October's Very Own (Possible)


Until we both say that we are each other and someone has proof of that. We are two different people.


Until we both say that we are each other and someone has proof of that. We are two different people.

sort of looks like you already did that...

View attachment 2143

I don't really mind trolls... when they're funny, you're just plain annoying.

could log onto the en servers, as ovoking, and report GoldLemur I guess for impersonating you if it really isn't your alter ego

other solution would to just let them call you GoldLemur and move on
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Credit where credit is due, you put together a better team than I thought you would. Still don't think you'll last, but I would love to see you prove me wrong.

Good luck.


Curious on which direction you are headed in? You may have mentioned it but I didn't see anything


Yes Jack.

I happened to forgot to add redcleek to the list. Big hugs to the new recruit, REDCLERK


Im late, but Im here! Man, I am way to late. See you guys in an hour lol.


why are y'all so hasty to declare war on my alliance because we don't wanna merge with you. it's like a kid when they don't get what they want, calm down. we're a week into the server and you're already making moves like these. smh..


What are you talking about ? What moves have we made, when at all did we declare war ?

Seems like you're the hasty one. We offered you guys a merge, that's its. You said no, move on. That doesn't mean you're automatically pacted with us. If we wanted we could've marched in your cities and took control. We have bigger plans though. I'd suggest keeping your head low, especially so close to us.


Just a bunch of noobs arguing here. Nothing to see. Move along


Shut up, thecult. Nobody was talking to you.

OVOKING, your little diplomat asked me if you wanted a merge like three times, then said if we can't that "our leader would force us to go to war with you." I'll forward you the message of you like. Just don't act like it never happened if it did.


"I have been instructed to inform you that we will be forced to go to war with your alliance if we can not merge.



October's Very Own's initials are OVO

And so OVO-King would make him an absolute ruler.


Oh, and "I'd suggest keeping your head low, especially so close to us." - This made me chuckle. I didn't even know you existed until your diplomat contacted me. Yes, I'll keep my head low, but not because of your alliance - I'm keeping my head low because I'm located in the bloodbath that is Ocean 55. Inked Up and Trailer Trash are extremely aggressive and experienced, and even though supposedly we have a NAP with Inked to buy us some time before we escape 55, we're still playing it cool. And yes, I was being hasty because you have to make fast decisions in a fast world.


Lol, funny to see so many noobs commenting on our page. Especially that tiger kid. Lets just see how long you last. You claim you took the best members from Guardians of Freedom, yet there's been 2 members of your alliance who've asked for an invite. Its funny because they expected an invite, one even said. "Go ahead and send me an invite, I'll join later". I doubt your leadership is any better than the Orginal GoF.

You're just the same group with another name. Thanks for revealing that you have a NaP with Inked Up. For someone with no diplomacy they sure are making moves. Now leave our page, we don't have time to be bothered by a leader who can't lead.



I like my proof fresh