Some background


I let it go the first time, but there's been a few people talking about things they don't know a lot about for the last few worlds.

First, pretty sure things are fairly squarely on Pete's side since Celt stopped playing US, and that was a fair while ago. Our team won 80 with BoB, and I believe the only win BoB (although Jcoo himself would deny that it really was BoB) has over a Pete team in the years since is 95 (I could be wrong, I took a couple years off, feel free to correct me, not that important to what I have to say).

So let's talk about 95 and clear something up for everyone: Pete didn't put a spy anywhere. Every time I play with Pete, I lead with Pete, and I made the decision to join and spy on BoB at the beginning of the world because we didn't bring a full team there, and I knew it would be a hard-fought world. This is, after all, a strategy game; my strategy was to build up in the enemy core, take cities, and hand them off to allies. Call it dirty-handed, but at the beginning of the world when I made the decision to join BoB, they had 5 guys spending money like Pete does and we only had Pete; my goal was to give us a strategic edge in a "strategy" game where 90% of skill is determined by how much time and money you're willing to spend on it. I don't really care what you think about my decision, but it's simply incorrect to say Pete placed me anywhere. I saw an opportunity to benefit my team and I took it.

As for not hitting the domination button, I've given Pete my fair share of grief about that, but I find it hilarious Al is on the externals liking and posting all these messages about Pete's flaws like Al wasn't a leader in that alliance capable of hitting that button the same way Pete was (not to mention, never once objected to me spying on BoB, and I believe recommended I stay and spy longer when I wanted to rejoin the group). There were probably more than five people in that alliance with the rights to hit that button—the only reason Pete deserves more of a share of the blame than any of the others is because he delegated those privileges to people like Al who were also too inept to press a button—too inept despite the fact that I warned them weeks in advance that the winner of the world would come down to who pressed the button first. Pete gets all the attention because he's at the top of the leaderboards whenever he plays, but if you want to point at a crap leader and player, point at the guy who hides in the core of every alliance he "leads" and then talks trash about former teammates on the externals.

I won't even go into much detail on how ridiculous it is that BoB even had a chance to win the world given how badly they were getting their butts kicked (we dominated something like 49% of the world to their 41%), but it's suffice to say that it's fairly obvious that this is a flaw with the endgame itself. BoB's title as the winner of 95 is nominal only—anyone who played that world knows they got their butts whooped (even if some might object to the method of whooping).

As for the name "Dream Team," fairly certain Pete named it that simply because Celt started Byblos with the team and he was pumped up to be playing with him. Sure, it's cocky insofar as he considered a duo of himself and Celt a dream team, but it was also a show of respect for a great player. Pete's combination of cockiness and high regard for his teammates is what makes him fun to play with—the people who dislike him are typically either straight-laced dudes who forget that this is a game we play to have fun or hypocrites who would have no problem acting the same way Pete does.

All I know is that if you're ever looking for a team you'll actually enjoy playing with, look for one with Pete on it. You may not win every single world you play, but you'll have fun playing them. Every hero story needs a villain—or, more accurately, someone that the author portrays as the villain.


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I really don't get the obsession a lot of people have with hating Exit personally. I mean damn, they're letting him live rent-free in their heads. LOL.


I really don't get the obsession a lot of people have with hating Exit personally. I mean damn, they're letting him live rent-free in their heads. LOL.

Ok noob boomer. Go read what are new god Artemis spells now! It's already been a few years since that one is released, about time to learn it. Might help you to get over 200 ranking :eek:

Chanel Midwest

Funny you keep sharing this thread of all these people who are salty they aren't Pete. You think it makes Pete look bad, but really it reveals a bunch of people trying to make themselves relevant through him. I would rather loose with Pete than have to spend a moment in an alliance with Jcoo, but I guess I'm weird and think if I'm going to play a game, it should be fun.


Basically anyone who isn't paranoid about Exit gets trashed and accused of shit. LOL. I'm one of the newest examples of this. Some people legit think I'm some random person named Taksor and that I played on US103 which I never did. Both are easy to prove. LOL.

Lord Corny

Funny you keep sharing this thread of all these people who are salty they aren't Pete. You think it makes Pete look bad, but really it reveals a bunch of people trying to make themselves relevant through him. I would rather loose with Pete than have to spend a moment in an alliance with Jcoo, but I guess I'm weird and think if I'm going to play a game, it should be fun.
This filthy mongrel rolls with the creator of the Spam bot script , the Anti spam bot script and Grepo data . We can only imagine what other tools they have created for an advantage .

What we do know is that the spam botted their way to win a few servers ,but claims it is skills . See mesembria .

Here is a few highlights

1.They joined Us95 Pag under shots of Lazer and really were trash , they couldnt hold a siege against Jcoo . Then they pact with us just to stab us in the back . They all went perma VM.

2.Then they Joined en132 and used spam bots again Miknel and Celts team Venom only to lose after they attempted a merge of 3 alliances to cheese a win out . funny how karma works .

3.Then they Join us100 under several incognito names so that nobody know who they are . They land cs on top of Ls and 6 supports on cs on a 12 min Cs . Remarkable especially when its their first attempts . ( See attached file 2 below for snipe)

Not saying they are cheating but they do have a Programmer on their team that has already created the ping bot to win .


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