This is a war game. In order to win, you have to copy real life stuff...spying, persuading guys have to be aware of these tactics. Stop whining how one guy is trying to destroying your alliance.
Not whining. Just showing everyone else publicly that you did it, that you aren't to be trusted, ever, and that you and your alliance play a dangerous game. Nobody likes a traitor. Nobody. And if you could be a traitor against an opponent that you managed to sneak into, what's to stop you from being a traitor to your own group? You've done it once. What would stop you from doing it again if the price was right? See, now your reputation has been damaged throughout Ephesus, and anyone else reading these forums. They know you to be untrustworthy and devious. Not a person of high character. See what your actions gained you?
See, this is also part of the game. By damaging your reputation and showing the world what a sneaky, low-down traitor you are, people will be less likely to help you, because they will be afraid you'll stab them in the back too. Karma is a real bit... cranky lady sometimes. But you reap what you sow. Your braggadocio here just proves to me that you are unsuited to civil discourse. Good day, sir.