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1 Antimatter 14838000
This alliance has peaked out as far as its momentum relative to her enemies. This will be more apparent in late July when a goodly portion of their WW island ocean (O56) is wrested from their hands. Having built their foundation on malcontents and traitors they will become painfully aware of the adage: “You are what you eat.” Irksomely worded rallying rants using excessive CAPITOLIZATION from their medi-stable leader Erknee will become known as ‘Irk-me’s”. Fed up members will simply quit or ghost without the courtesy of passing on their cities properly to former teammates. World Wonders shall not be completed by this alliance. The gods will not give their blessings to such blasphemy.
2 Assassins Rite 12466239
This alliance enjoys upward momentum. Their recent reorganization and merger with Special Ops is the culmination of a long period of mutual cooperation and trust. Unlike AM’s merger with beat’n bees, this combination stems from mutual benefit , strength and respect. Both alliances shall enjoy a period of great growth thanks to the rationalization of their membership structure, forums and geography.
3 DarkMatter 11157154
See AM
4 The Elder Gods 9858594
A decent outfit with members who pride themselves on clean and noble play. But no matter how much one bathes to keep clean; if one bathes with traitors, defectors and swine, they shouldn’t be surprised if they emerge tainted and smelly. Already there exist wise voices in their ranks that realize this and seek to purify their reputation. TEG will split into two before autumn leaves fall, and the bigger part will opt to fight for neither side, one part shall still fight onwards as AM/DM bastard stepchild., deserving the Game of Thrones title of ‘Snow’.
5 The Trinity 8078926
A surprisingly well-organized lot. This alliance will definitely enter into the WW time in the top 3. After dividing TEG they shall conquer easily those in the North who slavishly do the bidding of their southern masters. BY WW time the Trinity shall enjoy great peace in the North East. To keep members excited, it shall have to play in the core oceans of O44 and O45.
6 Last Rites 6137284
Built from a combo of AR and SO in the Southeast of Upsilon, this alliance rises in the east like the sun, shining its light and warmth into all Matters Dark. And before its light its enemies shall scatter like startled cockroaches seeking refuge from the light in moist fetid subterranean pipes, children of Hades they are.
7 Heracletian Alliance 5036334
Similar to the Trinity, this alliance shall enjoy its rise but shall have problems with boredom once TEG breaks up and the weaker half proves an unworthy opponent. But they have a good several months of great grepo entertainment ahead of them.
8 The Elite 4247160
They should be very, very proud to have made it into the top ten of Upsilon. Never has an alliance with so little (talent and potential)l done so much. Unfortunately, like an impressive growth of mold on bread, you shall start to attract attention and be nonchalantly discarded. As the name of the alliance suggests, these people were legends in their own minds. But on a positive note, they achieved that which all should strive for in grepolis, they achieved for themselves a wonderful but sadly brief moment of fun in the sun.
9 Havoc Resurgent 4088878
Purged of their ne’er-do-wells and outright traitors, this alliance is nearly ready to make its comeback. Like a tree having received daily rains all during its life, your roots have never had to dig deep for water. Now you pay for the surface sprawl of your easy former life. The draught of hard times has seen membership shrivel and die, the winds of war have seen shallow rooted trees of great height fall helplessly to the ground. Indeed have the gods tested you as well as your enemies. Your success or failure lies in forgetting the past. You are not a top alliance fallen to 9th, rather a 9th ranked alliance on the rise to the top. After establishing defensible territory, you shall then push out with the godzillion amounts of city slots AM/DM has been so wantonly given you. You shall share the western portion of the core oceans with allies to your east and beleaguered enemies to the North.
10 *The Elder Gods* 3158579 See #4
11 Dionysus 2951185 Similar to #5 and #7
12 -Guardians of the West- 2927010
Qui custodent ipsos custodientes? Who shall guard the ones guarding?
13 The Wheel 2699374
Quite simply, the Wheel is … on a roll.
14 Night Vision 2567341 like the cockroach it fears the light of day which it will never see. It presently enjoys feasting on the carrion and dead flesh of Havoc, but Havoc Resurgent shall send them back into the darkness where even their night vision shall fail them.
15 -The Elder Gods- 2490494 See#4
Wisdom! Be attentive!
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