Top 3 Sink or Swim


That is a really subjective opinion. I almost want to start a voting poll to see how many players are in the same boat (we will exclude DW and UnP players ofc).
13 to 1 so far, looks like youre just a sissy libtard

Mr. Dino

Ofc people tend to vote
13 to 1 so far, looks like youre just a sissy libtard
Ofc players tend to vote for that.
a) Because I feel like it are mainly DW players who voted
b) People tend to vote for more outstanding options in a "meme" voting poll.
It is like saying what is faster, a light beam or the speed of Tbom insulting players and creating memes?

Mr. Dino

Unfortunately, Mr. Dino i got to disagree with you, forums are for banter, trash talking (keep clean and back with facts maybe a tad over the line, nothing personal), making friends/making enemies. PC is not good for society, and you need have laughter and jokes and more. As a war game dirty play is in bounds, now as someone who has led a lot of alliances i do not take part in some of the things i see but well within parameters.
You say propaganda? forums are made for that. Bosting, rubbing it in and more, go back years and look at the world forums not 1 forum is devoid of this. This is a strategy game and war game and everything you mentioned is fair game, all be it outdated and needs improving but that is something for another day.
Tbom i have known for a time and is a hell of a team-mate, going against i never have save to start this world but not really, i am sure is no fun bc he is a good leader and player and will jab at you and send you memes and more, JAB BACK and you might be surprised or ignore plain and simple or fight back in game.
To start of I really respect your response Al the Conqueror.

However if you guys really feel like the forums are being created and intended for banter, trash talk and propaganda, than I am only wasting my time here. Especially since I am also not a player who goes down that level.

I wish games like this also have an community platform to just discuss casual stuff, to share a common interest or to help new players around. Where that is the main purpose at least...
To start of I really respect your response Al the Conqueror.

However if you guys really feel like the forums are being created and intended for banter, trash talk and propaganda, than I am only wasting my time here. Especially since I am also not a player who goes down that level.

I wish games like this also have an community platform to just discuss casual stuff, to share a common interest or to help new players around. Where that is the main purpose at least...
Everything you want is what the forum is as well Mr Dino it can be used for that and has in the past. Just that trash talking and propaganda and other is as well.
I have been saying what you have just told me about new players and cultivating them bc grepolis needs an infusion to say the least. There used to be several sites you could go to to assist new players in tactics, building units specific to the city and other.
The grepo wiki here really does not help too much.


To start of I really respect your response Al the Conqueror.

However if you guys really feel like the forums are being created and intended for banter, trash talk and propaganda, than I am only wasting my time here. Especially since I am also not a player who goes down that level.

I wish games like this also have an community platform to just discuss casual stuff, to share a common interest or to help new players around. Where that is the main purpose at least...
Just go with the flow. Trash talking is part of the forums. If you don't like it, just ignore it. No harm done.
Just go with the flow. Trash talking is part of the forums. If you don't like it, just ignore it. No harm done.
A bit of banter is fine and dandy, if done with wit and a sliver of intellect.

Straight up swearing, namecalling or getting personal, it's not Okay.
Dead World wrapped this up in a nice bow, Ugly could have made better Recruiting Strategy and better leadership to keep its best players from either ghosting or leaving and or other.

I know they are together, and it is merely a joke, but Sails should Spilt with Ugly reform and at least compete for 2nd in which based on models they are ahead in DOM city count and putting up more of a fight then Ugly.
