Top 3 Sink or Swim

No one has won because it is first to hit the Dom button, though DW has the advantage in city count and etc Ugly all they have to do is activate Dom 1st they win because the world is slow city takeovers cannot happen quickly.
Exit made that same mistake against Jcoo and cost the a victory, 1st to hit dom will win this world.


No one has won because it is first to hit the Dom button, though DW has the advantage in city count and etc Ugly all they have to do is activate Dom 1st they win because the world is slow city takeovers cannot happen quickly.
Exit made that same mistake against Jcoo and cost the a victory, 1st to hit dom will win this world.
How can they hit the button without even coming close to the percent goal lmao


Yeah...... UglyandProud = SINK

Ugly decided to line up on a 3k point ghost on the frontline. Their CS Driver... had no phalanx or commander.


And after this first hit landed, they decided to pull the CS, costing Ugly a further 3,000 DLU and 900 birs for NO BP because they were left to defend a ghost that was no longer in siege.



Update on Top 3 Alliances

1. Dead World - They have an overwhelming lead in cities in Dom Circle, Number 1 Fighting alliance and more depth than Ugly. A bad week for Dead World = losing one city to Ugly. If this was flipped, Ugly would have been dead. Credit to Ugly for finally fighting back though! All it took was tens of thousands of gold from their top 3 players.

2. Ugly and Proud - They have just recently overtaken Dead World in attacking BP, but that's about it. 70 percent of their attacking BP is coming from 4 players (their top 3 accounts for 60 percent!). Unless they are planning on spending the insane amount of gold they currently are doing, this is not going to last or be beneficial in the long run. Ugly might feel like they are pushing, but they are still waaaaay behind. Unfortunately for them, this is a dom world, and they are lagging way behind in cities in circle.

3. Golden Goose - Nothing really to say, here. An alliance that started as golders and now acting like they have a shot? This is a two alliance world and that's about it.


Honestly just proud to see Golden Goose in top 3, even if it is because of the fall of both F&L alliances
It's a good group that I feel honored to be part of, even if we have zero chance:)


Dead World - Sexy asf, best team to ever play a speed 1, so bored of winning that they spend their time trolling for memes. EZ Win on this Dead World

UglyNFugly - Their biggest player is threatening to call the police on me because I took a city from him. Re-demoting this alliance to SINK


Dead World - Sexy asf, best team to ever play a speed 1, so bored of winning that they spend their time trolling for memes. EZ Win on this Dead World

UglyNFugly - Their biggest player is threatening to call the police on me because I took a city from him. Re-demoting this alliance to SINK
Don't forget the fact that this player decided to run away, as well.


Ugly just lost 7000 LS to save a city, bragged about how bad we were for losing the siege, and then immediately lost the city anyways when we actually sent all our support to the second attempt. 10/10 would eat LS again.
Ugly just lost 7000 LS to save a city, bragged about how bad we were for losing the siege, and then immediately lost the city anyways when we actually sent all our support to the second attempt. 10/10 would eat LS again.
Pretty sure you failed to post how much gold Dead World has spent in the last 24 hours to make sure you guys were able to take that city. (Might I also mention it took DW 2 tries to successfully take that city!)
If you ask me, it isn't worth spending 30k gold for 1 city. Kudos to your fast clicking though! Well done! :p


Ugly just lost 7000 LS to save a city, bragged about how bad we were for losing the siege, and then immediately lost the city anyways when we actually sent all our support to the second attempt. 10/10 would eat LS again.
"Dead World"


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Pretty sure you failed to post how much gold Dead World has spent in the last 24 hours to make sure you guys were able to take that city. (Might I also mention it took DW 2 tries to successfully take that city!)
If you ask me, it isn't worth spending 30k gold for 1 city. Kudos to your fast clicking though! Well done! :p
An admin talking trash about golding while he turtles and gets carried by the three largest golders on the server is wild :)

Imagine braging that it took 2 attempts to take a city from you. Yall lost literally all of your LS trading super negative overall to save Skip from the first siege, and then we just resieged it right after and took it because we still had half of our support that was in 4 other sieges during the first try. Good job bud, keep it up!
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I'm simming this world as promised so I have almost no room to talk but aren't you guys golding equal or more LS to the amount of bir golded?

Mr. Dino

Well, I have to give you credits that you considered the 10% reduction cost of the acedemy and that you used wood as a parameter in your calculation, but you left out many other facters in your calculation.

To come up with a few: other cost reduction effects like nereids, heroes or boosts from bundles, the other ocean markets and that many players like me bought up the gold as well during that period.

I am not saying that you didn't have many birs elsewhere, but your interpertation of the 147 birs can't be applied here. I would rather say a MINIMUM of 147 birs when using wood as a parameter and when you consider the research mathematics.


Well, I have to give you credits that you considered the 10% reduction cost of the acedemy and that you used wood as a parameter in your calculation, but you left out many other facters in your calculation.

To come up with a few: other cost reduction effects like nereids, heroes or boosts from bundles, the other ocean markets and that many players like me bought up the gold as well during that period.

I am not saying that you didn't have many birs elsewhere, but your interpertation of the 147 birs can't be applied here. I would rather say a MINIMUM of 147 birs when using wood as a parameter and when you consider the research mathematics.
Ok mr. academic! Lets do the math. With mathematics, great arming, nereids, and a lvl 20 diadalos, that is still only enough resources for 601 birs. Sooo now, in your very best case scenario, were looking for where the other 5500 birs came from.

Mr. Dino

Hey, I am mr. Dino not mr. acedemic! But I will consider the name in the future.

And it is better, but still not reliable. You only calculated it for one ocean and you also still didn't consider people buying up the gold during that period.

My point is just that you can't simply calculate it and take conclusions from one screenshot.
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We're both spending gold. Big whoop. At the end of the day, DW took the city and Ugly has very little presence in the Dom Circle. They have players handing off front line cities because they can't keep up with attacks, they players that run to VM after losing one city, and on top of that 60+ percent of their BP is coming from three players. Recipe for success right?