Top 12 Sink or Swim


havent u heard scenic , after all we have recieved pms all day calling the 24 of us simmers :p even with new leaders and new goals we are all still simmers , guess we just cant do anything right .. guess we uck guess we are just that toxic... after all we have 1 NAP hooooly hell who would do such a dasterly thing as NAPing one other alliance ,, ufff


havent u heard scenic , after all we have recieved pms all day calling the 24 of us simmers :p even with new leaders and new goals we are all still simmers , guess we just cant do anything right .. guess we uck guess we are just that toxic... after all we have 1 NAP hooooly hell who would do such a dasterly thing as NAPing one other alliance ,, ufff
yeah man...i guess if you pact 3 or 4 alliances and still can't fully take one down..even with spies i guess we are the bad ones


There's a person in the HM/DF alliances that has a lock on his name? What does that mean. Does that mean he was cheating? If this is the case I can't believe that the great HM/DF alliances would stoop so low as to have a cheater in their alliance. I can't believe that the other 14 alliances in myonia that are pacted with would pact with an alliance with botters and cheaters in their alliance. I mean can't you just take us on with your giant coalition? I expect better from you Kings, this is prime time news, this is bigger then the election. Also we don't have a pact with anyone. <--- Here's a screen shot of all the pacts we have in Myonia. It's also attached. So if you're calling us out for pacting with cheats, but you have cheaters, what does that make you all? HIPPO HIPPO potumus? HYPPOCRITE? THATS THE WORD.

I won't respond to you all anyways because I don't care.

Do not pass go do not collect 200 dollars, please consider the environment before printing this email. There's are exit's at the front and back of the facility, good night, and don't forget to vote Gary Johnson 2016.


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Blah blah blah blah blah, you all talk too much, especially this PellaMike


Blah blah blah blah blah, you all talk too much, especially this PellaMike
pella is one of the reasons i am leaving, once he took over he has moved our entire direction, he is so scared of a fight...i wish you all the best...except for mike


This is shaping up man. harambe and evil going head on and whatever is going on in the south playing with kaos ..

Kaos stop being threatned innto doing stuff for others .play ur own game dont listen to MRA. a few of them are brilliant players but they have so many weak links it crazy ... just attack them and have some funn!:)


Kaos is fully doing our own thing. Maybe you should give that advice to your butlers in overdose? Was that at least a 4 star meal they cooked you guys when they rolled the red carpet out and lit candles to bring you in to ocean 33? I hope you at least played a little Barry White for them.....


eeey we never asked we came ... then we made peace with overdose no pact just peace as long as we left eachother alone -- then u guys turned on em becouse u were told by HMDF , then we started clearing ur citys and realized that heeey this is damn easy bp wy not help overdose beat the living crap outta theese guys , still no pact just a joint understanding that bp is awesome [report]5646a72f2aa3f96f6ef96ea775c44603[/report]


and btw kaos boys yea i left my city name open so u can at least try and kill somthing ;)


Lol just sit tight we are coming to visit in o33. Maybe you can whine and dine us like od did?


aaaw cute yea come closer my mantis hate a long tt :D u even have me in revolt now come come letts see what u got .


awfully quiet in here lads, anything going on? Or is everyone just done boasting?


never done boasting brother :p but hey seems like the 11 musketeers have gone quiet in here ;) i think they are so bored ...


Are they here still? I heard half of them ghosted or entered vm lol. There were some big words spoken on this thread :p.

Looks like the old saying still valid "talk is cheap"


Yea i seem to remember like 35 players leaving us wowing to rimm us ud .. imstead they have time and again just spoken about it...

When is action gonna replace words , i do understand that they are ghosting though all those attack bans must be very difficult to live with.. this is after all a city building simulator ;)

In all fairness they still have a few players that are up for a fight u know who u are an all creds to you guys.. if coallition gameplay gets to boring and you just want some "mayhem" (pun intended) look me up :)