When Is it too far?


Recently a fellow player posted a thread called tear drops about me and my alliance.
I have played this game for a long time and wonder out loud to you all. Since when is that acceptible.
Sounds to me as though the only tear drops are comming from him. I can understand attacking a fellow alliance but posting a make fun of them forum is something 10 year olds do in there spare time. As i told him in game, this isnot facebook. He taunts me in messages every day, I dont partake in any longer. I have told him that grepolis isnot a casual chat room. Its a war game.

I guess im trying to get the general feel of veteren players not noobs. So if your a veteren player give your opinion. Are dirty low shots like Tear Drops in the main forums, A step in the wrong direction?

To make it clear the federation of kings does not realy care about this. The alliance that FermentingFruit belongs too. Is not on our list of concerns. We dont plan attacks on them any time soon. So this players attempt to draw us out. Failed.
Im just cruious to know where veteran players stand on this.

Does that sort of thing make the game look childish?
In my opinion it does.


It is fun to read that guy of stuff, gives us something to have a laugh about. Instead of making us pity you how about you focus on running your alliance and supporting your players since it seems one of them is getting farmed by Fermenting Fruit and you guys seem to do nothing about it.


LAL calling me out? Ok, here are my thoughts. The thread isn't about just your alliance. The only reason I posted your guys convos are because you're the only ones that complained! You're right, it is a war game. And in war games, you're going to get attacked! So suck it up and don't bring it to the forums. And I think you don't partake any longer because I kept probing you wrong! I have nothing more to say on the matter.


Nice turn out from veteran players. Way to defend the maturity of the game guys.
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Can you cut whining, you should be happy that your alliance has some publicity thanks to Fermenting. The thread was not about you anyway, it is about hate mail and funny messages we receive when we attack somebody. The external forum is like facebook, where us grepo nerds get to talk and have a good time thisisgrepolis


Nice turn out from veteran players. Way to defend the maturity of the game guys.

LAL the funny part is you didn't take it to a mod or anything, you took it to the forums. I think you are hurting the maturity of the game with your whining.


1. He taunts me in messages every day, I dont partake in any longer. I have told him that grepolis isnot a casual chat room. Its a war game.

2. A step in the wrong direction?

3. To make it clear the federation of kings does not realy care about this.

Here are my opinions. I am not a Grepolis vet. (at least in my terms I think I have not proven myself to meet that standard yet) by any means, but value my input as you please. I don't have the time to read the lengthy replies to your initial post either, so I am simply putting it out there.

1. I disagree. While Grepo is a war game, the social aspect can bring down an alliance faster than war about 30-70% of the time faster than war can (on average and in my experience as I am a very social player, therefore I acknowledge bias).

2. I am neutral on this. While yes it provides laughs, it does not benefit the game in any way whatsoever so I honestly don't think it matters, but rules are rules and they allow it.

3. Who would...it's all fun and games:D


To me, if you dont want what you write to some one else posted, then use voice comms, or dont say anything that can be used agasint you. You whine after an attack, and send it to some one else, then yea, it is going to get passed around.


Guys no personal flaming I hate that. epsonok is right because you guys should focus on the game not just stupid postings. Fermenting it was funny but no need to get so rude about it.


Guys no personal flaming I hate that. epsonok is right because you guys should focus on the game not just stupid postings. Fermenting it was funny but no need to get so rude about it.

No disrespect, but where is he being rude? This thread was started as a call it. If some one does not want some one being honest, then they should not be calling people out. The way some one plays, that does not meet your taste, you dont go and try to build a support against it on the public forums. You run it by the mods first, and let them handle it. If the mods handle it in your favor then cool, if not then cool also, we all play the game differently.


No disrespect, but where is he being rude? This thread was started as a call it. If some one does not want some one being honest, then they should not be calling people out. The way some one plays, that does not meet your taste, you dont go and try to build a support against it on the public forums. You run it by the mods first, and let them handle it. If the mods handle it in your favor then cool, if not then cool also, we all play the game differently.

