Let's hold hands-MRAs


Senior Citizen
So how many alliances do you guys need in order to take a city from TBD lol

Wicked has like 2 sister alliances and the whole world in a pact lol this is crazy
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Not sure why are you surprised by this. It is mostly due to insecurity, for most players that are somewhat new or not skilled enough in this game, TBD looks like an all-stars team. Granted, by combining all those wins & crowns - yeah they are, no doubt. That doesn't mean everyone is all in or they are willing to give their best performance each day and each week. From what I've seen a lot of you guys are simming but that's something your enemies can't figure out since they're blinded with some sort of unrealistic fear. If they think it's impossible to take down anyone from TBD then they should fold right now and stop trying. Their solution is to play an average 3v1 game thinking that numbers will be in their favor however there were some examples on previous worlds that TBD is not unbeatable - which is normal! No one from that group thinks they are Grepo gods, the thing is they play together for years and years, it's a well-oiled machinery with a great team spirit combined with a decisive leadership that rarely changes. Why is it you may ask... Because there's no space for drama and every single member of the team feels appreciated and useful. Played with this group for years and whether I was active or not, whether I was killing everything in sight or being a pebble in their shoes I always felt appreciated and they as a group really care about you. Team spirit is usually very high, mostly kind people surround you and are willing to help you out as much as they can, leadership knows the drill and keeps everything in order with a solid plan.

Does this mean they are the best? Well, no. As I said, we've lost several worlds to teams that were more organized. No one is flawless. Can an alliance of 35 beat 35 TBD players? Absolutely! You just need to be spot on with your decisions, core settlement and motivate your players not to be feared to strike + prevent any dramas or disputes inside your organization. This is the thing no one gets - by looking at their grepo score they look like best of the best but in truth it's the team effort that counts. None of them won singlehandedly on previous worlds, that's all thanks to the team. Keep that in mind folks and start thinking like a champion.

I'm not acting as their advocate, in my case I fought against them 3 times so far. Lost 2 times due to internal dramas and once due to attrition after almost 6 months fighting constantly (speed 4 world so that's a long time) so their organization and leadership is what have beaten us. Skill-wise we were almost on the same level even though their crown count was much higher but that's not even relevant.

If anyone thinks they can outperform a team like TBD by having more manpower then it is a waste of time, MRAs have more people to take care of and more potential risks and losses to focus on, so having more players is not even a blessing, it's a curse. But then again, most people have to learn from their mistakes as many did before (myself included) and many of them will in future.

There are at least 2 or 3 teams I know of that didn't drop on this world as far as I know due to awful settings. Not sure why but Inno keeps insulting us with past revolt world settings while CQ ones are far more interesting. This world wasn't even advertised, having like ~300 players on it is just a joke. No wonder no one else showed up even though previous revolt worlds are basically over and revolt players have nothing else to do except to play this one or to wait for the next one. There is no competition on this world from day 1, there is TBD and a handful of great players in other teams with dozens of average ones so it is already over. Just a matter of time honestly, and the pain of building wonders on a very slow world in the end.

On these forums there are several threads and polls about revolt worlds but screw that... Let's make the opposite of what people want and let's launch a world with a low speed so we can accumulate more gold purchases because it's unplayable otherwise.


Senior Citizen
I have been playing since US5, funny enough back in the days it was ok to have a sister alliance since the whole top 20 was full of good players and multiple sisters alliances so all it took was the wrong move in politics and u were fighting 5 alliances lol, fast forward to couple of years ago before i went into retirement grepo was already dying and everyone knew being an MRA was no ok anymore as worlds were not getting populated at a healthy level anymore, then i came back and join this chania world and the first thing i noticed is we have less than 300 players and on top of that it's 35 TBD members against 4 family of alliances(which is basically the whole world lol)....#insanity


On these forums there are several threads and polls about revolt worlds but screw that... Let's make the opposite of what people want and let's launch a world with a low speed so we can accumulate more gold purchases because it's unplayable otherwise.
There is a speed 4 en revolt world, if people want to play a faster world why not go there?


There is a speed 4 en revolt world, if people want to play a faster world why not go there?

Personally I have several reasons why I'm not playing there even though I still have an active account. Other than that, not even 5% of US players are willing to play on EN servers so I'd have no company lol. Played for a while on EN before joining US servers, made 0 friends and like 30+ toxic enemies without even knowing why. Aside this crap that overlapped from EN servers to here, even though you might want to convince me that EN servers are better nowadays, all I know is that mostly younger players (below 24-25 yo) are there - as far as I've seen! - and I was brought into 2 Discord servers for premades in past year or so that were very... lets just say odd. So among other reasons that are not listed here, I am trying to take a break from RL for few hours playing online games and I'd really appreciate if I could evade toxicity, hostile behavior and negative cues as much as possible since the point of the game is to take your mind off some stressful RL stuff that consumes you more and more while the days go by. Not saying I'm much older than you but it's a huge difference in mentality for 18 yo, 25 yo, 35 yo, 50 yo etc. The more years you have the less crap you want to tolerate.


Senior Citizen
Yeh, EN can be toxic, but US aren't innocent either, RO was one of worst i played for toxicity and bots. think the calmest server was Spanish.


Yeh, EN can be toxic, but US aren't innocent either, RO was one of worst i played for toxicity and bots. think the calmest server was Spanish.

US servers are toxic indeed but not in the same caliber as EN are. The thing about RO or any other Eastern European country is that we usually show "affection" through insults and cursing. It may be very odd for Westerners to understand the logic behind it however it is what it is. Keeping things professional is reserved for business talk or new acquittances, but when you get through that barrier and get to know someone better you may find some, in western world, offensive words coming your way. At the moment someone describes you as a genital or tells you something about your mom (in a negative context of course) rest assured that person is ready to do anything for you because this means they've adopted you as their own, you are now their brother/sister.

Now you may be wondering, if I'm used to all of this, why would I find EN servers that toxic... Well first off, insults and threats are very real in Western world... If you say you will do something, whatever it is, you will find a way to do it whatever it takes. On the other hand, Eastern Europeans will show their bad side only by silence, not threats. One of the worst things you can say to us while being angry is, roughly translated to English, is: "see you around soon enough". This literally means the next time they meet you or you cross their road (yeah just like a black cat), you'll be praying to see them first so you can run away.

So these are completely 2 different approaches towards threatening and toxicity.

Spanish speaking people are somewhat alike Eastern EU, they might be loud and sound aggressive in order to intimidate you but if they really want to hurt you, you'll get the same silent treatment and then you'll start to worry what would happen when you meet them again.

Bots... I guess everyone is using them in all servers, it's just a question of how transparent people are about it.


i is think it is depend who you is to what type experience you is to get when come to people be toxic, i has see some real toxic stuff about people and is think it "wtf! i hate be them right now!"

discord total different though! some people in there is like total nuts! but in these forums i think it tame because of mods keep everyone safe :)


just is keep it joining world chats eventual is be someone all hate and is start attack. i has leave all chats i was in.


World chats are fun if you go in them wanting to shit talk as that is what world chats are for. The past few I've been apart of people took things too seriously or had questionable stuff instead of going into them for fun, which is the end goal imo. Though atm even though the Teos world has been decided for a couple of months is still kind of active cause it's just people chatting instead of people letting their ego take control.


World chats are fun if you go in them wanting to shit talk as that is what world chats are for. The past few I've been apart of people took things too seriously or had questionable stuff instead of going into them for fun, which is the end goal imo. Though atm even though the Teos world has been decided for a couple of months is still kind of active cause it's just people chatting instead of people letting their ego take control.
I think i is maked Teos world chat not is fully sure though