Best Leaders


well apparently this world has all that badass players from all around the servers. should be some good battles between everyone.

ohh there will be soon. just have to wait for the first moth to be over. once that is done, then the real part of the game starts. first the MRA are weeded out, then the poorly put together alliances, then the major alliance go from there and start to fight eachother


ohh there will be soon. just have to wait for the first moth to be over. once that is done, then the real part of the game starts. first the MRA are weeded out, then the poorly put together alliances, then the major alliance go from there and start to fight eachother

So you saying your team is poorly put together or the other ones that are actually good?.. :p


So you saying your team is poorly put together or the other ones that are actually good?.. :p

you would be surprised how well off my alliance is. we have a wide selection of Exp. players with either WW Exp. (US13 Players, myself included), some great players from US30, and a crown owner that has played 3 major EN server worlds as well as a few US. and very soon we might get some great players from Chi


I think we will all be well acquainted soon enough. Lol


dont go there :p

rated's my main man!

a beast? the last world he played in he was ranked liek 270

im guessing you have room to talk check-mate..... until i looked at grepointel.... and the highest rank you ever had was #230.... and 14 cities? come on man... if your going to talk sh@%..... then back it up brother.....


im guessing you have room to talk check-mate..... until i looked at grepointel.... and the highest rank you ever had was #230.... and 14 cities? come on man... if your going to talk sh@%..... then back it up brother.....

he has played worlds that wont show up on intle anymore. they have closed. and if i recall he played EN servers as well


he has played worlds that wont show up on intle anymore. they have closed. and if i recall he played EN servers as well
Check mate is one of the best players on the server in my opinion
LOL, this all too funny to me. Declaring who is the best leader this early its insane.

I have heard of Check-mate but honestly looking around Pella there are a ton of really good players, i could name them but its more fun to see you guys bicker about a better leader..


LOL, this all too funny to me. Declaring who is the best leader this early its insane.

I have heard of Check-mate but honestly looking around Pella there are a ton of really good players, i could name them but its more fun to see you guys bicker about a better leader..

lol agree, watching people play 'who's got the biggest leader' whilst basically trolling themselves is fun 8)


im guessing you have room to talk check-mate..... until i looked at grepointel.... and the highest rank you ever had was #230.... and 14 cities? come on man... if your going to talk sh@%..... then back it up brother.....

highest rank i had was 230? haha. try grepostats. it actually tells you the person's "best rank" on each world their stats are still up.
I'll let you look me up. I have no need to brag.

two. if you read the responses you got, you know i have a reputation.
Check mate is one of the best players on the server in my opinion
i dont even play here and im one of the best players on the server
i have over 1000 posts on these forums, i didnt start playing yesterday

'nuff said

oh also, i played en servers, too, but i wont brag about my accomplishments there :p
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Decky... Tell them to check us out... Im sure you will find what your looking for in grepointel.... Along with my fellow players...

rich mann

oh and btw, clintaurus, ask your boy kzg3 how juktas treated him :eek: thisisgrepolis
Guys the only stat that counts is BATTLE POINTS, PTS mean sh**. The higher the pts means that you are just a city builder. One thing i disagree with Check mate on, is you have to play the server to be considered good, Not just prior exp..


Guys the only stat that counts is BATTLE POINTS, PTS mean sh**. The higher the pts means that you are just a city builder. One thing i disagree with Check mate on, is you have to play the server to be considered good, Not just prior exp.. are you going to get more cities without increasing your points? How are you going to beat the guy with 5, 10, 20 more cities than you with several thousand more BP?

My point (heh) is, points mean more than you may think. Building a city to max a bad idea? Pretty much, but not building it at all? Even worse. Those people with 3k, 4k, whatever ridiculous amount of points it is now will have conquest well before any non-paying player does, even if they don't have as much BP. And when they come with their units that they have not lost from attacking people, who do you think will win? The guy with 2000 BP, or the guy with the CS?

The answer to that is actually whoever's alliance helps them out better and has nothing to do with the individual, save perhaps the classic CS snipe.


Guest are you going to get more cities without increasing your points? How are you going to beat the guy with 5, 10, 20 more cities than you with several thousand more BP?

My point (heh) is, points mean more than you may think. Building a city to max a bad idea? Pretty much, but not building it at all? Even worse. Those people with 3k, 4k, whatever ridiculous amount of points it is now will have conquest well before any non-paying player does, even if they don't have as much BP. And when they come with their units that they have not lost from attacking people, who do you think will win? The guy with 2000 BP, or the guy with the CS?

The answer to that is actually whoever's alliance helps them out better and has nothing to do with the individual, save perhaps the classic CS snipe.

you do realize you just just to a random idea right? he said that being able to get More BP will allow you to take more citys. just because you can build up a city doesnt mean crap if you can get enough BP to have more built city that everyone else.

Your missing my point high pt players are simmers (city builders). In every world you see guys with 1 mill or more but only 500k to 700k Fighter points that is a def of a simmer.
Simmers get pts by doing city festivals and Olympic Games (costs gold). Fighting stats are the only thing that counts when determining who is a great player or not. More BP you get more victory processions you can run..
If you want to just build cities there are worlds open now like that, Sim City types but what fun is it to just build cities and just sit back and not attack. This is a war game not Sim City..


Perhaps I should've clarified. I did not mean that BP meant less in the slightest. It's still important to have lots of BP, and if all you really do is build up and colonize you're going to end up conquered, probably by people who have more points and more BP than said simmer. I have not said that being a simmer is good once, merely that points mean more than you and many more love to say they do.

Also, I'd like you to point out a simmer, any world (except Hyperborea because Hyper-bore-a), any server (en, us, whatever), that is in the top 10 points-wise.

Again, my point is that Points have meaning, even if Battle Points are much better.
Points just mean your city total not how good you are bc like i said you can accumulate cities without fighting. To find the best players in this server or others look at their battle pts. 10 out of 10 the best players are the ones high in Battle points (fighter rankings)


oh and btw, clintaurus, ask your boy kzg3 how juktas treated him :eek: thisisgrepolis

Lol! Considering I joined late and into an alliance that RA/Nuke had outnumbered 4-1 in cities, it didnt treat me too kindly. I do find it ironic that your current top player, WHITEFACE, was from our alliance and apart of our original core in Lamia and Juktas.

We were able to start from the beginning in Lamia and it has gone pretty well so far. I don't anticipate a regression to the mean in Pella.