I couldn't agree more. If the mods take your side you're golden and I'm f-ed. If they don't, then sorry bud, you're SOL. Don't hate just because I have spies inside of your inner circle.


The mods didnot handle it. Thats why its here. And i want a feel for how the game is run from a true aficianato point of view. This is just a rudimentary exercise in seeking how everyone feels.
Nothing further.
Its not to be mistaken with a rant. My men (and ladys too.) attacked him for that post as we should have.
We did that in game.
As we should have. Its just always nice to see from a public stand how players feel about flaming. Its not the most popular feature in grepolis. But it is used.
I was curious to see.
This thread is not a call it persay.
Well i mean it can be by technical definitions. But what i want is players true feel on Flaming.
Is it good to do or not.
Dedalus and i talk and he like flaming. He says its an important grepolis technique. I say though keep it in the family. what is posted in game should stay in game. Unless a play says something everyone should know about.
Then it comes out of game for all to hear.


I see nothing wrong with it. Sometimes it's nice to come on these forums and have a laugh. If you don't want to be the reason i'm laughing then make sure you don't say anything that's gonna end up on the forums. Unless he's using offensive language or being rude and the mods see it as against the rules, then he can do whatever he wants.

"what is posted in game should stay in game."

What is this Vegas? lol.


What is this Vegas? lol.
Lol i thought that was funny to put. Its a term my ex con uncle used. he said its a prison term. I just thought it fit.

Oh and to clairfy that player did make some sexual remarks to me. So i did report that. Hes boasting that they have not kicked him. Oh well i dont realy care. I realize were not all created equaly tactfull.


I also wanted to get some opnions on an idea of myne to have, forums that are permited viewing by member only in game.
Like an internal forum with special settings to adjust wich priviledged player sees what.


Oh i know that exists. We use it for elders and leaders. To talk without other members blowing the whistle. We use a complex approval prosess for all new leaders.
I just think like for instance, we have co owners then elders then members as our chain of command. Elders and co owners can see the forums that are private. But i wonder if it would be cool to have a secoundary private level set for co owners.
We trust all of our elders. To date. But im sure the day will come when one turns out to be a spy.
It happened to us in epsilon. We didnot grepostat a guy and he was reporting about our movements.

I just think id be a healthy addition to tactfull game play.


xD I love how you thought I was being serious when you said that. Welcome to America bud. Can't handle the language don't play the game, or just ban my messages, like I told you to do. And do I look like I care if I get banned? What happens? I'm gone for a few days, I come back, and still have more BP's than your entire alliance.


The mods didnot handle it. Thats why its here. And i want a feel for how the game is run from a true aficianato point of view. This is just a rudimentary exercise in seeking how everyone feels.
Nothing further.
Its not to be mistaken with a rant. My men (and ladys too.) attacked him for that post as we should have.
We did that in game.
As we should have. Its just always nice to see from a public stand how players feel about flaming. Its not the most popular feature in grepolis. But it is used.
I was curious to see.
This thread is not a call it persay.
Well i mean it can be by technical definitions. But what i want is players true feel on Flaming.
Is it good to do or not.
Dedalus and i talk and he like flaming. He says its an important grepolis technique. I say though keep it in the family. what is posted in game should stay in game. Unless a play says something everyone should know about.
Then it comes out of game for all to hear.

The mods did handle it, they made a proactive statement about it on the Tear Drop thread. The same thread you are refering to.
If all you were after was to see how people felt about "flaming", then why the refering to the other thread. Your post have come off as a reumentary exercise in whining about not only being attacked, but also decrying your own words being posted.
If your guild stance from the very start had be a strike back from the attacks, and not this pleading and begging not to be hurt, then none of this would have happened. Glad to see even a "vet" like you can learn.
This thread was a call it, you can try and back peddle all you want, but at the end of the day, this is what it was.