You all knew this obligatory way too early top 12 rating sink-or-swim thread was coming, so here it is. It may aswell be me who makes it
1-12 sink yw
ok dont normally do this but heres how i think the top 12 will go
1. HYDRA- seem to have some ok players but they already have 50+ so lookin like an mra-float
2. K.o.D- again some players ive seen some players here before solid looking alliance - swim
3. hells reapers- eh they just dont seem all together-sink
4. The Dark Tears- gotta say not impressed over all some players may make it- sink
5. The club of Sinterklaas- some potential here-float
6. The Sanctum-nothing special here-sink
7. THE GANG-my alliance no comment for me
8. sink
9.and sink
10. *Anonymous*- seen the name before if its the same alliance then- swim
11. Butchers of the Deserted- people coming over from pella- float
12. Death Row- sink just sink
slayer we are not a mra a lot of players signed up before the world
What ocean are you lying in?
well everyone is in 55 crap im gonna get mugged
Rest In Pieces