Tau Milestones


When you disbanded your ally, was their 10+ members or 30+ members in it?


Are you doing this milestones with 1st to 3rd or is it whoever gets it first?


Why do you want to know? You thinking about sabotaging "What does the Fox say? lol


I was just curious, I mean, If I asked a question like that it would be because I was considering if I could still try for it if someone else already got it...and he is already in an alliance, so the logic is...just saying. And if anything I say here makes you want to come after me and fight, then by all means...bring it on, I'm not here to make friends.


Perform a Minor Disband (With founder rights, dissolve an alliance that has 10+members):
Perform a Major Disband (With founder rights, dissolve an alliance that has 30+members):
Perform a Major Sabotage (with leader rights, kick out every member):
Betray their alliance (When two alliances are at war, one member switches sides..):
The above are hardly what I'd call milestones, and certainly not something a person should be striving towards.

Rim a Mod (has to be active):

You may need to excuse my "noobness" but can you clarify what this means ?


The above are hardly what I'd call milestones, and certainly not something a person should be striving towards.

You may need to excuse my "noobness" but can you clarify what this means ?

To conquer all a mod's cities until he is forced to restart the world on the outside of the core.


You must rim a forum mod or an in game mod that plays on the world. :)


Good morning everyone...I've got plenty of sleep, am well rested and in a MUCH better mood today. Just for clarity's sake, the answer is no, I do not have a problem with WDTFS...I would have been confrontational with anyone regardless as to who you/they were who posted opinions about who's going to sink/float/swim...that's all the attitude was about, nothing less, nothing more, and all is good...the argument is over with, it's a brand new beautiful day, and one day closer til the end of BP 8)

Good luck to all of you, and happy hunting!


Battle Points Defense

1k: Veni Vidi Vici 1K average Defensive BP's.jpg

Battle Points Total:

5K: Veni Vidi Vici 5K alliance fights..jpg