Float or sink


Post some alliances and say whether you feel they will survive in the future, or sink to the depths of hades...I'll post my input on a couple alliances in a bit:D


The Union-Swim-Most of them, if not all, have played on Hyperborea, so they should have a close relationship with each other. They are located in 3 of the 4 core oceans, ( Don't know if that is still close because I can't find a map that is for eta and I do not feel like scrolling) but I think they can overcome that, because Tyler seems to be a good player. I wonder if they can handle a world that you can conquer in. I say yes.

Eclipse-Swim-Another good alliance that is number 1 in ocean 55. They have a good average and I recognize a few of them from other worlds. I wonder if Purple Hornet is happy to get away from the drama in previous worlds. :D

The 300-Swim-Before I joined, I thought they were an MRA, but after meeting their founder and reading their forums, I realized I made he wrong assumption. This Alliance that is located close and is number 1 in ocean 54. Our founder has experience so I think we will swim.

the wolves-Sink-Although no one has came out and said it exactly, I think they have already have people that want to attack and destroy them. They are losing members rather fast, but like all MRAs in the begginnig, they use their Mass Recruiting magical powers to get some more to replace the ones that left.

I would like to see someone do a rating of the Heroes of Romania if it hasn't already been done by the end of this post. I really do not know what to think about them. They say they have tons of experience, and they do have a few decent members. But they have low average. (Haven't looked up locations yet.)


the wolves-I can't see them going anywhere. They are the biggest MRA I have seen, they are making many enemies from what I've heard already, they're players are dropping, and I have dealt with their leader and he is very inexperienced. Sink
The 300-Top half of their players are very good. Leader seems strong and competent. Although they have a cliche type of name, I like this alliance and I can see them holding it together. They also have a fairly good cluster of players. Float in the immediate future; I'm unsure about after
The Union-Bias. No comment.
ALL IN-Right there with points and average of The Union. I love talking to their leader, he's a pretty cool individual and I think he has the leadership to run a good alliance. Just a little spread out for my liking, but overall a decent cluster. Good luck my friend. Float
Eclipse-Now here is some experience. I want to see a lot coming from these guys. They are growing at a decent rate and points are a high average. The only thing I am afraid of is their grouping. A lot of island differentials in this group. Many players are alone on islands, so I wish them luck in this area. Float without a doubt

*Good luck to all alliances.*


the wolves
SINK-Complete MRA, I have members who messaged me that they keep getting invited to the wolves even when they said no. They are way to spread out, besides that, they have people on there islands that who will farm them easily.
The 300
SWIM-Don't know to much about them but all I know is that they are close together providing good defense and easy to help each other take cities.
SWIM-I know there leader Joseph from Epsilon, not sure if he ever liked being in my alliance there lol but I do know he is a good player. Also they are very close together, compact in 45.
My alliance, no comment.
The Union
SWIM-I know there leader, they come from a different world so all work together well. Also they are all on 1 island, how will you ever take 1 city from them?

I don't really wanna bother with the others, but they will all sink just my prediction.
And yes Black Panther I'm very happy ^_^


So who has intel on the Heroes Of Romania...I am completely unsure of what they are about.
The question is......*drum roll lol* sink or swim?o.o


There very experienced, david achieved the record of have 175 points in Alpha ^_^


The 300- Swim. They aren't MRA's, have alot of members. I say they swim.
the wolves.sink
All in- Swim. Not mra's and have a decent amount of members.
The union-sink, but they do have decent members.


the wolves- Sink, too spread out and players come in and out like crazy. Not a lot of experienced players from what I see.
The 300-Float, based almost entirely in 54 while they are high on members they are nicely placed and should survive for the time being.
Eclipse- Float, Good alliance has a nice point average. Based solely in 55 I think they will do good. Purple hornet is a good leader I am sure, just don't get too high on members ;)
The Union-Float seem to be a close knit group from Hyperborea. Have good leadership and are based on like two islands lol While Hyperborea is not a conquer world I think they are good enough to do fine here in Eta.
ALL IN- No comment.
Heroes of Romania-Float, they might end up to be the russian bears of this server. Just as cocky as the russians were when they first joined. Based on about 3 islands filled with them they are nicely placed. Not sure about the experience they are referring too but we will find out soon enough. Have bad point average and 11 of their players have less than 300 points so they may be high on inactives already. I only say float because I know nothing about their gaming skills.


So, you call russian cocky? You're a n00b!

The Wolves-Float, They're my alliance
The 300-Float
The union-Float
All IN-sink
Heroes of Romania-Float


They usually are...but...
Heroes of Romania-Sink in my opinion. Can't see them holding it together


Here is the data:

The Wolves - 5 say sink; 1 says float
The 300 - 6 say float; 0 say sink
ALL IN - 3 say float; 1 says sink
The Union - 4 say float; 1 says sink
Ecilpse - 4 say float; 0 say sink
Heroes of Romania - 2 say float; 1 says sink


Yea the 300 are a total sinker...loosing players, losing everything haha no control.


Obviously we were all wrong about The 300 :(
Yay Eclipse is 4:0 :D


Eclipse: I know the leader has previous experience on the International Servers, definitely float, though they'll have to work hard to maintain a solid core area in O55.

the wolves: Poorly positioned, they're only big because most of the stragglers immediately applied for the top alliance. I can't say much for their leadership or how organized they are in an entirety. Sink.

The Silence: Mainly scattered in 54, might become a slight threat with not too many stragglers in the beginning now with a nice high average point ranking, though once again I can't say exactly how much experience their leader has. Float for now...

The Union: Apparently they started in Hyperborea, an Elysian Field world I believe, and are currently the ranked 12 alliance there. Their position's nice, however they are swamped in by many other alliances. Float for now. If most of their players started in Hyperborea, then they'll have to have some good lessons on the ways of a revolt world.

ALL IN: Leader looks tried and tested, stable position along 44/54 boundary and 45/55 boundary. Can definitely see good things coming out of this alliance especially in the relatively empty O45 if more players join in that area. Float for sure.


Greetings the 300 sunk because the founder was not active enuff so i took control of the situation and did what i wanted to do from the start of the world We The Silence are here to stay and we will not sink we will not float were all damn strong swimmers as were all warter babies :)good luck to the other alliances



The Silence: Mainly scattered in 54, might become a slight threat with not too many stragglers in the beginning now with a nice high average point ranking, though once again I can't say exactly how much experience their leader has. Float for now...

all need know about me is iv been here before played with the best taught by some of the best and wont let our alliance DOWN :)


Cheers to you then mate. Hope to see your alliance flourish in 54.