Wars of Mochlos


Let's talk about the boring wars of Mochlos. So far everyone is at war with body shamers and it seems like nobody will be able to stop them not even the EN players.


I remember!!!


way to go against ur own word bud....next time hit me up we got those qualities lol

Honey badgers type of feel????Yeah they are with us ;P


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I remember!!!


way to go against ur own word bud....next time hit me up we got those qualities lol

Honey badgers type of feel????Yeah they are with us ;P

Someone screwed up and asked BeZaMa to lead lol. Hey can i sell my team down the river for 2 spots in the "main" alliance as well? Seems that offer has been extended to everyone but us :(. Is it because you know i'd want 3 seats at the big boy table?


Lol good work. Wasnt saying anything against em.. just saying idc bout crowns and leadership.
Would rather just kill

And i wasnt involved in that one .. been at the hospital wit my son :(


Haha wordd my mistake rod!! Go back to being a souless killer the way we like ya ;)


Also, just gonna throw this out there..

This game is slowly dying as we all have stated before.. rod, kings, ive seen u guys comment in externals before.

I respect your team, but you guys always try to poach top players every worpd from your biggest opponents.

Several "MRA MAFIA" members have gotten your invites to leave and join u instead.. now dont get me twisred i dont care..

But if we all know player base is dwindling, youd think you would want the best players on the opposition to stay there to make it interesting.. or u guys want to make it easy?

Not doubting your teams skills.. your stats in previous worlds speak for itself..

Just more the thought process on bashing my teams leadership for bringing together a team of killers as u try to poach them?

Doesnt make sense..

Either way.. carry on with the battles and drama :)


Lol thats when i wanted to run an alliance.. these days ill stick to being a lowly stoner mole soldier sniping CSs

Haha no bad no bad, see this is why i like u, u can talk trash and back it up ;)...

By the way i am sorry about ur son bud, i hope he is/gets better, at the end of the day our trash talks stay/ends at the game....


Also, just gonna throw this out there..

This game is slowly dying as we all have stated before.. rod, kings, ive seen u guys comment in externals before.

I respect your team, but you guys always try to poach top players every worpd from your biggest opponents.

Several "MRA MAFIA" members have gotten your invites to leave and join u instead.. now dont get me twisred i dont care..

But if we all know player base is dwindling, youd think you would want the best players on the opposition to stay there to make it interesting.. or u guys want to make it easy?

Not doubting your teams skills.. your stats in previous worlds speak for itself..

Just more the thought process on bashing my teams leadership for bringing together a team of killers as u try to poach them?

Doesnt make sense..

Either way.. carry on with the battles and drama :)

Honestly Mole, we have played with half of ur alliance, we have won crowns with most of them, even amber’s first crown was cus of us(Edessa)...yeah we do add players here and there but never have/will mass recruit for the fun of it...

In this game good players want to play with good players, active players want active players, and loyal people want loyalty the other way around, we provide all that so yeah good players will join us here and there cus they want to be in an alliance where they can win few worlds with the same crew with out worrying like some of the guys in mafia are right now, i got a guy in mafia asking me to join us and i feel bad cus he even said he doesnt got many options, its either join us, join cats or quit....why? Cus ur leadership doesnt know what way they are going...see good players dont wanna go thru all that...even u man at some point we talked about playing together i believe.....many people drop a lot of money in this game to have some lame leadership take the fun away from them....
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I think Toxic is correct.

Leadership is your first issue over there. You don't have the right people thinking about the actual needs of the group, and that really hurt the group as a whole. And the ones that would be doing the thinking of what is best for the group, apparently are not speaking up enough to help fix it.

Second, instead of merging every Tom, Dick and Harry around you, you should have eaten them as food. No point in merging a group if you do not support them, you guys have been missing out on some serious low morale bp, lol. And you pretty much made a whole alliance never trust you again. Plus you made your own players mad by pacting/merging all those people, took the fighters food, and the grumbling has been so loud we hear it on this side of the fence.

And you have a third issue, but that one is not going to be listed here, maybe you guys can figure it out for yourself, lol.


I feel u kings. Its just a game at the end of the day, and thank u for well wishes for my son he was discharged today so doing a lot better

I respect u nd most of your team so yes the trash talk ends with the game...

Mole needs a smoke break tho.. im sure ull find out sooner or later lol but u guys will have your told u so moments here real soon!!

Either way... crown or no crown.. ill be here to fight.. ive been waiting years for dom end game.. see u guys on the battle field