Whose the best leader so far?
Whose the worst?
Whose the worst?
I am the greatest leader of all time....
Nuff said.
Dont people have to know who you are first to be a good leader?
Not sure how popularity is relevant to leadership skills.
You have to be known before people will follow you. and to be known, you are either known for good skill and people skills, or noobish attributes that stand out while also being Overconfident and rude to everyone.
So much kiss ass I'd have to say king David and exit strategy check mate when they want to be all three have lead ww alliances and exit and David thought me how to play in world nine under a different name
Rated is a good leader from what I've seen in Juktas and Lamia.
So much kiss ass I'd have to say king David and exit strategy check mate when they want to be all three have lead ww alliances and exit and David thought me how to play in world nine under a different name