The Union-Swim-Most of them, if not all, have played on Hyperborea, so they should have a close relationship with each other. They are located in 3 of the 4 core oceans, ( Don't know if that is still close because I can't find a map that is for eta and I do not feel like scrolling) but I think they can overcome that, because Tyler seems to be a good player. I wonder if they can handle a world that you can conquer in. I say yes.
Eclipse-Swim-Another good alliance that is number 1 in ocean 55. They have a good average and I recognize a few of them from other worlds. I wonder if Purple Hornet is happy to get away from the drama in previous worlds.
The 300-Swim-Before I joined, I thought they were an MRA, but after meeting their founder and reading their forums, I realized I made he wrong assumption. This Alliance that is located close and is number 1 in ocean 54. Our founder has experience so I think we will swim.
the wolves-Sink-Although no one has came out and said it exactly, I think they have already have people that want to attack and destroy them. They are losing members rather fast, but like all MRAs in the begginnig, they use their Mass Recruiting magical powers to get some more to replace the ones that left.
I would like to see someone do a rating of the Heroes of Romania if it hasn't already been done by the end of this post. I really do not know what to think about them. They say they have tons of experience, and they do have a few decent members. But they have low average. (Haven't looked up locations yet.)