

I was wondering if there is a in game Chat? and is there a website for learning more about how to game play. some things in game are not very clear for understanding all of this game. Please answer if u have any answers?

Golden Horn

I was wondering if there is a in game Chat? and is there a website for learning more about how to game play. some things in game are not very clear for understanding all of this game. Please answer if u have any answers?
Best suggestion is to join an Alliance and use their Forum to ask questions

Also, many alliances set up a DISCORD (or SKYPE) chatroom
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Grepolis had a built-in chat a very long time ago but it wasn't really used even then. As was said above either Skype or Discord is used. Back then it was Skype.
Warning- Lots of information but it pays off to read until the end

So, I have some advice that I have even given my alliance members. First, there is a wiki page for Grepolis. It does contain some outdated information, however the information for the most part hasn't changed all that drastically. The tutorial, quite some time ago, was the way that we got introduced to the concepts of the game. It was short and really didn't give one much in the way of rewards. Now the tutorial, in a way, goes on forever and it gives a lot of good rewards. I agree with everyone else though too, join a good alliance with an active forum or discord...even a google collab through google drive would be alright. Even though I'm a Grepo Vet, I still have times that I refer to the wiki to refresh my memory on things (or sometimes reminisce about the old days and old ways)...The biggest thing to familiarize yourself on are the abbreviations (I will confess that the abbreviations for things in grepolis was a stumbling block for me.) Abbreviations came after my time when birs, tris, CSs and other ships were harder than the dickens to achieve. As for the Land units, we didn't have standardized abbreviations...every alliance had its own sort of lingo (or maybe it was just mine...)

The last thing I can say, and this goes for all those in alliances...USE THE FORUM...I cannot stress that enough...If the forum is complicated, let the founder know...In my case, I enjoy feedback...Some alliances have a complaint tab, others just ask you to message them...A good founder, imo, is always active in the forum, and always responds with kindness to messages from their alliance members...If any of you have played evony, those alliances are formalities for the most part. The alliances in grepolis are not a formality, they are a necessity. For instance, in my alliance, I have a sink or swim list. I recommend other founders adopt one if they begin to have problems with inactivity in the forum...The sink or swim list is just a list of alliance members that DON'T respond to defense requests or participate in ops, they don't respond to market orders or even shoot the breeze with other players in the forum. In most alliances, if you request support, support is given. For the members on the sink or swim list, none of the forum active players are obligated to support those members with troops or resources. End up on the sink or swim list, and you either get eaten by the sharks in the ocean, or you manage to survive.

In my experience, it is often forum inactive members that are the first to ignore the forum and support request but expect that every member support them when they need it. When they keep their city, they often are ungrateful for what was done...if they lose their city, they use the forum to verbally bash the leadership, and then leave the alliance and tell others its a bad alliance and not to join...When this happens, I often ask the player this question: Why should we, as an alliance, waste troops and resources on your city when you haven't done the same for any of us? Why should we cater to your needs, when you have ignored all of us?...This question is not meant to be rude or mean, it is an actual question that I actually expect to get an honest answer to. I like giving a player the chance to defend their actions...In some cases, they actually make a good defense and at that point, I help them get a new city established and send resources and spells to aid in their advancement. Some players don't speak English but prefer to play in US servers. I will accept this response only once and will ask them their preferred language. I will send them a copy of everything in their preferred language and also send them a link to an online translator. Usually, I have no problems after that...Sometimes the defense is "I didn't know there was an alliance forum" or "I didn't know where the alliance forum was located"...In those cases I also accept the answer only once and give detailed instructions on how to get to it...Some players state they were on vacation (usually we notice this by the activity color in the alliance tab)...Now I accept this one a couple of times...I understand life comes up, but I usually ask, seeing as there is a mobile app, that I at least be alerted that there may be inactivity...of course, if someone gets hit by a car and ends up in ICU...I'm not going to fault them for not letting me know...However if they are getting "hit by a car" every week, after the 3rd time they are either the most unlucky person I have the pleasure of gaming with...or they are taking advantage of my kindness...Usually it is the latter...I have gamed with a really unlucky player who got hit by a car, came home, broke his leg, and then fell down the stairs breaking his shoulder...He was in my discord group...he had two casts and a sling...I told him that he was gonna be used forever as an example of an unlucky person...anyway, needless to say, I didn't ask questions...but that's besides the point. Most of the time, you know if you are going to be inactive for a long period of time, let the alliance leadership know ahead of time along with your anticipated return date...If someone passes away or gets sick and you likely expect you will have a funeral attend or be away for a period of time, let leadership doesn't matter that we didn't know the person that passed away or is sick...We likely know at least one person who has passed or been very ill and so we have sympathy for the player. If a player doesn't have any more vacation mode days and they inform me of such somber circumstances, I often send a load of troops to their city to protect them and will even contact enemy alliances to let them know...most of the time, even enemy founders have a heart and will ensure their members don't attack that city...I often advise players to also contact support...they have more power than an alliance founder and have more tools at their disposal than us...Know that if you end up in this circumstance, we understand and will do everything to support you...The point is, alliance founders are not to be feared unless you break the rules...We are human, we know things happen, just don't abuse our kindness or else it won't be shown again...

If your alliance can't help you, or refuses to...and the wiki provides you no help...You can message me on here (or if you are on US server Istros, find me by using the world rankings (same username as here) and message me there...I will do my best to guide you...Otherwise there is always creating a support ticket and asking them...I think they still have a place where they answer in-game/playing questions...

Happy gaming my friend,
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Thanks for this Zeus
You are very welcome Loki :) this game can be complicated as the dickens...I believe it is the responsibility of every grepolis vet to help new players. After all, if we aren't here to help new players, this game will become a "good ol' boys club" and that would be a travesty...

Emperor Loki

I broke the game... You should see the Guides I posted in Istros Forums... I do mathe backwards, so it unwinds every minuet detail... My Pact Allies and Alliance Members in Leontin are offering me Cities, so I can get up to size. They all cheered and applauded my Guides...


I broke the game... You should see the Guides I posted in Istros Forums... I do mathe backwards, so it unwinds every minuet detail... My Pact Allies and Alliance Members in Leontin are offering me Cities, so I can get up to size. They all cheered and applauded my Guides...
Hear Hear!