Starting to question the maturity of this server.


but alas was it needed, or really carry any value to the game/ world


Sabotage is still a thing?

Lol the clowns who do this to make the forum's milestones for that achievement never make it through the first 3-4 months.
Wonder if that will change here.... :s LMAO


i have reported the chain message to mods, i advise all who recieved the message to do the same

This is a spineless move and deserving of the rim. Cowardly at that. Where I'm from we call this snitching. Y'all know the rest !


Without BP(Most of really need it since Olympics, City Festivals, or Theater Plays aren't options) You could be sitting with one city for a very long time.
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Please R.H. you gotta stop with this madness. You only care about BP because thats what everyone tells you to care about. Your trying to tell people your better than them by saying you have more bp and this means nothing. Don't focus on these things and you'll be a better player. Don't try to do things in game that you think other players are going to applaud you for. Just Help out your alliance, take cities, and protect your cities. Those are the best players in Grepolis.

Spies are not needed either. Your just saying things that you heard someone say. You gotta start thinking for yourself man and then you'll start playing better.

Without BP(Most of really need it since Olympics, City Festivals, or Theater Plays aren't options) You could be sitting with one city for a very long time.

Exactly HoneyBun, come on I don't "turtle" nor do I sim....Emilio yo gota get your facts straight ....BP is more important than points


I'm gunna go out on a limb here and say I don't think you had 40 cities back in October....but I could be wrong.

Either way..I don't see the need for all the hostility lol.
When someone makes BP sound unimportant..and accuses a player of going after BP because it's a fad..that deserves a little questioning..

I think you need to step back and's not all that serious.
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You automatically start with an extra slot for a city so if you have one city for a long time, theres no excuse. You get another slot in 3 victory parades or 900 bp, thats not hard and you'll be able to have 3 cities. Please get your facts straight before you spread false info on the forums

True so you'll be sitting with TWO cities for a very long time then.


Im no bum:D
But I get where your coming from as well you cant debate without knowing the other mans side.


fixed it honeybun.

By the way halfrican, I wish I still was playing in Rho. Great group of players and I'd be in your alliance right now fighting with Guss and the other alpha members, Santaclese too. Hope you guys do well
Alright halfrican, you got me. I read grepointel wrong. I didnt have 40 obviously. I had around 20 which I saw your rank was and confused it.
I get your point and honeybuns, but you guys aren't getting mine and thats fine. Sorry for getting so angry and best of luck.

Lesser-known-half-brother-of-Charlie-Sheen making an ass of himself on two world forums, now.

Surprise, surprise.


Go to en servers while you still have a chance, worst mistake is to go from en servers to us servers