Upsilon Milestones


actually DeD got to 500k first...




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also DeD does have the total bps of 250k... we just had to reform our alliance due to the ban of our founder sandhurst91... but all the players that earned that BP are still here.

im not really sure how that would be determined... maybe a mod can judge this situation?


Thanks for clarifying that on the 500k, I wasn't sure exactly when we passed you guy's up and took the top.

Also, I don't think that you guy's get a combined value of two different alliances. Sounds like poor leadership decisions and not having any form of failsafe in leadership is going to take the right to lay claim to the total bp. Clearly The Hive is the only alliance over 250k.


Those players moved to another alliance so their existing in another alliance doesn't change where those bp's went. If they did, do I get to retroactively go and take all my members that were in different alliances and add their BP that wasn't earned under our banner to my totals?


wow! i had no idea you guys were so desperate to try and earn at least ONE award as an alliance...

Those players moved to another alliance so their existing in another alliance doesn't change where those bp's went. If they did, do I get to retroactively go and take all my members that were in different alliances and add their BP that wasn't earned under our banner to my totals?

actually no they didn't... all the same players came and reformed the alliance and are still here (with the exception of one that defected to your alliance). the members we lost were inactive and never earned BP in the first place. so those that earned the BP are still here.

but i guess we should be nice to the underdogs and let you guys have it since you are trying so hard to find a way to prove you are as good as we are :D i hope this gives you the feeling of accomplishment you want so bad...


wow! i had no idea you guys were so desperate to try and earn at least ONE award as an alliance...

actually no they didn't... all the same players came and reformed the alliance and are still here (with the exception of one that defected to your alliance). the members we lost were inactive and never earned BP in the first place. so those that earned the BP are still here.

but i guess we should be nice to the underdogs and let you guys have it since you are trying so hard to find a way to prove you are as good as we are :D i hope this gives you the feeling of accomplishment you want so bad...

Meh... lol thisisgrepolis

Not to worries about overtaking you and seeing our alliance having milestones or not. It just is what it is. Either you have an alliance that started and made it through and kept its historical achievements or you don't. Unfortunately the other Dulce is still there and your founder clearly had no backup plan to ensure the unity and future of the alliance. I give my VP's the authority to throw me out and overtake the alliance at any time if it becomes needed. Not having a backup plan like that is a fault of the original alliance and that founder. I hope your new alliance does not make that same mistake in the future so you can continue to hold any new gained achievements.

At best case scenario, you could call it a civil war in which you split from the former host alliance which still exists mind you. Different names, different founder, different alliance. Doesn't matter if half the alliance split from the old and created a new one. There was still like 40+ members in that alliance for a good length of time after the split which made up basically half of its membership. Their ability to perform in not relevant and rather stating that they were unable to gain any BP and were inactive is another big indicator that the alliance had problems before.

Although, I have mentioned before that the split off cluster of members that created their own alliance does appear to be a leaner and meaner group.


Credit where credit's due, Hive are certainly doing their part to make this world an entertaining place to be. They've got (almost all) decent members and an active core, I can see them sticking it out at the top for a while.


ok fair enough. I do have to agree that our founder should have made better safe guards, but its hitting below the belt to discredit the players who have worked to earn the achievements for their alliance by drawing arbitrary lines in the sand like that. anyone that checks the stats knows that we have earned our place and awards fairly.

i guess we will have to work that much harder to get back what was taken from us...


ok fair enough. I do have to agree that our founder should have made better safe guards, but its hitting below the belt to discredit the players who have worked to earn the achievements for their alliance by drawing arbitrary lines in the sand like that. anyone that checks the stats knows that we have earned our place and awards fairly.

i guess we will have to work that much harder to get back what was taken from us...

I have to say one thing, I agree it sucks. But the leader that was chosen was the one chosen... Its just not the same alliance anymore in any shape imho... Before the split I was self questioning the ability for Dulce to survive. The split was the best thing that ever happened and the new alliance has done a fantastic job of playing "catchup" I don't think anything is being taken away from those members that fought for what they have. They still have their rankings and achievements themselves. If the new alliance wants it- They need to take it. The reality is that Dulce Dot has done a great job in propelling themselves to the top, But they aren't holding onto the ability to outpace The Hive as they have been able to in the past. The gap is closing and the sands are shifting.

