Upsilon Milestones


Sorry guys : but if everybody is thinking that the hive won the server. It is for the moment ! Usually, if you dont have nothing to fear outside of your alliance, you have to fear inside. You need to feed your alliance with challenge to keep them, if there is not challenge, it is not a game.

So, if keltset is able to manage his alliance with no drama, i will be the first who will congratulate him

And, who did think that DeD wouldnt exist anymore 1 month ago ?
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im with you vampi. this world is still so young and everyone thinks its already over... we still have like a year and a half before the WW and look at how much the world has changed in a couple months already!


and one month later, it has changed even more. Everyone who said it, is right. This world is to young to just abdicate the throne to The Hive just yet. The rim alliances will grow and present a challenge eventually I would think. They may not have the numbers that #1 has but the pacts and coalitions are whatever term is used will present itself....eventually.


Hive first to 1 million ABPs
Hive first to 1 million total BPs
Hive first to 250k DBPs
Hive first to 500k DBPs
Hive first to 50k average points

Hive first to top all core oceans (100 city min)

I missed who was the first to 50k ABPs, it was either joegzthegreat or Digtal.Native
joegzthegreat first to 100k total BPs
Kobain1978 first to 50k DBPs, I missed who the first to 25k was.
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The southeastern alliances make their presence felt in Ocean 55.

Ocean 55

The Hive 246
Trinity 112
Antimatter 67
Heracletian Alliance 42
Sanctuary 24
Assassin's Rite 9
Special Ops 10


March 27 update:

The Hive 224
Trinity 117
Antimatter 87
Heracletian Alliance 42
Sanctuary 24
Assassin's Rite 17
Special Ops 15
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Has anyone else gotten attacker and defender of the day on the same day?


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The southeastern alliances make their presence felt in Ocean 55.

Ocean 55

The Hive 246
Trinity 112
Antimatter 67
Heracletian Alliance 42
Sanctuary 24
Assassin's Rite 9
Special Ops 10


March 27 update:

The Hive 224
Trinity 117
Antimatter 87
Heracletian Alliance 42
Sanctuary 24
Assassin's Rite 17
Special Ops 15

The Hive 119
The Trinity 123
Antimatter 114
Special Ops 57
Blood Hunters 37
Heracletian Alliance 39
Assassin's Rite 37
Sanctuary 21



lmao they all do...They always have so much zeal in the beginning and by a few months in they quit...


Any chance of a Cinco de Mayo update?

Cinco de Mayo Ocean 55

The Trinity 157 cities
DarkMatter 106cities
Antimatter 98 cities
Special Ops 71 cities
Assassins Rite 73 cities
Sanctuary 14
Heracletian Alliance13 cities
Alliances 8-17 13 cities

Cinco de Mayo Ocean 56

Antimatter 224
DarkMatter 108
Arrivederci 7
Assassins Rite 7
The Trinity 1
New Blood Brotherhood 1
The Rebellion 1
ghost man 1
The Oracle 1

Ocean 55 is yesterday's news, the fun is coming to Ocean 56.
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Has anyone else gotten attacker and defender of the day on the same day?

It takes a strong alliance to pull that off. But you'll never see this kind of glory again. Lap dogs get fed scraps from their mistress' table.

Think about the great hero behind the stunning victory at Saratoga. General Benedict Arnold was commissioned a Colonel in the British Army when he turned traitor, and he died cut off from the land he loved, the friends he fought alongside with, and the greatest enterprise launched in human history - modern democracy, Novus Ordo Saeclorum. Like you he became no more than a freak show propaganda piece for the enemy.

How does it feel being the bearded lady of AM/DM? Do they throw you a few ressies out of pity when you post in their forums?

Oh how the mighty have fallen!

It would be justice to see Magnus get Defender/Attacker/Great Power of the Day. That is something I haven't witnessed yet on any server. A Trifecta.

P.S. I'll give you a proper proposal for a proper Upsilon milestone. It will be your milestoned walk in the right direction toward rehabilitating your disgraced reputation. Leave Upsilon and start afresh and turn your cities over to Magnus. Attack him with thousands of archers to give him Defender of the Day, Defend the cities you give him with thousands of slingers and transports to give him Attacker of the Day. The tons of slots AM/DM have foolishly given him will be converted into his Great Power of the Day.

This act would redeem you in Upsilon's sight. Consider it.
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Mikos, sometimes reading your posts just gives me a headache. :\


Memorial Day Ocean 55

The Trinity 173 cities
AntiMatter 128cities
Assassins Rite 121 cities
Darkmatter 100 cities
Last Rites 50 cities
Heracletian Alliance 9 cities

Alliances 8-15 11 cities

New Milestone Reached: For the first time, the Powers that Matter have the majority of players in the top ten. Both alliances picked up cities thanks to tow large inactives coming out of VM: Digtal.native and DudeRanch; however, the Powers that Matter picked up a net gain of 11 cities over Am/DM.

Top Ten Players in O55.

1 Cevlar Antimatter 18
2 Herzele Assassins Rite 15
3 Shivan DarkMatter 16
4 ximikos Assassins Rite 13
5 slayer16 Antimatter 14
6 Michaelus MaximaThe Trinity 13
7 Tone The Great Assassins Rite 13
8 wmhinton Assassins Rite 12
9 DarkOmen DarkMatter 11
10 Bellos of Sparta Assassins Rite 13

We've dominated the top twenty for a while now (14 of the top 20 players).

Memorial Day Ocean 56

Antimatter 235
DarkMatter 110
Assassins Rite 6
Last Rites 2

Alliances 5-12 13 cites

June 1 Ocean 55

The Trinity 172 cities
AntiMatter 129cities
Assassins Rite 128 cities
Darkmatter 98 cities
Last Rites 50 cities
Heracletian Alliance 9 cities

Alliances 8-15 11 cities

New Milestone Reached: For the first time, the Powers that Matter have the majority of players in the top ten. Both alliances picked up cities thanks to tow large inactives coming out of VM: Digtal.native and DudeRanch; however, the Powers that Matter picked up a net gain of 11 cities over Am/DM.

Top Ten Players in O55.
1 Herzele 200158 Assassins Rite 18 11120
2 Cevlar 182483 Antimatter 18 10138
3 ximikos 177933 Assassins Rite 17 10467
4 Shivan 170086 DarkMatter 16 10630
5 Michaelus Maxima 153474 The Trinity 14 10962
6 slayer16 152581 Antimatter 15 10172
7 Tone The Great 131273 Assassins Rite 13 10098
8 Garydam 118902 Last Rites 11 10809
9 wmhinton 116062 Assassins Rite 11 10551
10 Bellos of Sparta 113041 Assassins Rite 13 8695

11 DarkOmen 109298 DarkMatter 10 10930
12 MrMike169 107201 The Trinity 10 10720
13 mario11 99132 DarkMatter 10 9913
14 Cerebus1972 96859 The Trinity 10 9686
15 RickD 96072 The Trinity 10 9607
16 DeJuanderful 88512 The Trinity 9 9835

17 SanSimeon 86473 Antimatter 8 10809
18 Abishi 86334 The Trinity 10 8633
19 Timroff 84552 The Trinity 10 8455
20 Paikusan 79061 The Trinity 7 11294

We've dominated the top twenty for a while now (14 of the top 20 players).

June 1 Ocean 56

Antimatter 235
DarkMatter 110
Assassins Rite 6
Last Rites 3 +1

Alliances 5-12 13 cites

Ocean 55 is yesterday's news, Summer fun is coming soon to Ocean 56.
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