Grepointel provides an awesome close up battle map as well as good online times provided you're good at math. Grepolismaps provides a great world view if you plan to join late or something.
As far as pacts go, it really depends. In the En servers I had a few good pacts. I can actually count on both hands how many I've had in 4.5 years. Some of these guys were willing to help even when your use had run out. I remember on En Omicron, the leader of my ally alliance took me in after I had been gone for two weeks due to RL and my alliance had fallen apart. I had one city and was a slow grower. Though, I immediately showed my gratitude by taking multiple enemy cities that week.
In the US servers, I have yet to really find a competent pact. Many are definitely in the game for themselves here both on a player level and leadership level. I've caught pacts trying to bait us into fighting superior enemies while they did nothing and refused to plan. I've caught another plotting against a different alliance I led. Personally, unless I really know the leader, I won't pact US teams anymore and so far, the leaders on my pact list would be limited to just two.