Edit> If anything the members of Dulce Dot are able to actually say that they have an alliance now and not an MRA.


There isn't that big of a difference between the alliances in my opinion since Sandhurst literally did nothing in the alliance as founder and homey did all the work. Now Homey is the founder of the dulce.


There isn't that big of a difference between the alliances in my opinion since Sandhurst literally did nothing in the alliance as founder and homey did all the work. Now Homey is the founder of the dulce.

Which is a mistake, the old alliance suffered for it. Hopefully the new one doesn't. There is almost a 50% difference in membership, that's a civil war/split or alliance breakup. If basically everyone but the banned founder made the switch over to the new alliance, I think there would have been a better argument. (Which still fails imho)

Also, I have seen alliances still stand and survive after the only one with founder rights was banned. They went through support and resolved the rights issue I believe, I don't remember all of the details but there are always options.

I don't know, I guess my biggest problem is that its just simply not the same alliance, half of the member base was left in the dust during the split. They weren't kicked or booted through alliance maintenance measures. They were just left... There is a reason ABP and DBP point totals from members don't move from alliance to alliance and its simply a bizarre way to say you should be able to and no one else can.

Game mechanics are what they are. I work hard to make sure The Hive is situated for long term success. We as a team work hard to make sure every possible measure we can predict as a possibility is accounted for. Your old alliance simply failed to do this or it wouldn't even be a question. Alliances should have leadership that prepares for everything.

It's a hard argument to say "we lost control our alliance, but we want credit for what the lost alliance did"...


There is a reason ABP and DBP point totals from members don't move from alliance to alliance and its simply a bizarre way to say you should be able to and no one else can.

so with that you are saying you should keep the ABP of your new members that they gained in another alliance? that is not what we ask for at all! we ask for the recognition of the BP our ORIGINAL members earned. not the new ones that joined after our reformation. its an apples to oranges argument and a very poor one at that... a simple logical fallacy

but enough of this... the milestones are not that big of a deal anyways... i only brought that up because there was a precedent set before when we were able to keep our previous BP in order to gain the new achievement right after we reformed (referring back a couple pages in this thread).

out of respect and civility the milestone is yours to keep. we will just have to work harder if we want to earn the next ones.


Simply put, it's not an apples to oranges comparison. They aren't in the same alliance anymore. I wouldn't want to claim the previous ABP/DBP of a member as my alliances. My alliance was built in a way to PREVENT any such losses as this. I could disappear of the map today and The Hive will still thrive. Your old alliance did not work towards the goal of the group. It worked towards, what appears to be, the selfish interest of the founder.

They aren't your original members, you guys are not the same alliance- you have a 50% change in membership base and a totally different founder. In addition, other Dulce alliance still exists in game and you can't even claim to have the same name.

Maybe I missed that part of the conversation regarding a new achievement, but if Dulce Dot was given a milestone incorrectly by adding the stats of another alliance to it's numbers- That should be corrected and given to the proper alliance.

Edit> I went back to page five and I saw two statements indicating exactly what I have been saying. Including your own quote indicating that you guy's now need to work twice as hard to try to obtain achievements.
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Watney took first to 50k pts

Edit> Caine513 first to 10 cities
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is this still being updated? ded was first to 500k points...
hive will be first to 1 mil (check rankings tomorrow ;))


is this still being updated? ded was first to 500k points...
hive will be first to 1 mil (check rankings tomorrow ;))

I'm not sure the Megatroy stuff wasn't updated---

We are fast approaching that 1M mark ;) You guy's did close the gap a little (looking at AVG)


oh also, bigfree 10k dbps

5k dbps was williamshh

edit bl is close to 100k dbps!



Yeah so....Ignem Viatores, Light of Erebus, & Elder gods... We take down the public coalition against us milestone ;)