are you going to say next? The Olympic Games are really in Mongolia? Hillary Clinton is actually the U.S. President? Tom Brady didn’t win the Super Bowl?
