Gossip And News world Rho


what do you mean? a coaltition is basically a pact, brothers in arms


Rumor is going around that Alpha-Omega is going to betray PiD and break the N.A.P to attack them with RE. But this is just a rumor.


I see xDDD Many says many thing ..But tell us if you can!

Who whitn who vs Who whit who... :D More ditalils ,please! ;)


I see xDDD Many says many thing ..But tell us if you can!

Who whitn who vs Who whit who... :D More ditalils ,please! ;)

As I said, it was all just a rumor. A-O has no intentions of going after PiD, and vice versa.


Well ... Having seen, here are only those of Asteres commenting ... Some rumors and some gossip! Thanks ;) Well nothing happens!

I'm thinking what happens whit the rest of the world ... They are in continuous wars can not comment or what?


They are rumored things ... but in the end nothing concrete ...
Some bite among alliances or some challenges or something, to put it slightly more aggressive .... We Roses us peaceful ... But too many peace is bad even to the bones ... :D

Hopefully we can have fun here among all ....

To say 1: Good thing the Asters comment ..... If not, what are we doing here?:\

To say 2: I do not understand why some bother writing Pms or entering forum post,when no one thinks answering! thisisgrepolis


Rumor has it people are starting to hate the Astartes in O44 :D
Alliances are starting to turtle up to protect themselves from their attacks but it hasn't worked so far. The Astartes are unrelenting.
Lightning bolts are cracking up the sky, hitting their cities. But the Astartes are unshakable.

Messages with threats are sent to members and leaders of the Astartes:

"Just so you're aware, this is nothing personal, but if your friends keep attacking that makes the game no fun. I'm not gonna play a game that's not fun. I have cities in other worlds so I will stop playing in Rho and stick to those. But I will make it point to log on every day so that I can build up my military as much as possible, and use whatever divine power that I can to take down your city wall, destroy your buildings, and plague your city. I do have money to buy gold to participate in the Grepolympics and will buy that divine power to ensure you have as hard a time as possible. You don't have to respond to this message if you wouldn't like. Thanks again :)"

But they are still not backing up.
What must be done in order for the Astartes to back away? Stay tuned! :)


"Just so you're aware, this is nothing personal, but if your friends keep attacking that makes the game no fun. I'm not gonna play a game that's not fun. I have cities in other worlds so I will stop playing in Rho and stick to those. But I will make it point to log on every day so that I can build up my military as much as possible, and use whatever divine power that I can to take down your city wall, destroy your buildings, and plague your city. I do have money to buy gold to participate in the Grepolympics and will buy that divine power to ensure you have as hard a time as possible. You don't have to respond to this message if you wouldn't like. Thanks again :)"

Wow ... What more threatening message! Impressive!

Are not you afraid of this character?! If I send it to me, I'll die of fear ... Alt. + F4 and throw the computer out the window, then I lock myself in the basement and I put a bandage on my eyes .. so that I can not see anything when the end come .... >_<

I mean it ... 8)


Rumor has it Rhomans want Astartes to merge together to defeat PiD
President Spurios *today at 13:48

"It came to my mind today , we are requesting a merge with you guys .
We are being taken out by punk in public and we need help .
What do you say"


Rumor has it Rhomans want Astartes to merge together to defeat PiD
President Spurios *today at 13:48

"It came to my mind today , we are requesting a merge with you guys .
We are being taken out by punk in public and we need help .
What do you say"

It's safe to say that the Astartes are laughing their behinds off right now.


ui ui ui, here smells Cacota
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President Spurios should have never started a war in the first place with PiD
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meh i like my ally how it is let's just wait til they start begging :)


Well ... A Romor ...

This is a message ....

"you guys must be stupid to attack an alliance double your strength, its alright you just helped me to decide who to farm."

We all was farmed! :\
Optimistic! hahahahahahahah Awesome! :D